Pierce W.I.


(Sambucus, an elder tree. Elder, the common name for species of Sambucus. Some consider the name as being derived from oauBukn, sambuke, an ancient stringed musical instrument, said to have been made of the wood of the elder) The ordinary elder of Europe is the Sambucus nigra, and that of North America is the sambucus Canadensis, both shrubs of rapid growth and both with black-purple berries, the elder-berries. While the difference between the two is slight, it is distinct, and for us, here, the word Sambucus will refer to Sambucus nigra, the remedy first proved by Hahnemann.
Suffocation (250 or suffocative feeling is one of the prominent symptoms calling for this remedy, with aggravation after midnight, in sudden attacks, arousing one from sleep. Sambucus is apt to be one of the first remedies thought of in suffocative nasal catarrh of young children and for an ordinary case of “snuffles” of infants, with sudden starting up from sleep as if they could not breathe. If this “snuffles” in young babies is at all persistent, be on you guard in reference to its being due to syphilis. We have in Sambucus, suffocative respiration as from an accumulation of mucus, with stitches in the chest, and it is useful in asthma (19) and acute laryngitis, with spasmodic cough and attacks of suffocation from spasm of the larynx (25) or glottis. In laryngismus stridulous, or false croup, it is of value with aggravation after midnight or from lying with the head low; the child is awakened from sleep in fear of suffocation, it cannot exhale (25) and the face grows pale. It is to thought of in whooping cough (48), with suffocative spasm, the cough worse after midnight and from lying with the head low (42). The cough of Sambucus is hard, with hoarseness due to an accumulation of tough mucus, with expectoration during the day and dry at night (45) and worse after midnight (40). A unique and characteristic symptom under Sambucus is, no sweat during sleep but sweats on waking (185). Allen says: “The suppression of the ordinary perspiration during sleep is marked; the skin becomes perfectly dry and burning when the patient falls asleep, but he breaks into profuse sweat immediately on waking.” It has cured intermittent fever having this time for sweating, and Hughes says that with his symptom he has “found it of great use in checking those debilitating perspirations which often retard convalescence after delivery.” I use Sambucus 1x.

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William H.Burt

This is a slight, irritant to the cerebro-spinal system, and through it, acts on the skin as a sudorific. Also affects the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs.
Profuse, debilitating night sweats; (even intermittents.). Very useful in catarrhal affections of the air passages. Whooping cough, suffocative in character: expectoration by day, at night scanty and tough. Suffocative attacks: asthma of Millar. Suffocative asthma, after midnight.

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– Nash E.B.

Is a prime remedy for “SNUFFLES” in small children. It is of the dry variety, completely obstructing the nose, child must breathe through the mouth. It is also one of the best remedies for asthma millari. The attacks come on suddenly in the night; CHILD TURNS BLUE, GASPS FOR BREATH and seems as if almost dying. Then it goes to sleep and wakens with another attack again and again. I once relieved a very bad case of chronic asthma in an old lady having similar attacks of suffocation with the 200th of this remedy. The relief was followed, or rather accompanied, by a profuse flow of urine which carried off a large amount of dropsical effusion in her legs and abdomen. She has remained much better of all her symptoms since and is now VERY old. One very peculiar characteristic which should never be forgotten is “DRY HEAT”while asleep and “PROFUSE SWEAT WHEN AWAKE.” No other remedies has it, and it has been confirmed many times. CON., has “sweats as soon as he closes his eyes to sleep.” THUJA., has sweats on uncovered parts. (BELL., on covered.) PULS., one sided sweats, and many of our best characteristics are found under the so-called fever symptoms, including chill, heat and sweat, and as we are apt to have one or the other, or all of these three conditions in most diseases, it is well to have a ready understanding of them. It will save much time sometimes in hunting after the simillimum.

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+ Elder -Caprifoliaceae.

Adapted to diseases of scrofulous children, which affect the air passages especially. Persons formerly robust and fleshy, suddenly become emaciated [Iod., Tub.].

Bad effects of violent mental emotions; anxiety, grief, or excessive sexual indulgence [Phos. ac., Kali p.]. OEdematous swelling in various parts of the body, especially in legs, instep and feet. Dry coryza of infants [Sniffles]; nose dry and completely obstructed, preventing breathing and nursing [Am. c., Nux]. Dyspnoea: child awakens suddenly nearly suffocated, face livid, blue, sits up in bed; turns blue, gasps for breath, which it finally gets; attack passes off but is again repeated; child inspires but cannot expire [Chlorine, Meph.]; sleeps into the attack [Lach.]. Compare: Arum drac. in Miller’s asthma. Attacks of suffocation as in last stage of croup. Cough: suffocative, with crying children; worse about midnight; hollow, deep whooping, with spasm of chest; with regular inhalations but sighing exhalations. Cough deep, dry, precedes the fever paroxysm. Fever: dry heat while he sleeps; on falling asleep; after lying down; without thirst, dreads uncovering [must be covered in every stage, Nux]. Profuse sweat over entire body during waking hours; on going to sleep, dry heat returns [Sweats as soon as he closes his eyes to sleep, Cinch., Con.]. #Relations

Compare: Cinch, Chlor., Ipec., Meph., Sulph. Relieves ailments from abuse of Arsenicum.

During rest; after eating fruit.

Sitting up in bed. Motion; most of the pains occur during rest and disappear during motion [Rhus]. Follows well: after Opium in bad effects of fright.

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