Common name. Phosphorus. Preparation. A saturated solution is
Potencies: Phosphorus 6C,12C,30C or 30CH,200c or 200CH,,1M,10M,50M,LM,CM,
Acts powerfully upon the vegetative nervous system and upon the blood, tending in each to disorganization and destruction, which is manifest more especially in the paralysis consequent upon the destruction of nerve force, and in the disorganization and decomposition of organic substance, consequent upon the modification of the blood life. The first condition produced is one of violent erethism, going on to congestion and inflammation; this soon gives way to a condition of torpor and paralysis, which may indicate exudation in parenchymatous organs, or decomposition of the blood and of organic tissues, including the brain, spinal marrow and the bones. The most essential action of of Phosphorus is upon the blood, the maxillary bones, the lungs and the teeth. The character of this action has already been indicated. In the blood, as a result of the decomposition and of the lowering of the power of resistance in the parietes of the vessels by fatty metamorphoses, there are haemorrhages and ecchymoses; in the maxillary bones and the teeth, caries and necrosis, and in the lungs tissues sanguinous infiltration, while in various organs and tissues there is fatty degeneration, notably in the liver and heart. It causes nephritis, subacute hepatitis and acute yellow atrophy of the liver. In all mucous membranes it causes inflammation and degeneration, especially throughout the alimentary and respiratory tracts. The special action of Phosphorus on each of the separate tissues and organs of the body may only be studied in the careful provings which Hahnemann and his immediate followers have left us.
Mind. Stupor, low muttering delirium (Phos. ac., Rhus tox.); grasping at flocks (Bell., Hyos., Stram.); loquacious (Hyos.). Thinks he is several pieces, and cannot adjust the fragments (Bapt., Petrol.). Stupor from which he would be aroused fro a moment only to lapse back into a muttering lethargy; and forgetfulness. Great apathy; very sluggish; dislike to talk; answers slowly or not at all (Merc., Phos. ac.). Great indifference to everything (Berb., Carb., v., Cinch., Phos., ac., Selen.). Alternations of hysterical laughing and weeping (Acon., Ign., Nux m.). Tender mood, weary of life. Sad, apprehensive, depressed; filled with gloomy forebodings (Ign., Natr. mur., Plat., Puls.). Anxious, apprehensive. Great anxiety and restlessness (acon., Ars., Bell.), especially when alone or during a thunder storm. Nervous, fearful (Acon., Cinch., Ign.), especially in the evening (Calc. c., Rhus tox.). Very irritable and fretful mood (Bry., Nux v.). Great indisposition to mental or physical exertion (Nux v., Sep., Sulph.). Inability to think; ideas slow; cannot keep the mind on any particular subject (Gels., Nux v., Phos. ac.). Head. Vertigo, with heaviness sand pain in head, as if he has been lying with the head too low. Staggers while walking. (Nux m.); after rising from bed (Bry., Cham., Lyc., Picr. ac.); or from a seat (Bry., Kali bi.); worse mornings (Alum., Nitr. ac.). Great dullness of the head; confused and heavy, with some vertigo. Weakness in head, could not endure sound of a piano. Congestion to the head (Acon., Bell., Glon.). Dull, pressive, frontal headache, extending to the eyes and root of nose (Acon., Bapt., Kali bi., Merc. iod.). Throbbing pain in the temples. Stupefying pain in the vertex. Sensation of coldness in cerebellum, with sensation of stiffness in the brain. Pulsations, sticking and burning in the brain; the heat enters the head from the spine (reverse, Paris.). Sensation of heavy pressure on 40 the top of the head. The brain always feel s tired, as if he could not get it rested. Shocks in the head following a mental strain. Sensation, as if the skin of the forehead were too tight (Caust.). Violent itching of the scalp (Caust.); with copious dandruff (Canth., Mez.). Falling out of the hair (Graph., Nitr. ac., Sep., Sulph.); the roots seem dry; in large bunches; bald spots above the ear. Eyes. Pupils contracted (Merc. cor., Op., Phyt., Physos.); dilated. Eyes give out while reading (Myrica, Ruta, Sep.). Distant objects appear to be covered by a smoke or mist (Gels., Lyc., Natr. mur., Sil.), Sees better in the morning, in twilight, or by shading the eyes with the hand. As if a black veil were before the eyes. Green halo around the candle (Osm.; red