– A.W. Cowperthwaite.

Common name. Glacial Phosphoric Acid. Preparation. One part of

Potencies: PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM 6C,12C,30C or 30CH,200c or 200CH,,1M,10M,50M,LM,CM,

The chief sphere of action of Phosphoric Acid is upon the nervous system, in which, from waste of nerve tissue or from depression, it produces debility without erethism (with erethism, Cinchona), giving rise to conditions simulating those which result from continue grief, over-exertion of mind or body, sexual excess, etc. Through this influence its chief local effects are upon the kidneys and male sexual organs, and next upon the bones and skin, as indicated by its pathogenesis.
Mind. Weakness of memory (Anac., Agn., Ambr., Kreos., Lach., Merc., Natr. mur., Nux m.). Quiet; perfectly indifferent (Berb., Sep.); difficult comprehension; imbecility. Ideas lost and mind weak. Incapacity for thought (AEth., Cimic., Gels., Nux v.). Disinclination to talk; answers questions reluctantly (Agar., Phos.). Cannot find the right word when talking. Homesickness (Caps., Hell.), with inclination to weep. Quiet delirium, with stupefaction and dullness of the head (Bell., Rhus tox., Phos.). Head. Vertigo; in the morning; towards evening, when standing and walking; and head sinks backward and forward. Confusion and dullness of the head. Pressure as from a weight in the head, or if the vertex had been beaten. Aching with tingling in the head. Violent pressure in the forehead, in the morning on waking. Headache forces one to lie down, and is insupportably aggravated by least shaking or noise (Bell.). Bones in the skull feel as if some one had scraped the swollen and tender periosteum with a knife. Hair turns gray early (Lyc.), or flaxen; falls off, especially after grief or sorrow. Itching of the scalp (Calc. c., Carb. an., Sulph.). Eyes. Pressure in the eyes, as if the eye balls were too large (Carls., Paris, Plumb., Spig.). Agglutination, mornings. Yellow spots on the white of the eyes. Dilated pupils (Bell., Hyos., Stram.). Ears. Every sound re-echoes loudly in the ears (Caust., Merc., Phos.). Intolerance of noise, especially music (Acon., Ambr.). Roaring in the ears, with difficult hearing (Calc. c., Merc., Sec., Sulph.). Spasmodic drawing pain in the ear. Nose. Bleeding of the nose, dark blood (Croc., Ham.). Face. Paleness of the face. Large pimples on the face. Mouth. Red streak in middle of tongue, widens in front. Teeth become yellow. Degeneration of the gums, which bleed easily. Speech difficult, tongue swollen. Dryness of tongue, palate and whole mouth, without thirst (Apis, Nux m., Puls.). Lips dry and cracked, with brownish crusts, in fever. Bites side of tongue involuntarily; also at night. Throat. Sticking throat on swallowing food. Stomach. Loss of appetite (Alum., Ars., Cinch., Natr. mur., Sulph.). Unquenchable thirst (Acon., Ars., Bry., Nitr. ac.). Longs for something refreshing and juicy (Phos.). Sour or acrid eructations (Carb. v., Nux v., Phos., Puls., Sulph.). Aversion to coffee (Lyc.); desire for milk and beer (Coccul., Puls.). Sensitiveness in lower caecal region. Pressure in the stomach, as from a weight, after every meal (Acon., Ars., Bry., Nux v., Puls., Sep.). Pressive pain in stomach, from touching pit of stomach. Abdomen. Meteoristic distension of the abdomen (Acon.,); rumbling and gurgling. General tympanitis with enlarged spleen. Pressure in the hypogastrium. Stool. Diarrhoea not debilitating (Puls.), though of long continuance (reverse, Ars., Cinch., Phos., Sec.). Involuntary stools, with the emission of flatus (Aloe.). Stool thin, whitish-gray (Phos.); yellowish and very offensive (Asaf.); pasty, involuntary, bright-yellow. Urinary Organs. Urine like milk (Stil.), even coagulating. Urine passed in large quantities (Acet. ac., Ascl. c., Eupat. purp., Physos.), especially at night (Ambr., Amm. mur.) profuse, watery, pale, following freely; deposits a sediment. Male Organs. Erections in the morning in bed; in morning when standing. Frequent, profuse and debilitating emissions (Cinch.). Emissions when pressing at stool. Emission at night without erections. Weakness of sexual organs (Agar., Agn., Baryt. c., Coni., Phos., Sulph.), with onanism and little sexual desire. Exhaustion after coition; also after pollution (Agar., Cinch., Kali c., Staph.). Swelling of left testicle. Female Organs. Menses too early and too long; too copious; blood dark. Pain in the liver during menstruation. Profuse, yellow leucorrhoea, mostly after the menses, with itching. Meteoristic distension of the uterus. Respiratory Organs. Hoarseness and roughness in the throat (Phos., Carb. v., Nux v.). Capillary bronchitis, worse evenings, with fever, dyspnoea, pain under sternum, then violent sneezing, thirst and coryza, profuse purulent secretions. Dry cough, caused by tickling low down in the chest; worse evenings after lying down. Cough, with copious expectoration;; with expectoration of herby taste and odor. Salty expectoration in the morning. Oppressed, difficult respiration. Pain in the chest, as from weakness (Stan.). Heart. Palpitation in young persons growing too fast; after onanism. Pulse irregular, intermittent. Limbs. Bruised pain in all the joints in the morning, and in the arms and legs. Burning, gnawing, tearing pains in