– Gladwin F. E.

Sabadilla is scratching his head. He feels an itching and crawling in the scalp; look closely and you are quite likely to see the crawlers. The margins of his eyelids are red. Look again and don’t be surprised if you find crab-lice hiding among the lashes. Sabadilla is rubbing his nose; his cheeks are red. Grandma says worms, and Grandma is right for Sabadilla is wormy as well as lousy. Poor vermin laden Sabadilla is sick, he was sick before he hit the lice and the worms; otherwise, he could not have been such a good culture tube for them.

With vermin, we would expect plenty of itching and Sabadilla has it. There is itching of the scalp, itching in the ears, nose, anus, crawling in the skin, itching all over at night in bed. Indeed, he itches nearly as much as our old friends Sulphur and Psorinum.

As might be expected in such a highly psoric fellow Sabadilla is sensitive to cold. He wants to sit down by the fire and he wants hot drinks. He takes cold easily, he has chilliness running upward from his feet to his head, lachrymation, eyelids red, fluent coryza, profuse thin transparent mucus from the nose and violent sneezing. One who could have a cold so exactly like hay fever might have the same symptoms without exposure to cold and that is what Sabadilla does. If he goes out to help make hay or drives past the sweet clover fields or is amongst the blooming ragweed or any other strong smelling or pollen laden flowers, on comes his coryza and violent sneezing. His face is hot, his face and eyes are red and there is a profuse watery discharge from the nose, but now we call it hay fever.

Sabadilla had a morbid appetite for sweet things, puddings, etc., and a disgust for meat and onions. Isn’t that a wormy appetite? Sabadilla has colic. Why shouldn’t he with all these worms? He has cutting knife-like pains in the abdomen, complains of the sensation of a ball revolving and moving through the abdomen. Sabadilla complains much of whirling, wheel-like motion; with vertigo. He says his brain is whirling round and round, if he shuts his eyes, it whirls in the opposite direction. He has whirling in the region of the navel, whirling through abdomen and whirling in the testes. There is whirling in the abdomen and rumbling in the abdomen as though empty.

Sabadilla is restless at night and in the morning starts out of sleep in fright. His nights’ sleep is unrefreshing, is disturbed by confused dreams. He wakens frequently and then feels an icy coldness with a feeling of internal heat and cold sweat. There is an excessive itching all over the body at night in bed and scratching causes violent burning. In the morning on waking he is more tired than upon going to bed. He aches all over as though he had lain on blocks of wood. With these disturbed nights, he is drowsy all day; as soon as he sits down, he drops into a dead sleep and if any one comes along and disturbs him he does not like it a bit; he is real peevish about it. Sabadilla has intense pains in all the bones and especially the joints. It seems as though the inside of the bones were cut with sharp knives. He has throbbing dull stitches, sometimes almost a pinching that wanders about here and there over the body, seldom appearing in the same place.

Sabadilla is extremely weary. There is great weariness and heaviness in all the limbs. He is so weak that he staggers and nearly falls. He feels almost as though paralyzed, especially in the feet. The arms feel heavy and he would like to let them hang down. He is so tired and weak that he wants to lie down especially in the last hours of the morning and towards evening. The soles of Sabadilla’s feet sweat excessively; they are painful on walking. He feels every little stone that he steps upon and it hurts. Sabadilla has much burning pain; he describes it as sensation of hot coals in various parts. There is burning of the scalp and forehead over the eyebrows, burning of the lips, burning in the left eye, in the ears, burning of the tongue, mouth, fauces, throat, all the way down the oesophagus, in the stomach, abdomen and anus; there is burning in the chest and between scapulae; burning in the knees; burning and creeping in the skin here and there about the body. He also has pressing pains and constricting pains. Sabadilla is a little inclined to be hemorrhagic. He has nose bleed, blood with the urine, blood with the stool, he hawks blood from the posterior nares, but that probably comes from the nose.

Many of Sabadilla’s pains begin on the right side and go to the left, but his sore throat takes the opposite direction and begins on the left and goes to the right. His general direction of right to left reminds us of Lycopodium, but Lycopodium’s throat also takes the right to left direction. The left to right direction of Sabadilla’s sore throat reminds us of Lachesis, but most of Lachesis other troubles follow the left to right direction.

Sabadilla feels worse in the last hours of the morning and towards evening. He feels better in the open air, though cold aggravates nearly all of his symptoms and he is glad to sit down by the hot stove and take hot drinks. He feels more comfortable lying down.

Sabadilla is gloomy, ill-humored, vehement, vexed at trifles, furious; he imagines all sorts of strange things about his own body, – that is it is shrunken, his stomach is corroded, his scrotum swollen, etc. He knows it is not so but he imagines he can see it as described. He is anxious, restless, starts at the least noise.

You wouldn’t think that one so yielding as Pulsatilla could combat successfully such a furious fellow as Sabadilla, but she does. You see they are both sometimes gloomy, both have the wandering pains, both the morning and evening aggravation though Pulsatilla’s aggravation comes a little earlier in the morning. Both are drowsy during the day and have restless nights, with sleep disturbed by confused dreams; both are better in the open air, but Pulsatilla is worse from heat of the stove, while Sabadilla is better from the heat of the stove.

Both have chills and fever, tertian, quotidian, quartan, but Sabadilla’s chill comes always at the same hour, while Pulsatilla’s chill may be of the anticipating or postponing type. Pulsatilla’s thirst comes before the chill and with the fever and sweat. Sabadilla has thirst between the chills and heat. In Sabadilla, the chill predominates.

Both Sabadilla and Pulsatilla are useful after the abuse of Quinine.

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