halo, Bell.). Black floating points; sparks, spots and flickering before the eyes (Agar., Bell., Cycl., Merc., Sep., Sulph.). OEdema of the lids and about the eyes (Ars., Apis., Natr. ars., Rhus tox.). Twitching of left lids and external canthus. Frequent itching in the eyes. Ears. Difficult hearing, especially of the human voice (Sil.). Sounds re-echo in the ears (Caust., Merc., Phos. ac.). Feeling as if something were in front of the ears. Roaring ringing in the ears. Aching. Tickling. Itching. Nose. Nose swollen and painful to touch (Alum., Nitr. ac., Rhus tox.). INternal nose swollen, dry, and stopped up; ulcerated; scabs on margins of nostrils (Alum., Calc. c., Graph., Lyc., Merc., Sulph.). Polypus of the nose (Calc. c., Mar. ver.); bleeding easily. Frequent sneezing (Acon., Gels., Sang.). Greenish-yellow discharge from the nose (Kali bi.); bloody, purulent mucus. Frequent blowing of blood from the nose; profuse nosebleed (Acon., Ham.). Slow bleeding. Coryza; with inflammation of the throat (Merc.), and dullness of the head; fluent and dry alternating (Alum., Nux v., Sil.). Over-sensitive smell (Acon., Agar., Bell., Colch., Graph., Hep. s., Lyc., Sulph.); especially with headache. Face. Face red, pale, sunken, earthy (Natr. carb.); sickly yellow (Sep.); icteric (Chel.): swollen, puffy (Rhus tox.). Eyes sunken with blue rings around (Cinch., Kali iod., Sec., Sulph.). Cheeks hot; one or the other. OEdema of the lids and around the eyes (Apis.) Tension of the skin of the face. Tearing, darting pains in bones of the face, temples and jaw. Lips dry and parched, swollen (Bry.). Crack in middle of lower lip. Necrosis of the lower jaw, rarely of the upper. Mouth. Tearing, stinging pains in teeth. Gums separated from the teeth, and bleed easily (Arg. nit., Carb. an., Carb. v.), especially from touch (Merc., Nitr. ac.); painfully sensitive (Carb. an., Merc.). Toothache from having the hands in cold water. Tongue swollen, dry and black (Op., Verat. alb.), chalky white; dry and white; dry and red (Rhus tox.); dry and brown center (Bapt., Plumb.); coated yellow (Chel., Cinch.). Dryness of the mouth and throat (Ars., Bry., Nux m., Puls.). Bitter taste in the mouth; sour; after milk. Bloody erosions on inner surface of cheeks. Salvia increased, watery, tasting saltish (Ant. crud., Merc. cor., Sulph.); or sweetish (Plumb., Puls.). Difficult articulation (Bell., Gels., Stram.); speech slow. Throat. Dryness of the throat day and night. Tonsils swollen. Hawking of cool mucus in the morning. Roughness and scraping in the throat; worse toward evening (Amm. carb., Carb. v., Caust., Puls., Rumex.). Stomach. Ravenous hunger, especially at night; feels faint. Loss of appetite (Alum., Ars., Cinch., Natr. mur., Op.). Longing for acids and spicy things (Ant. crud., Ant. tart., Hep. s., Verat. alb.). Thirst; unquenchable; longs for something refreshing (Phos. ac.). Regurgitations of food (Podo.); also in mouthfuls (Alum., Carb. v., Nux v., Sulph.). Eructations, empty, sour, of food; tasting of the food (Ant. crud., Calc. c., Carb. an., Cinch., Graph.); ineffectual. Much belching of wind after eating (Carb. v., Cinch.). Constant nausea (Ant. tart., Digit., Ipec., Lob.). As soon as the water becomes warm in the stomach it is thrown up (Bism.). Vomiting of food (Ipec., Kreos., Plumb., Verat. alb.); of blood, mingled with bile and mucus (Nitr. ac.); of black substances (Plumb.); like coffee grounds. Great fullness in stomach, and painfulness to touch and pressure (Ars., Bell., Bry., Lyc.). Cardialgia. Pressure, as from a hard substance above pit of stomach. Pressure in pit of stomach, as from a heavy weight, after eating (Bry., Nux v.). Oppression and burning in epigastrium (AEsc., Ars., Canth., Iris., Verat. alb.). Drawing pin in pit of stomach, extending to chest. Spasmodic drawing pain in stomach (Puls.). Abdomen. Enlargement and induration of the liver (Cinch., Sulph.); with pain. Pain in hepatic region on pressure. Enlargement of the spleen (Cinch.). Sensitiveness in hepatic region, worse when lying on right side, with pain on touch. Painful pulsation in right hypochondrium. Abdomen distended and tympanitic; painful to touch (Bell., Cinch.). Incarcerated flatus; loud rumbling in abdomen (Lyc.); emission of much flatus (Aloe, Cinch., Lyc.). Sensation of great weakness and emptiness in abdomen. (Sep., Stan.); must lie down. Sensation of coldness in the abdomen (Caps.). Stool and Anus. Stitches