Phosphorus Homeopathy personality benefits and side effects:

Phosphorus Homeopathy is an extraordinary Homeopathic medicine helpful in multiple complications. This medicine is really a great gift for Homeopathic patients as well to doctors. Phosphorus in real is a chemical made into Homeopathic potency by Homeopathic founder Dr.Hahnemann. Harmful chemical becomes harmless phosphorous by a peculiar process in Homeopathy called Potentisation.

Phosphorus Homeopathy personality benefits and side effects

Phosphorus homeopathy personality – phosphorus homeopathy mind:

Below symptoms related to the phosphorus personality and mind.

Phosphorus personality is tall, slender persons, narrow-chested, with thin, transparent skin. These people especially weakened by the loss of animal fluids and with great nervous debility. Persons are often prone to emaciation, amative tendencies. Phosphorus personality has a great susceptibility to external impressions, to light, sound, odors, touch, electrical changes, and thunderstorms. These people experience suddenness of symptoms, sudden prostration, faints, sweats, shooting pains, etc.

Mind Symptoms of Phosphorus Homeopathy:

  • Phosphorus homeopathy mind, in contrast, possesses great lowness of spirits and easily vexed.
  • Fearfulness, as if something were creeping out of every corner.
  • The clairvoyant state is the most peculiar mind of phosphorus.
  • Phosphorus homeopathy mind is over-sensitive to external impressions. In addition, have Great tendency to start.
  • Other mind features are Loss of memory, ecstasy. Moreover, possess paralysis of the insane. That is paralytic dementia, is a severe neuropsychiatric disorder, classified as an organic mental disorder. Have Insanity, with an exaggerated idea of one’s own importance.
  • Phosphorus homeopathy mind has the dread of death when alone.
  • Brain feels tired of Phosphorus patients.
  • Excitable produces heat all over.
  • Restless, fidgety is common in all phosphorus patients.
  • Phosphorus mind becomes Hypersensitive, indifferent in last stages.

Phosphorus Homeopathic Remedy for Coughs:

A cough from tickling in the throat and worse, cold air, reading, laughing, and talking. from going from a warm room into the cold air. Phosphorus Homeopathic Remedy for Coughs produces expectoration has the sweetish taste while coughing. Hard, dry, tight, racking cough is the type of a cough, phosphorus patients have.

Phosphorus, cough patients feel congestion of lungs. Burning pains comprise heat, and oppression of chest. Tightness in the chest and great weight on chest, most indicated symptom of phosphorus coughs.

These patients suffer sharp stitches in chest, respiration quickened, oppressed. In addition, experience much heat in the chest. Pneumonia in phosphorus homeopathy, take place with oppression, worse, lying on left side. Whole body trembles, with a cough in these patients.

A cough from tuberculosis in tall, rapidly growing young people. Do not give Phosphorus Homeopathic Remedy for Coughs too low or too frequently here. Phosphorus Homeopathy Remedy may but hasten the destructive degeneration of tubercular masses. Repeated hemoptysis caused by Phosphorus homeopathy. Phosphorus Homeopathic Remedy for Coughs causes pain in the throat while coughing.

Phosphorus 30 homeopathy function – phosphorus 200 homeopathic medicine benefits – homeopathic medicine phosphorus 1m:

Whether it is Phosphorus 30c of 200c or 1M, the action is the same. The benefits function and side effects stay same for all the potencies. However, the main difference is the intensity of symptoms. Phosphorus 30 produces less severe symptoms when compared to phosphorus 1M.

Below are the phosphorus 30,200 or 1M homeopathy medicine benefits, and indications.
  • Itching of scalp, dandruff, falling out of hair in large bunches.
  • Cure of Cataract, Partial loss of vision from abuse of tobacco, is phosphorus 30 homeopathy functions. In addition, possess Amaurosis from sexual excess. Phosphorus 200 homeopathic medicine benefits in Glaucoma and Thrombosis of retinal vessels and degenerative changes in retinal cells.
  • Homeopathic medicine phosphorus 1m helps for the dullness of hearing after typhoid.
  • Phosphors patients Handkerchief is always bloody and Polypi bleeding easily.
  • Phosphorus 200 homeopathic medicine benefits swelling and necrosis of lower jaw.
  • Swelled and easily bleeding gums, ulcerated. Phosphorus 30 homeopathy functions intended for a toothache after washing clothes.
  • stomach symptoms of Phosphorus are sour taste and sour eructations after every meal. Phosphorus 200 homeopathic medicine benefits during belching large quantities of wind, after eating.
  • Phosphorus homeopathy liver is congested and has acute hepatitis. The Phosphorus 200 homeopathic medicine benefits also meant for Fatty degeneration, Jaundice, Pancreatic disease.
  • Phosphorus constipation consists difficult to expulsion. The desire for stool occurs on lying on left side.
  • Phosphorus 30 homeopathy functions heading for Haematuria, especially in acute Bright’s disease.
  • Phosphorus 200 female symptoms include Metritis, Chlorosis, and Phlebitis. Fistulous tracks after mammary abscess.
  • Homeopathic medicine phosphorus 1m is of assistance in ascending sensory and motor paralysis from ends of fingers and toes.
  • Moreover, phosphorus 200 homeopathic medicine benefits in support of purpura haemorrhagia, scurvy, fungous nematodes, and excrescences.

Phosphorus homeopathy side effects:

The overdose of Phosphorus, especially produce following side effects: Overdose means the use of Phosphorus 1M and 200c potencies frequently.

Phosphorus homeopathy side effects irritate, inflames, and degenerate mucous membranes. Moreover irritates and inflames serous membranes, inflames spinal cord and nerves. As a result causing paralysis destroys bone, especially the lower jaw and tibia. Furthermore disorganizes the blood, therefore causing fatty degeneration of blood vessels and every tissue and organ of the body. Thus, gives rise to hemorrhages, and hematogenous jaundice. Phosphorus homeopathy side effects produce a picture of destructive metabolism. In addition, causes yellow atrophy of the liver and sub-acute hepatitis.

Therefore, phosphorus homeopathy function has its benefits and side effects. Use phosphorus in minimum and low potencies if so phosphorus 200 homeopathic medicine benefits. Use Homeopathic medicine phosphorus 1m only when lower potencies fail.

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Malathy babu..
Malathy babu..
5 years ago

I’m 32 years female, suffering from ulcerative colitis for the past 3 years with mucus motion and fatigues, and exess bile secreation…what can i take sir

6 years ago

left side paralyzed vocal cord

paralyzed vocal cord
6 years ago

My problem is dandruff, itching scalp, dry and frizzy hair. What medicine is best?
Thank You

Riya saha
Riya saha
6 years ago

I am facing excessive hair loss.. My doctor suggested me to take phosphorus and after taking it I’m facing more hair loss … What is wrong ? I getting into depression day by day!

6 years ago

Good Evening Dr.
My case is insomnia ,depression, anxiety,
What treatment would you suggest?
Thank you much