– Dr. D.V. Krishnamoorty.

Changeable moods-laziness- procrastinating – confusion – vertigo – unsteadiness – not being prompt – doesnt know how to describe his complaints – is unable to say how it(the complaint) started or due to what it could be – indecision -irresolute – once more attitude that is renewed again and again will do tomorrow attitude – irregularities.

It is perhaps this remedy that needs more elaboration than the remaining thirty-seven flower remedies. to project the picture of this drug, we need at least the total number of pages consumed by all the other drugs! Such is the extensive and also frequently useful symptomatology of SCLERANTHUS.

Moreover, it runs close to many other remedies and so, it has go to be compared with them – WHITE CHESTNUT, CERATO, CHERRY PLUM,. CLEMATIS, CORSE,IMPATIENS, OLIVE, HORNBEAM, WILD OAT and WILD ROSE. (One p.22 of the second months lessons under the title ADVANCED PRACTICE OF FLOWER REMEDIES, we have already discussed how a practitioner may wrongly prescribe CHERRY PLUM for an addict who says that the next bottle will be his last one! Every bottle he buys is according to his assurance, his last bottle.)

In homoeopathy, the following question is very important: Which patient will be exhibiting during his acute disease, the picture of different remedies at different times? In other words, the patient needing which chronic remedy will on various stages of his acute disease, have the picture of different remedies?

The answer in this: It is those patients who need one of the remedies given under MIND – MOOD changeable (Kents Repertory) as their constitutional remedy that we many times can learn the exact picture of many acute remedies. Students of Advanced Homoeopathy are also advised that when they get such a patient, then, without giving the constitutional remedy, if they simply treat him as and when he has acute disease then he (the practitioner) will notice that every time the patient complains of acute diseases it will be seen the picture will show a different remedy. And moreover the picture will be so exact and clear and so while treating that patient at that time of acute illness the indicated remedy gets fixed in the mind of the practitioner. The patient who has changeable mood, during various acute illnesses depicts the picture of the remedy needed at a particular time so clearly that the practitioner feels he can cure that patient with that drug! By keeping such a patient under ones care, without however, giving the constitutional medicine (for the giving of this will cure him of the changeable mood also and thus prevent him from getting various acute diseases with clear-cut indications for an acute remedy each time) and treating him for his acute illness then and there one can acquire a sound knowledge of the symptomatology of various acute remedies. Similarly, in the practices of Dr. Bachs Remedies, it can be seen that the SCLERANTHUS patient has changeableness of mood and in him we can observe the picture of various flower remedies at different times.

The reputed homoeopath, Dr. James Tyler Kent has said that each organ has correspondence with the will (mental symptom) Therefore, we can think of SCLERANTHUS in physical complaints that constantly change, wander or shift about.

We shall now examine various symptoms of SCLERANTHUS. Impromptness or lack of promptness or punctuality.

When a person is not punctual in attending his office then SCLERANTHUS will make him do so. If he has to travel a long distance or has problems with the bus, then he will naturally arrange the time of leaving his house in such a way that he reaches the office on time. Let us now see why it is only the SCLERANTHUS type of person who is always late. Though he wakes up in the morning at 5.30 or 6.00 he does not get up from bed; instead he feels he will sleep for some time, more, e.g. for half-an-hour; at 6.a.m. he will tell himself that he will sleep for half-an-hour longer; but when the clock strikes 6.30, still he wont get up but will say to himself he would sleep another 15 minutes and so on.

Say, he has to be at his office at 10a.m. and it is necessary for him to leave his home at 8.30 a.m. because he has to walk for 15 minutes to reach the bus stop, wait therefore 15 minutes for the bus and then travel in its for 45 minutes and again for walk 15 minutes from the bus stop to his office. Before he leaves home at 8.30 , he needs two hours for his morning routine, such as shaving, bathing etc. Therefore he ought to get up at the latest at 6.30 a.m. But he will say to himself that he will sleep for half-an-hour; then he has to skip his breakfast and have it at the office.

SCLERANTHUS: When several jobs are to be attended to, e.g. sending replies to various letters, he arranges them in such order that he attends first to those letters arranges them are interesting. Boring ones or those that need extra strain, he postpones.

He does that work first which is interesting, though more important work may be on hand that should get priority. E.g., he plays cards or goes to a picture when he ought to sit and study for an examination.