or smarting in rectum. Paralysis of the sphincter ani, anus always open. Violent burning in anus and rectum, with great exhaustion, after stool (Ars., Cinch.). Urging in rectum; on rising; stitches and itching in anus. Painless, debilitating diarrhoea (Cinch., Podo; not debilitating, Phos. ac.); worse mornings (Aloe, Apis, Rumex, Sulph.). Chronic, painless diarrhoea of undigested food (Calc. c., Cinch., Podo.). Desire for stool whenever she lies on left side. Intestinal haemorrhage. Diarrhoea; stools involuntary (Arn., Ars., Carb. v., Hyos.); at least motion, gray or whitish-gray (Phos. ac.); bloody; green; watery, with flakes of mucus and clots of blood; watery, with whitish-yellow and cheesy masses; lumps of white mucus; copious, like water from a hydrant. Constipation; faeces slender, long, dry, tough and hard, like a dog’s; voided with difficulty (Caust.); small, dark, difficulty, clay-colored. Urinary Organs. Frequent micturition at night; scanty discharge. Urine turbid and high-colored; brown, with red, sandy sediment (Arn., Cinch., Lyc., Natr. mur., Nuph.); deposits white, cloudy sediment (Calc. c., Sep.); variegated cuticle appears on surface; albuminous (Merc. cor., Osm., Phyt., Plumb.); bloody, milky- white. haematuria (Arn., Canth., Colch., Ham., Tereb.); with acute pain in region of kidneys and liver, and jaundice. Male Organs. Sexual excitement; frequent erections and emissions, or irresistible desire for coitus (Canth.); with feeble erections or none at all. Emissions soon after coition. Impotence after excessive excitement and onanism (Cinch., Phos. ac., Staph.). Female Organs. Menses too early and too scanty, or too profuse; pale, with colic, nausea and diarrhoea. Frequent and profuse metrorrhagia (Acon., Ham.). Acrid, excoriating leucorrhoea (Alum., Coni., Kreos., Merc., Puls.). Respiratory Organs. Hoarseness, cannot speak above a whisper (Acon., Carb. v., Caust., Spong, Sulph.); mornings. Voice husky, rough. Aphonia; from prolonged loud talking (Arg. met., Arg. nit., Arum. triph.). Irritability in lower part of trachea, with suffocative pressure in upper part of chest. Cannot talk on account of pain in the larynx (Bell.). Rawness in larynx (Acon., Ambr., Lach., Plumb., Sulph.) and trachea, with frequent hacking cough and hawking. Cough dry; tickling, with tightness across chest (Angust., Merc. cor.); hollow spasmodic, loose, without expectoration; with soreness of chest (Arn., Caust., Nux v., Stram.); loose rattling; hacking; hollow, mornings, in bed, with trembling of whole body; dry on reading aloud; from tickling in throat (Hep. s., Rumex, Sang., Sep.); with violent oppression of the chest and difficult respiration, causing pain in the abdomen. Expectoration difficult, frothy; bloody; rust-colored; tenacious, purulent mucus (Kali bi.); mucus streaked with blood (Digit.); purulent, white and tough; cold mucus, tasting salty (Ambr., Calc. c., Carb. v., Lyc., Sep.); transparent night (Nux v., Puls.); from reading, laughing or loud talking (Cinch., Dros.); from lying on left side or back; drinking; exercise. Pains in chest, with coughing, relieved by external pressure. Respiration short, labored, anxious, panting, with the tightness and oppression of the chest. Loud mucous rales during respiration (Ant. tart., Ipec.), especially in lower lobes. Tightness; of upper part; worse lying on left side. Sensation as if everything about the chest were too tight. Congestion of the chest, with anxiety and oppression. Heaviness in the chest, as if a weight were lying on it (Ferr., Nux v.). Stitches in the chest (Acon., Bry., Kali c.), especially on left side (Sep., Stram.). Stitches through lungs, worse on deep inspiration, in various parts. Suffocative constriction of the chest; at night. Burning, soreness and tension in chest. INflammation of the lungs; hepatization; especially of lower half of right lung, later part of period of deposit, and early part of that of absorption. Suppuration. Cavities. Tubercles, with hectic fever. All symptoms worse when lying on left side. Yellow spots on chest (brown spots, Sep.). Heart and Pulse. Violent palpitation, with anxiety, evening and mornings in bed; while lying on left side (Natr. carb., Natr. muc.); on slight motion. Blowing sounds of the heart. Pressure in middle of sternum and about the heart. Pulse rapid, full and hard; small, weak, easily compressed. Neck and Back. Stiffness in nape of neck (Kali c., Lach., Rhus