the bones of the extremities. Weakness of extremities after loss of fluids (Calc. c., Cinch., Phos.). Generalities. Great weakness and prostration, especially in the morning. Disinclination to do anything (Cinch., Nux v.). Swelling and sponginess of the bones (Asaf., Hep. s.). Painless swellings of glands (Iodi.). Periosteal inflammation (Staph.), with burning, gnawing, tearing pains. Bruised sensation in all joints in morning; in hips, arms, thighs and nape, as from growing pains. Pains at night, as if bones were being scraped with a knife (Cinch.); after contusions. Constant disposition to move (Acon., Rhus tox.). Skin. Formication of the whole body. Herpes dry or humid, squamous; variola. Sleep. Great drowsiness land apathy. Sleeps in the evening. Sleeplessness after midnight. Cannot arouse in the morning. Lascivious dreams (Sil.), with emissions. Fever. Chills with shuddering and shaking, always in the evening; more internal shivering than external coldness (Eupat.); the coldness in hands and tips of fingers. Heat over the whole body in the evening. Internal heat, without being too to the touch. Profuse sweat during the night and in the touch. Profuse sweat during the night and in the morning (Calc. c., Cinch., Merc., Sil., Sulph ac.). Fever heat, almost depriving one of consciousness. Aggravation. AT rest, at night; from uncovering; from warm food; from coffee. Amelioration. General relief of pains by motion, sometimes by pressure. Conditions. Especially suitable for young people who are growing too fast. Compare. The MIneral acids. Fluoric acid, Picric acid Asaf., Anac., Ars., Bell., Calc. c., Cinch., Coni., Ign., Lyc., Merc., Phos., Puls., Rhus tox., Sep., Sil., Staph., Sulph., Verat., alb., Phos. ac., follows Cinch. (sweat, diarrhoea and debility), Nux v. in fainting after a meal, while after it comes Ferr. Rhus tox., Verat. alb. Antidotes. Camph., Coff.
Phosphoric acid represents a mental and physical weakness and torpidity of nature found in no other drug. It is especially useful in neurasthenia, or debility. This may have resulted din young people, in whom the drug is most often useful, from growing too rapidly, the physical system developing at the expense of the nervous and mental, or it may result as a remote effect from depressing emotional causes, such as grief, sorrow, homesickness or disappointed love, but more often the neurasthenia is of sexual origin, and results from long continued sexual excesses or onanism. The patient has involuntary emissions during sleep, or after urinating or straining at stool. Is greatly exhausted therefrom, and has vertigo, weakness of the back and limbs, mental torpidity, brain fag, etc. The sexual powers are so weakened that erections are deficient; during an embrace emissions take place soon, and after coition the patient is greatly exhausted, with symptoms as above stated, and burning in the spine. It is unquestionably the chief remedy in spermatorrhoea and sexual neurasthenia. It has also been used for swollen and tender testicles. Herpes preputialis with tingling. Sycotic excrescences. Fig warts complicated with chancre. In women it has been useful for menorrhagia of dark blood, with great weakness; debility from long-continued nursing; leucorrhoea; meteoristic distension of the uterus. In all nervous diseases the urine is loaded with phosphates, and there is generally aching in the small of the back. Frequently the hair turn gray early, and falls out after the emotional causes above named. The drug causes polyuria, and is the chief remedy in diabetes insipidus, and is unquestionably curative in diabetes mellitus, as the experience of the author and many others abundantly testify. Catarrh of the bladder. The drug may be useful in chorea and hysteria, with characteristic weakness and mental symptoms. The peculiar mental apathy of Phos. ac. with its prostration, involuntary stools, nosebleed, etc., has led to its frequent use in typhoid and other low forms of fever. A clinical symptom is a red streak in the center of the tongue, which widens in front, the urine often looks milky, contains albumen, and decomposes rapidly, and the abdomen is tympanitic. It does not reach the very profound low types of fever, such as call for Ars. or Lach. or even Rhus tox. Has often proved useful in intermittent fever, probably not of malarial origin. Acid dyspepsia (see stomach symptoms). Chronic diarrhoea, painless, not debilitating. Painless diarrhoea during cholera time (Phos.). Sometimes useful in laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis; cough arising from tickling low down in the chest, worse in the evening after lying down; expectoration, mostly in the morning, tasting salty. Capillary bronchitis (see symptoms.). Phthisis, with great weakness in chest (Stan.). Nervous palpitation of the heart, from causes previously named. Spinal anaemia from sexual excess or onanism. Has proved palliative in caries of the lumbar vertebrae. Swelling and sponginess of bones. Caries (not necrosis.). Periostitis. Hip-joint diseases. Painless swelling of glands. Warts indented or pedunculated. Condylomata, with bone pains, complicated with chancre. Atonic ulcers on legs. Skin adhering after ulceration grows to the bone. Acne of young people from onanism. Blood boils. Chilblains.