Impromptness means that things do not happen at a time when they ought to. SCLERANTHUS is for the following state of impromptness.

(1) Does not remember which is the correct answer while answering a question paper in the examination hall, but it comes clearly to mind after he has come out of the hall. (White Chestnut also has this symptom; but in that remedy it is due to excitement that the mind becomes blank. As soon as he comes out and the excitement passes he remembers. But it SCLERANTHUS is due to confusion that he is unable to say which one is the correct answer.

(2) Erection fails while attempting coition; on other occasions such as sleep etc. he gets involuntary erection. Erection while travelling (the remedy PLATINA in homoeopathy has this symptom) when it is not required; therefore, for Priapism, satyriasis etc. SCLERANTHUS often becomes a remedy.

(3) Interesting: he is playing cards or goes to a movie when he ought to study for the ensuing school examination because playing cards is interesting. To all those who waste their time in playing cards even when important work is on hand, SCLERANTHUS will be of help. a house-wife once consulted us saying My husband is always absorbed in playing cards; when I request him to arrange for school admission of our five-year old child or ask him to do other hobs in the house, he says he will do it tomorrow We gave her one dram tincture of SCLERANTHUS and told her to add one drop were playing cards in her house; in due course all of them started minding their business.

He goes to another town with the intention of attending to some important job, say making inquiries or buying a thing not available in his own town. On reaching that place, however, he attends only to some of them, leaving behind many other important ones, goes to a movie there, though cinema houses are plenty in his own town! Indifferent to important things. while enthusiastically enjoys works that have no urgency or importance such a gambling, seeing pictures etc.

Scleranthus will create Beech-ism: Let us explain this; For promptness, strict enforcement of discipline is a must otherwise factory workers will not be punctual. where persons are not punctual in spite of the rules of discipline, if we give SCLERANTHUS to them, they will be on time.

(Beech-ism) In pre-independence India, under the bureaucratic British rule discipline was vital. When the British left after Independence, discipline also went away with them This non-enforcement of discipline has aggravated, may created more SCLERANTHUS- ism.

The following story is told to show how interesting is the playing of a game in cards called No. 28

While playing this game, the SCLERANTHUS type of person receives the news of the death of his father; now performing the last rites, is his foremost duty. He must straight away flying down the cards and rush home. But (as has been said, playing cards, particularly the game of No. 28, is so absorbing) he says to his friend to send for the undertaken and in the meantime he will play just one more game to give the undertaken time to come.

When his friends tell him that the undertaker has arrived he says he will play a little longer and asks others to look after the arrangements on his behalf, for the procession; when word reaches him that everything is ready and so he has to come to join the procession, he says, On, the procession has to pass this way and so you make the move. When it comes to this place I shall join it and till such time I shall play. He will join the procession only when it is no longer possible for him to avoid it and he is forced to join it. A dose of SCLERANTHUS (added to drinks kept on the table) Will bring him to senses and after a dose or two of the remedy he will throw the cards down and rush to attends to the rites. The cards game is so interesting that he neglects even his fathers death. such lazy persons do not look after their home or teach their children who may be weak in their studies, may even mean starving their children). SCLERANTHUS is a great boon to their wives. Look at the words used by the SCLERANTHUS type when it is pointed out to him that he is not caring his family. He says; I shall do it later. Postponing of important work in order to attend to less important things merely because of absorbing interest is his characteristic.

Impaired memory; absent-minded, unsteadiness of mind or body. could not bring his thoughts to bear steadily on any subject (Apis in Homoeopathy.)

Constantly busily engaged doing this or that, but doing nothing right. Dreamy and indolent.

Feels thirsty but is too lazy to get water. Thirst with aversion to drink. Hunger with aversion to food. Thirst with desire for warm drinks.

When a thing is uncommon we say I don’t know why. Therefore, when there are symptoms with uncommon modality or concomitants SCLERANTHUS may be thought of as in the above examples.

However hard he tries to remember, things do not come back to his mind.

Inspite of his assuring himself that he has not forgotten anything, only on reaching the railway station does he discover he has forgotten an important thing.

