– A.W. Cowperthwaite.

Synonym. Scilla Maritima. Natural order. Liliaceae. Common

Squilla acts upon the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tracts, producing irritation, even to inflammation. It also acts upon the kidneys, causing excessive secretion; sometimes bloody urine and even suppression.
Head Cloudy dizziness in the head. Stitching pain in right side of forehead. Contractive pain in both temples. Sudden transient drawing pain in occiput from left to right Eyes Contraction of the pupils. Ears Tearing pain behind the left ear. Nose Acrid, corrosive, fluent coryza in the morning; sneezing and watering of the eyes (Ars., Cepa, Euphr.). Sensation of soreness of the margins of the nostrils. Throat Burning in palate and throat. Irritation and tickling in throat, inducing cough. Stomach Sweet or bitter taste of food. Insatiable appetite. Excessive nausea in back of throat, with accumulation of saliva in mouth. PRessure in the stomach, as from a stone (Ars., Bry., Nux v., Puls.). Abdomen Painful sensitiveness of the abdomen and region of bladder. URinary Organs Continuous painful pressure on the bladder. Great desire to urinate, with profuse emission of watery urine (Apis, Apoc.). Red, deep-colored urine (Acon., Ars., Canth.). Scanty urine. Greatly increased secretion of urine (Apis, Apoc.). Respiratory Organs Cough violent, with stitches in the side; caused by tickling beneath thyroid cartilage; with expectoration of mucus; short and dry on inspiration. Cough in morning, with profuse, slimy expectoration. Cough causes retching. Violent, dry cough, causing shattering in abdomen and dryness in throat. Difficult respiration; frequently obliged to take a deep breath, which excites cough. Oppression and tightness in chest. Dyspnoea, with stitches in chest; worse during inspiration. Stitches in chest, especially when inhaling or coughing; pleurisy (Bry.). Neck and Back Stiffness of thee neck. PAinful jerking above left scapula. Painless drawing on left scapula. Limbs Convulsive twitching of thee arms and legs. Generalities Stretching and yawning, without sleepiness. Great weakness and weariness of the whole body. Excoriation in limbs (Graph., Mang.). Sleep Restless sleep, with much tossing about (Acon.). Fever Icy-cold hands and feet, with warmth of the rest of the body. Dry, burning heat, with shivering and pain when in the least uncovered. Compare Ant. tart., Bry., Caust., Cepa., Kali c., Nux v., Thus tox., Sulph.
Squilla has been used exclusively in catarrhal affections of the respiratory tract. Influenza; bronchitis; pneumonia, later stages; pleurisy; pleuro-pneumonia. Said to be especially useful in pleurisy and pneumonia after blood-letting. Cough during measles. Whooping cough. In all coughs there is considerable rattling of mucus; spasmodic cough; causing urine to spurt; stitches in chest; dyspnoea, etc. Has been used in nephritis; cystitis; diabetes; abdominal dropsy, with scanty urine; atony of the bladder, urine spurts when coughing, sneezing or blowing the nose (Caust.

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