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Pierce W.I.


Phosphoric acid was first proved by Hahnemann, who recommended its use in the 9th dilution. It produces a condition of general weakness, a quiet, apathetic state, without excitement, and a keynote for its use is mental and physical exhaustion (155).
It is of value in the exhaustion of the mental and nervous systems from sexual excesses (167) or from excessive fatigue, and in neurasthenia or nervous prostration (156) it is apt to be one of the first remedies that we think of. The patients are indifferent, too tired to think and any mental effort brings on a severe headache (93); they will give you short answers because it is too great an effort to try and collect their thoughts. In low fevers this condition is very pronounced, a quiet and apathetic, almost stupid state from which they can be easily aroused, only to sink back into it again as soon as you leave them alone. It is of great value for prostration following typhoid fever, and for the effects of mental shock, grief or an unfortunate love affair, following well says Allen, after Ignatia. In homesickness (119), where the strains of “The girl I left behind me” have an especially depressing effect, it is of the first importance. The headache of phosphoric acid is serve, compelling one to lie down; it is located especially on the vertex as a crushing pain or as a pressure downward from a weight (103).the hair turns gray early (88), the result of prolonged mental strain or excessive e grief,and is inclined to fall our. In deafness with roaring in the ears (65), Phosphoric acid is to be thought of when down to anaemic conditions (15). The face is pale, spotted with acne (14), worse on forehead, nose and mouths; particularly in over-grown boys or girls with early sexual propensities, or in older persons suffering from or-sexual indulgence or abuse” (Dearborn) (167). A the mouth and lips are dry, especially in fevers, with thirst and desire for something juicy, and the gums are apt to become swollen and bleed easily (84) . In the stomach we have acid dyspepsia (178) with sour risings half an hour after eating 9177O,and the abdomen is usually distended and Tympanitic (13). Phosphoric acid is a valuable and frequently called for remedy in acute and chronic diarrhoeas (58), the stools whitish, or yellow,and watery, the movements are preceded by rumbling in the abdomen (11) and are more or less gushing (59). the first portion, which is mixed with wind, seems to pass as water through a narrow opening m with some force,and is followed by small pieces of faecal matter. The movements are painless, in low fevers often involuntary,and are not exhausting. The call for stool requires reasonably prompt attention, but other than the necessity o keeping within a short walk of a closet, the patient suffers no inconvenience from a Phosphoric acids diarrhoea. there is aggravation after eating (57) an especially from fruit (57). The urine may pass involuntarily in bed at night (198); it is a remedy having milky urine (199) with a white sediment consisting of phosphates and it is to be thought of in phosphaturia (200). Phosphoric acid is frequently indicated in diabetes (56) not simply from the general symptoms of the disease, such as increased watery urine,great thirst and extreme weakness and emaciation, but especially, as Hughes points out, “in diabetes of nervous origin.” allen says” “Its collateral symptoms of diabetes Mellitus are pronounced and its curative power in that disease is undoubted.” As an illustration of the views held by the old school, let me quote from Ringer,who says” “Phosphoric acid has been recommended in diabetes., Griesinger, who has carefully studied the action of this medicine considers that it does more harm than good. He pushed the acid to the extent of an ounce daily, and found that this dose increased the sugar.” when you consider that the dilute phos. ac. of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia is ten times as strong as our tincture or last centesimal dilution , you will get an idea to what extent the drug was “pushed.” We might look upon this as an additional proving of Phosphoric acid and as th same time offer up a prayer of thankfulness that there is a method or practice other than that taught by the old school. Phosphoric acid is of great value for the recent or remote effects of excessive seminal emission, s whether licensed or otherwise. Among the general results are vertigo, brain-fag (93), impotence (167),spinal anaemia, weakness in the small of the back and heaviness of the lower extremities, It is of value says hering for :onanism when the patient is distressed by the culpability when asleep, when straining at stool or after urinating,and for orchitis (188) with great sensitiveness of the parts to touch; all of these conditions being associate with the mental and physical exhaustions so characteristic of the remedy. The women needing Phosphoric acid is anaemic (15) or chlorotic (17), with complete indifference to everything,and suffering,perhaps, from prolapsus of the uterus (203),the result of her general weakness. Menstruation is usually too early and too profuse (135), accompanied by profuse urination and followed by exhaustion (138)and profuse leucorrhoea (126)./ It is to be thought of in tympanitic distention of the uterus (205), it feels “as full of wind”(Hering). The cough of Phosphoric acid is usually loose and seems to come from the stomach (44)’ it may b34 spasmodic and cue to tickling, as from a feather (43), from the larynx to the middle of the chest, or from irritation as from dust, which extends the whole length of the trachea. The cough is worse morning and evening and after sleep, as well as from cold air (40). It is to be thought of in broncho-pneumonia (51), with profuse secretion, or expectoration of mucus in small balls (69). In the heart it is often of use in a form of nervous palpitation (111) resulting from self abuse or sexual excess (111). Phosphoric acid is to be thought of in growing pains in children (84), and it is of value in caries of the lumbar vertebrae (207) and in hip joint disease (1217).A characteristic sensation, especially in scrofulous disease, is as if a bone were going scraped wit a knife,and being of the pain at night. It is a remedy of very frequent use in typhoid fever and may be indicated throughout the disease where the feeling of exhaustion is your leading symptom. In severe cases we have, in addition to the weakness and prostration, inability to protrude the tongue or to articulate distinctly and a tendency to slide down in bed (21). We may have light stupor or quiet delirium, dry lips and tongue, with a red streak down the center of t latter (192), nosebleed, tympanitis, involuntary type of typhoid (193). I use phosphoric acid in the tincture.