The correct meaning of forgetfulness would be failing to remember or think of (Chambers dictionary) or cease to think of (Oxford). This may be due to several thoughts getting interwined and circling in the mind (Scleranthus) or some unwanted thought repeating itself in the mind (White Chestnut), or the persons thinking of missed opportunities and regretting over it (Honeysuckle) or fear occupying the mind (Mimulus) etc.

Say, a pilot in the air notices something wrong with the aircraft, may be the landing fear is not getting into position for landing, if he gets afraid his hands may not co-operate; Mimulus is the remedy. On the other hand, if he says I don’t know what to do now then SCLERANTHUS is the remedy for him. It MAKES HIM REMEMBER the alternative emergency measures to be adopted in such a contingency. The words coming from the mouth of the person, how he reacts or feels, is more important than the mere fear. We do not treat fear by giving MIMULUS, but we have to treat the person affected by fear, as indicated by his mood. For this purpose, a practitioner need not necessarily be a psycho- analyst or one well learned in psychology etc. ALL THAT HE HAS TO DO IS MERELY AND SIMPLY LISTEN TO THE VERY WORDS COMING FROM THE MOUTH OF THE AFFECTED PERSON.

If SCLERANTHUS is taken an hour or two prior to the time of leaving the house for a long distance journey it brings before the mind all the important things that he has to take with them their belonging on such occasions will find SCLERANTHUS an immense aid, just like an alarm time-piece.

Alarm time-piece! Yes, it is the best example for promptness, a positive quality of SCLERANTHUS. When you set the alarm for the morning at a fixed time, how prompt it is! So also, when a thing is to be promptly remembered at a particular time, then SCLERANTHUS works as an alarm clock. In the alarm time- piece you have to set the mechanism beforehand or in the case of friend or Secretary tell him in advance all that you have to carry with a request to him to remind you at the time of departure: But SCLERANTHUS is an ideal friend and Secretary; he need not even be told in advance. it does not, in fact, bring before the mind, because his mind would naturally be thinking of all the objects to be carried with him such as the ticket, flask etc. If there is excitement (White Chestnut) or confusion. (Scleranthus) it hinders the remembering power.

Promptness and presence of mind are required at the time of departure, while packing things and leaving instructions for others that to do in your absence. Scleranthus gives this prompt and presence of mind.

E.g. you set out for shopping with a particular sum of money. In the bazaar, on seeing a thing which you had been planning to buy for sometime past, you find that you have not brought sufficient money for that costly item. Or, on returning home, you find you have forgotten to buy one important article. If a dose of SCLERANTHUS had been taken at the time of preparing your list before setting out for shopping and another dose while in the bazaar, even if you have not prepared a list it brings before the mind just like an alarm clock all the things you should buy or inquiries to make about.

CONFUSION: The words coming from the mouth of the person direct us to the remedy. Let us now examine the words used by those who need SCLERANTHUS.

I don’t know how I got it?

I am unable to say what can be cause (of this headache etc.)

I have some indescribable feeling in my head.

(Lil-t etc. in homoeo)

In the fifth months homoeo lessons we have given the expressions of the patient for whose condition the rubric Cloudiness, confusion. (p.694 or Oscars) would fit. Among flower remedies SCLERANTHUS is the remedy for all those expressions.

I feel uneasy, but I am unable to find the exact words to describe it.

I don’t get sleep; at the same time I am not wakeful too; I am not clear what the matter is with me.

When a thing ought to happen at a place of our body and it SCLERANTHUS is the remedy.

So also, SCLERANTHUS may be thought of for metastasia. E.g. Vicarious menstruation, heart trouble after suppressed rheumatism; when the menses ought to appear, it does not come, but she develops cough (Senecio in homoeo.)

For changes-change of lie menopause puberty etc. We have said that WALNUT is useful. But SCLERANTHUS also runs close to WALNUT in these states. During dentition or puberty if there are some troubles associated with it, we can give WALNUT; but during change of life, if some other things happen, or things do not take place properly, then SCLERANTHUS also come in-E.g. menses before the proper age menses do not appear at the proper age during puberty. That is, a disease taking a form different from the one in which it is expected to appear. Therefore, for complaints that are ameliorated by discharges we can think of scleranthus. Headache after suppressed cold, convulsions after suppressed menses. During labour the pain-instead of proceeding from above downwards-forces the child upwards. False labor pains. So also feeble or no pain during the time of labor.

