Side Effects of Homeopathic Medicine for Weight Loss

Side Effects of Homeopathic Medicine for Weight Loss:

Homeopathic medicines act wonderfully in weight loss. We need to know the various remedies that act in weight loss before we know the side effects. Of course, homeopathic medicines produce no side effects as long as we use in proper potency and dosage. Nevertheless, some homeopathic medicines cause side effects if used in high potency and improper dose. Side effects of homeopathic medicine for weight loss will known only through their action and the symptoms they produce on patients. As a reason, we have to learn the important indications of various weight loss homeopathic medicines.

Thuja, Baryta Carb, Calcarea Carbonica, Phytolacca Berry, Ferrum Metallicum, Capsicum, and Graphites are most important remedies helpful for weight loss.

Side Effects of Homeopathic Medicine for Weight Loss

Calcarea Carbonica – Side effects of homeopathic medicine for weight loss:

Calcarea carb is used in overdosage can produce forgetfulness, abscesses in deep muscles, polypi, and exostoses. People used Calcarea carb for weight loss in overdose can experience, fears loss of reason, misfortune. Some other Calcarea carb side effects mentioned below.

  • Much perspiration wets the pillow.
  •  Spots and ulcers have on the cornea.
  • Scrofulous inflammation has much- purulent otorrhoea and enlarged glands.
  • Dry, nostrils are sore, ulcerated, stoppage of nose, also with fetid, yellow discharge.
  • Frequent sour eructation has sour vomiting. Dislike of fat, loss of appetite when overworked.
  • Cutting in the abdomen-swollen abdomen and incarcerated flatulence. Moreover, Inguinal and mesenteric glands are swollen and painful.
  • Milk too abundant is disagreeable to the child. Deficient lactation, with distended breasts, has in lymphatic women.
  • The chest is very sensitive to touch, percussion or pressure.
  • Swelling of joints especially is the knee. The burning of soles of feet is.
  • Sweat overhead in children, so that pillow becomes wet.

Phytolacca Berry – Side effects of homeopathic medicine for weight loss:

Overdosage of Phytolacca can cause aching, soreness, restlessness, prostration. Glandular swellings have with heat and inflammation. Has a powerful effect on fibrous and osseous tissues, fasciae and muscle sheaths, acts on scar tissue. Syphilitic bone pains in chronic rheumatism. A sore throat, quinsy, and diphtheria, Tetanus and opisthotonos, the decrease of weight, retarded dentition are some other Phytolacca Berry side effects.

Graphites – Side effects of homeopathic medicine for weight loss:

Used too many doses of Graphites Homeopathic Remedy may cause following side effects.
This remedy initiates skin affections and constipation. Moreover, cause Tendency to obesity, swollen genitals, gushing of leucorrhoea, cicatricial (hard) tissue. Indurations of tissue, Cancer of pylorus, duodenal ulcer are in addition Graphites Homeopathic side effects.

Thuja – Side effects of homeopathic medicine for weight loss:

Thuja mainly acts on skin, blood, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and brain. Its relation to the production of pathological vegetations condylomata, warty excrescences, and spongy tumors is very important. In addition, cause moist mucous tubercles. Further side effects are bleeding fungus growths, nevus, and excess of venosity. The most important action of Thuja is on the skin and genito-urinary organs.

To conclude, above mentions are few Side effects of homeopathic medicine for weight loss. However, there are many remedies for weight loss in homeopathy. Nevertheless, used in improper dose can produce more severe side effects. Please search here on this blog for more weight loss homeopathic remedies and their indications.

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6 years ago

according to me only taking homeopathic medicine to loose weight doesnt work , i do a lot of workout and loose half kg in a month without medicine. one time a week you can have junk food but not daily.

6 years ago

Dear Dr ,
According to me it is not easy to find obesity similimum because if there are no symptoms other than obesity then it is very difficult to find similimum. And please raise new topic on homeopathic medicines available which are mixture of many remedies to reduce weight etc. Does the patent medicine work to reduce weight or they are wastage of money.