tox.). Weakness in back, as if crushed, then weakness in limbs, and trembling on least exertion. Sensitiveness of spinous processes of dorsal vertebrae to pressure (Agar.). Softening of the spine. Burning pain between the scapulae. Pain in a small spot between shoulder blades. Pain in lumbar region. Limbs. Weakness in all the limbs, as if paralyzed; especially in joints, trembling from every exertion. Swelling of hands and feet. Bruised pain in limbs. Extremities, especially hand and feet, heavy as lead. Upper Limbs. Tearing pain in left shoulder, worse at night in bed. Stiffness in morning on washing, with pressure. Arms and hands become numb; fall asleep. Trembling of the hands (Agar., Calc. c.). Fingers drawn bent at times as from cramp. Fingers, especially tips, feel numb and insensible. Motor paralysis of fingers. Lower Limbs. Uneasiness, weakness, worse on ascending steps, with heaviness. Pain in right hip-joint. Suppurative pain in nates on sitting long. Bruised pain in periosteum of tibia. Gangrenous periostitis of tibia, with fever; the periosteum peeled off as far as the knee, leaving the bone rough. Weariness and heaviness of the legs and feet. Paralytic feeling in feet. Pain in knees drawing to feet. Cramps in the calves. Sprained pain in ankles on walking. Heaviness in the hollow of the knees. Feet swollen in the evening, or when walking. Generalities. Great emaciation (Ars., Fever., Graph., Iodi.). Can lie only on the right side (reverse, Merc.). Haemorrhages from various organs and parts of the body (Croc., Ham.); blood fluid, non- coagulable. Small wounds bleed much. Great weakness and prostration of the whole system (Ars., Cinch., Ferr.). Nervous exhaustion, with general heaviness and dread of motion. Mucous membrane pale. Muscular system lax. Ataxia and adynamia. Trembling. Motions involuntary and uncertain, as in palsy. Paralyzed feeling. Painful heaviness of the whole body. Lying on the left side at night causes anxiety. Numbness of the whole body, accompanied by pricking sensations. Takes cold easily in open air (Calc. c., Kali c., Sil.). Pains tearing, drawing, tensive, excited by slightest chill; body feels bruised, with sensation of coldness. Epilepsy, with consciousness. Spasms of the paralyzed side. Paralysis, formication and tearing in the limbs; anaesthesia; increased heat. Exostosis, especially of the skull. Hip-joint disease, oozing a watery pus. Skin. Jaundice (Chel., Cinch., Merc.). Pale. Ecchymosis (Arn., Sec.). Petechia (Arn., Ars., Sec.). Purpura haemorrhagia spots. Anaesthesia. Formication. Itching over the whole body. Tetter in round spots over whole body. Ulcers bleed on appearance of menses. Fistulous ulcers: erysipelatous; pus thin, ichorous, hectic. Sleep. Constant sleepiness; coma vigil. Sleepless and restless before midnight. Unrefreshing sleep. Dreams anxious, lascivious; of fire; of biting animals; of restless work and business which he could not finish. Sleepy all day, restless at night. Fever. Typhus fever, often with pneumonia and bronchitis, that developed into consumption. Chilliness every evening, with shivering; without thirst (Ign., Puls.); not relieved by warmth. Coldness of limbs; in knees at night in bed. Chill at night, alternating with heat. Heat, with anxiety, burning in face and hands, flushed cheeks, left more than right; afternoon and evening. Heat at night. Profuse perspiration; at night (Cinch., Merc.); during sleep (Cinch.); in morning, in bed (Calc. c., Chin. sulph., Nitr. ac.); on slight exertion (Calc., c., Hep. s., Kali, nit., Lyc., Sep., Sil.). Exhausting sweat in morning. Cold, clammy sweat (Ars., Camph., Kali nit., Merc.). Aggravation. Before midnight; during a thunder storm; when lying on back or left side; in warm room; from onanism and emissions. Amelioration. In cold, open air; after eating; from rest. Conditions. Tall, slender women. Compare. Acon., Ambr., Amm., Apis., Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc. c., Carb. v., Caust., Cinch., Crotal., Ipec., Kali c., Lyc., Merc., Nux v., Natr. sulph., Podo., Puls., Rhus tox., Sec. cor., Sep., Sil., Sulph. The remedies Calc. c., Cinch., Kali c., Lyc., Nux v., Picr. ac., Rhus tox., Sil., and Sulph. precede Phos. well, white Ars., Carb. v., Rhus tox. and Sulph. follow well. Antidotes. Camph., Coff. c., Nux v., Tereb., Vinum. To large doses: Emetics; Magnesia in winter. Phosphorus Antidotes. Excessive use of Salt: Iodi., Camph., Tereb., Rhus ven.