The head of the foetus does not get fixed in the pelvis when it ought to. When a thing does not happen at the proper time. SCLERANTHUS and WALNUT may be considered.

For sleeplessness this remedy has been frequently useful. The symptoms are that the person for whom SCLERANTHUS would be useful would say I lie on this side first, then turn the other side, but don’t get sleep in any position. Now, let us examine this symptom carefully. For example, he lies in one position, say on the left side but he does not get sleep; after a while only, he finds it is not Comfortable, and so turns to the right; after a while only, he finds it is not Comfortable and so goes back to the original position (left side) only to change again after a while. This frequent change of position in bed, or rolling in bed with sleeplessness needs SCLERANTHUS. This is not restlessness needing Impatiens. Only after lying for a while, does that position become uncomfortable; this means unsteadiness, every position becomes unsuitable after a while; on turning to the other side the previous one seems suitable, only to again become uncomfortable; on turning to that side.

Irresoluteness; postponing the work will the eleventh hour. He says to himself that he will do a certain work the next day; when the next day comes, he does not do it but the postponing to the next day is renewed. He may as well write on the well as his motto, Tomorrow.

There is a story of the olden days. A man could not repay his debt. One morning the creditor said firmly Now tell me definitely when you are going to pay back the money. Let us also as an evidence write it one the wall (there was no paper in those days) So that you may not later on deny having said it. The debtor said I shall pay tomorrow and accordingly wrote these words on the wall. The next day the creditor came for the money. The debtor promptly showed him the writing on the wall and said the written words of promise say tomorrow. Please come tomorrow.

One of the important, and characteristic symptoms where SCLERANTHUS is concerned is, that when he reads a novel or magazine or story book, he does not fall asleep, he can even overcome sleep because of the absorbing interest of the book but, when he starts reading a text-book for learning a subject or language, he feels sleepy after studying even a few lines. This is SCLERANTHUS AND scleranthus only.

GO-GETTER is not meant for the purpose of doing things want only just like a magician. It may fail. But it will certainly help when the situation forces one to do i,e. When the mind is forced to do it.

For example, what is the remedy to sit like a statue (without moving any part of the body) for hours together? The answer is OLIVE and SCLERANTHUS.

OLIVE because one may feel pain etc. in continuing in one posture-a strain. SCLERANTHUS too would fit in many cases, because after sitting in one position for some time continuously, we feel an urge to make a change which would make us more comfortable. After relaxing a while (i.e. changing the position) we can return to the original position.

But if a person wants to make a demonstration of sitting in one posture (say standing) continuously for days together, SCLERANTHUS will not help. But if he is forced to do it (such as when being confined in a cell) then SCLERANTHUS will, of course, help.

Impromptness: when a thing ought to happen at a particular time but does not happen at that time, we say not prompt. It may happen at some other time. E.g. train being late.

When the urge is felt for voiding urine or defecation, and on going to the toilet if the urine does not come out it means impromptness:

We call this ineffectual urging for urination or for stool SCLERANTHUS is the remedy.

A lady was going frequently to the toilet and this was observed by a male relative of hers, who happened to be a Bach practitioner. On his asking her want was the trouble she said, that she got frequent desire to pass water but on going to the toilet it did not pass out. He gave her a dose of SCLERANTHUS and within minutes she could void urine.

A healthy person normally gets the desire for stool in the morning. A patient once remarked: I don’t know why, I don’t get the desire in the morning. But at some other time, say while in the office, I get the urge. SCLERANTHUS and empty his bowels regularly in the mornings.

In the first months lesson under CHERRY PLUM we have written that it (CHERRY PLUM) is for thirst that is not quenched by several glasses of cool drinks. It is a mistake. When thirst is not quenched by several glasses of drinks it means impromptness; hence SCLERANTHUS is for unquenchable thirst and also for appetite not satiated even by a full meal or insatiable appetite and also for the symptom appetite increases after eating. SCLERANTHUS also covers the symptom appetite satiated by a few mouthfuls.

So also for tenesmus after stool desire remains even after passing urine SCLERANTHUS fits in.

Overpowering sleepless during day time and sleeplessness in the right. SCLERANTHUS is specific for drowsiness in day time.

A sound sleep of six to eight hours at night ought to refresh a person. But when after a sound sleep he wakes unrefreshed SCLERANTHUS may be thought of.

Wakes unrefreshed in the morning: hence need to sleep more; this makes the person a late getter. Therefore, for symptoms of patient sleeps into aggravation SCLERANTHUS is the remedy

Scleranthus and white Chestnut Compared: Repeating the same act; this we find in WHITE CHESTNUT. There are some states, which, to the superficial observer, would seem to be a WHITE CHESTNUT symptom, but close and careful observation will show that SCLERANTHUS fits in.

A person takes his seat in his car after returning from shopping. An odd idea occurs to him. He thinks he will move, after a car with a Registration number that ends with the number 6 as its last digit passes him! Therefore he waits. It so happens that a car with such number does pass. But he does not start at once. He says to himself I shall wait till another car bearing a number ending in 6 passes. He waits again watching.

His once more attitude does not come to an end when the next such a car passes. It is renewed. Another example:- After switching on the ignition he does not take the hand off the switch, he touches it again and again a fixed number of times, say three. This is WHITE CHESTNUT. On the other hand suppose after touching three time he thinks that he will do it again three time once more, and so on; this points to SCLERANTHUS.

WHITE CHESTNUT repetition is generally at the mental level: unwanted thoughts circling round and round constantly, which he wants to banish. In the case of SCLERANTHUS THE repetition of once more is in respect of physical acts. e.g. blinking the eyes, jerking hands etc. But the thought or impulse to repeat the unwanted acts first appears in the mind (see also the SCLERANTHUS type of liquor addict mentioned in the second months lessons under the chapter ADVANCED PRACTICE OR FLOWER REMEDIES).

In the GO-GETTER EXAMPLE NO. 4 (P.78 of the seventh months lesson) we have seen how HORNBEAM helps one concentrate his energy in his hands at a time when it is necessary as in the case of a person trapped inside a cave. When it is necessary at particular time to sharpen the memory (as we say), to be able to recall to mind things from the past, such as having lost the address slip of a friend on reaching new town (which he could only faintly remember) SCLERANTHUS helps us There is not such thing as sharpening ones memory and what SCLERANTHUS does is not sharpening but only removing confusion from the mind. when people speak of ideas being laid up in the memory, they of course speak metaphorically; there is no such repository in which ideas are stored up, ready to be brought out when required for use; when an idea which we have once had is excited again, there is simply a reproduction of the same nervous current, with the conscious addition that it is a re-production it is the same idea plus the consciousness that it is the same. The question then suggests itself, what is the physical condition of this consciousness? what is the modification of the anatomical substrate of fibres and cells, or of their physiological activity,

Some modification of nerval element, where by the nerve circuit was disposed to fall again readily into the same action; such disposition appearing in consciousness as cognition or memory. Memory is, in fact, the conscious phase of this physiological disposition when it becomes active or discharges its functions on the recurrence of the particular mental experience. Psychology affords us not the least help in the matter for in describing memory as a faculty of the mind or the conservative faculty it does no more than present us with a name in place of explanation.

In physiological condition of memory is , then organic process by which nerve-experiences in the different centres are registered.

It must be borne in mind, as Dr. Darwin remarked many years ago that in dealing with memory we have to do not with laws of light, but with laws of life and that he misleading notion of images or ideas of objects being stored up in the mind has been derived from our experience of the action of light upon the retina.


Similarly, AGRIMONY does not itself give Piece of mind but helps one to give vent suppressed emotions so that by getting rid of mental torture the person gets a mind greed from tension. Mind can never rest except except after death.

Impromptness: He could remember the address, as by repeated use (such as writing letters to his friend on various occasion, he has memorised it; lest he should forget it he has even written it on a slip of paper, but he loses this during the journey. What more important work is there for his mind at this time than recalling the address? Just as the wall clock promptly strikes at the end of each half-hour or the fan starts rotating promptly no sooner the switch is flicked.

Scleranthus, when taken by a person, enables him to promptly recall the address.

The Chambers Dictionary states the meaning. of forget thus: to lose or put away from the Memory to fail to remember of think of, a bad memory and Oxford: lose remembrance of or about put tout of mind, cease to think of

The Symptoms of the remedy Beech are directly opposite of SCLERANTHUS.

Constantly attempt something and achieves nothing. This symptom is given under the homoeopathic remedy Cantharis (Boerickes Materia Medica.) SCLERANTHUS covers this symptom.

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