Phosphorus is the first remedy to be thought of in fatty degeneration of organs, especially of the liver and kidneys. It may also be useful when it is the lungs, heart, kidneys. It may also be useful when it is the lungs, heart, brain or spine that is affected. It is indicated in a haemorrhagic diathesis haemorrhages from various organs and parts of the body, the blood being fluid and non-coagulable, hence the symptoms “small wounds bleed much, ” it being almost impossible to stop the bleeding from the prick of a pin, or from a small cut (compare Lach.). Persistent haemorrhages after extraction of a tooth. Useful in diseases of bones-caries and necrosis, as will be hereafter noticed. Exostosis, especially of the skull. Rickets. Frequently indicated in marasmus. Fistulous ulcers, especially in glands. Polypi, erectile tumors, ulcers, etc., which bleed readily. Vascular growths. Fungus haematodes. Fungus excrescences. Ecchymoses. Petechia. Purpura haemorrhagica. Cancerous ulcerations, burning, profuse bleeding. Psoriasis palmaris. The action of Phos. upon the nervous system is of special clinical importance. The mental symptoms are peculiar, and frequently indicate the drug in typhoid fever, especially with painless diarrhoea, and swollen liver and spleen. Especially useful when a typhoid state sets in with pneumonia or other respiratory disease-typhoid-pneumonia, etc. The chief remedy in brain fag; sometimes with a feeling of coldness in the cerebellum and stiffness in the brain. Neuralgia of the brain. Apoplexia; grasps at the head; mouth drawn to the left. Impending paralysis of the brain and collapse; burning pain in brain. Very often required in softening of the brain, with persistent headache; slow answering questions; vertigo; feet drug; formication; numbness of the limbs. Acute atrophy of the brain and medulla oblongata, with uraemia. Useful in many forms of paralysis. Paralysis of face and extremities, usually hemiplegic. Post-diphtheritic paralysis. Paralysis following exposure to wet. Pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis, with numbness, etc. Spinal irritation; spine sensitive to touch; weakness, the back soon gives out, the limbs tremble and totter, etc., especially from loss of animal fluids, haemorrhages, sexual excess, etc. Locomotor ataxia, with burning along the spine, formication; may arise from causes last named. Chorea especially in children who are growing too fast; they are weak and walk as if paralyzed. General neuritis, with numbness, etc. Phosphorus is an invaluable remedy in diseases of the deeper tissues of the eye, especially when involving the nerve supply. Dim vision from nervous exhaustion, especially sexual neurasthenia, objects seem covered by a smoke or mist. Various disturbances of vision from lesion of the retina and optic nerve. An invaluable remedy in muscular asthenopia, the eyes pain and give out when reading. Myopia. Amblyopia after typhoid, fever, sexual excess or loss of fluids. Blindness after a lightning stroke. Retinitis albuminurica. Retinal apoplexia. Glaucoma, and detachment of retina. Will arrest the growth of a cataract if the symptoms of vision, etc., are present. Lachrymal fistula. Deafness from neurasthenia. Polypus of the nose, bleeding easily. Nasal catarrh, nose swollen and sore; obstructed; ulcerated; greenish, yellow, bloody discharge. Caries of the nasal bones. Necrosis of the lower jaw, rarely of the upper. Retarded development of speech in children. Phosphorus is useful in a variety of disease of the digestive system. Atonic dyspepsia, and regurgitation of food with vomiting. Vomiting o pregnancy. The vomiting of Phos. is temporarily relieved by a cold drink, but returns as soon as the water becomes warm in the stomach. Chronic gastritis. Perforating ulcer of the stomach. Cancer of the stomach. Grasping, with excruciating, cutting, burning pains, and heavy pressure. Haemorrhage of the stomach, temporarily better by drinking cold water. Diseases of the pancreas (iris), especially inflammation or fatty degeneration, with Phos. symptoms, stools oily or like cooked sage. A useful remedy in various diseases of the liver, especially fatty degeneration. Jaundice from organic changes in the liver, stools grayish-white. Malignant jaundice. Jaundice from anaemia; from brain disease; during pregnancy, Diffuse hepatitis. Cirrhosis of the liver. Hepatitis, being extremely valuable in the stage of suppuration, much swelling and soreness of the liver, hectic fever, night sweats. Acute yellow atrophy of the liver. Ascites. Chronic enteritis, stools pasty and yellow. Intestinal haemorrhage; bleeding haemorrhoids; chronic diarrhoea; painless, worse in hot weather; stools contain undigested food; or particles like grains of fallow, very debilitating. Cholerina. A valuable remedy in constipation, with the characteristic long, dry, hard stool. Very frequently useful in Bright’s disease, the urine containing epithelial, fatty or waxy casts, especially with the characteristic degenerative heart changes, pulmonary engorgement and oedema. Haematuria. A valuable remedy in sexual weakness, with great desire and excitement, too rapid emissions, nocturnal pollutions. Impotence after excesses. Nymphomania. Sterility. Menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia, especially in nursing women. Amenorrhoea, with blood-spitting, or haemorrhage from nose, anus or urethra (Bry., Ham., Puls.). Chronic metritis. Membranous dysmenorrhoea. Cancer of the uterus, sharp, lancinating pains, bleeding easily. Abscesses and ulcerations of the mammae, with hardness (Coni.); bluish color (Lach.); red streaks start from the openings in the abscess; fistulous openings with burning, stinging pains; thin, watery, ichorous, offensive discharges (Silic.). Phosphorus is an exceedingly valuable remedy in respiratory diseases, in which it is more often prescribed than in any other form of disease. Laryngitis, with hoarseness and aphonia, larynx extremely sore, so that it causes pain to talk or cough. aphonia from prolonged loud talking. Not useful in the first stags of croup, but may be late in the disease, when collapse threatens, rattling breathing, weak, thready pulse. Said to act as a prophylactic and prevent the rectum of the disease. Tracheitis and bronchitis, with dry cough; worse in going from warm to cold air, from lying on the left side, caused by tickling in trachea, frothy, mucous expectoration, with soreness, oppression and constriction in chest. Occasionally useful in capillary bronchitis. Phosphorus is indicated in a great variety of coughs, the character of which is mostly outlined in the foregoing pathogenesis. It is often a useful remedy for reflex coughs, brought on by excitements strong odors, or any nervous disturbance; also reflex from stomach and hepatic derangement. Phosphorus is an invaluable remedy in pneumonia after exudation has taken place. It is never indicated in the inflammatory stage of this or any other disease, but follows after the symptoms usually indicating Acon. and Bry. (not in alternation) have subsided and the patient has a dry cough cough with bloody mucus, or rust-colored expectoration, violent oppression or tightness of he chest, difficult breathing , as if a heavy weight lay on the chest, worse when lying on the left side. May be useful whey any part of the lungs are involved, but more often the lower lobe of the right lung. There is complete solidification of lung tissue, with dullness on percussion and an absence of vesicular murmur. In purulent infiltration and abscesses of lungs in the third stage of pneumonia. May be indicated in any stage of pneumonia when typhoid symptoms supervene, as has already been mentioned. Chronic solidification of the lung after typhoid fever. Broncho-pulmonary catarrh, with dilatation or fatty degeneration of the heart. In pulmonary tuberculosis Phos, is valuable in the stage of tubercular deposit, especially of miliary tubercles, attended with afternoon fever, flushed cheeks, dry, short cough, rapid respiration and progressive emaciation. Said to be especially useful in tuberculosis occurring in tall, slender parsons, or in the young who are rapidly growing great debility; frequent attacks of bronchitis; hoarseness and aphonia; dry, tormenting cough; hectic fever. Phthisis florida. Haemoptysis. Fatty degeneration of the heart. Endo-carditis; myocarditis, especially when occurring in the course of pneumonia or acute rheumatism.
[…] PHOSPHORUS in Homeopathic Materia Medica effects blood […]
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Sir my father is having high blood pressure, feeling numbness in upper limbs. Unable to hold the things. He is adopted for homeopathic treatment and not willing to go for allopathic medication. Please help me. What can i do. his age is 80 years. trembling voice and weakness in general.