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– Douglas M.Borland.

PHOSPHORIC ACID provides the classical picture of the painless, almost incontinent, watery,non-odorous diarrhoea. But the drug has a field of usefulness far greater than that, and it is one of the most useful drugs we have for the acid dyspepsia of the late adolescent. The kind of case is that of the child who is working for scholarship examination and getting over-tired and whose digestion is beginning to give out. This idea of the overstressed adolescent gives you the key to the whole picture; you get the same kind of condition at any age in anyone who has under stress-particularly mental stress over a length of time-and who is beginning to break down. There may be indications for Phosphorus acid in more acute cases, such as bad shock, but it is much more commonly indicated after a period of prolonged stress. The mental picture is that of those who are just dead tired. They feel generally indefinite, do not want to talk, cannot concentrate, their thoughts wander away from the subject. Any mental effort it liable to produce an acute headache with a sensation of extreme pressure on the top of the head. On any effort at all these patients are liable to feel giddy. It is not an acute giddiness but a feeling of general instability, and patients quite frequently describe it as a feeling as if their feet were coming up off the ground and they would fall. Where you get indications for Phosphoric acid in acute illness-for example, in typhoid fever-this sensation is described as a feeling as if they were floating off the bed; but you get a minor degree of the same kind of thing even when the patients are going about. One outstanding characteristic about Phosphoric acid patients is the astonishing relief they get from even quite a short sleep. You often see them just dead beat-you can hardly get a word out of them-then they have a short sleep (fifteen or twenty minutes) and wake up entirely different beings, their headache has gone and they are quite bright and cheery. However, any little exertion, mental or physical, seems to use them up again and they slip back to the same state: their headache returns and they are just useless. With such picture, the digestive disturbance most commonly met with is the complete failure of digestion. The digestion is slow, and the patients feel distended and uncomfortable after a meal. They may feel sick, and may vomit a quantity of sour, undigested food some hours after a meal. Notably associated with the distension-often described as pressure-there is a general sensation of tightness or pressure. They may get it in the head or in the eyes, if they are using them much. They get exactly the same feeling of tightness in the chest on exertion and have generalised rheumatic pains with the same kind of feeling of pressure in the joints and they often complain of pressing pains in the soles on the feet. Gastric discomfort is very much relieved by warm food or warm drinks. This is the outstanding differentiating point between Phosphoric acid and Phosphorus. Another symptom in Phosphoric acid digestive disturbances is an excessive amount of flatulence. These tired-out patients very often complain of constant rumbling or gurgling in the abdomen. There is strange hyperaesthesia in these apparently sluggish patients : they are very sensitive to music, very easily startled and often peculiarly sensitive to odours. Temperature reactions are a little contradictory. The patients are chilly, sensitive to cold, particularly sensitive to wind, very sensitive to snow atmosphere; and yet, in a hot room they are upset, their headaches are made worse and their mental sluggishness is increased. They are fresher and their headaches are better in the open air, provided it is still. It is characteristic that they appear to get the most acute gastric discomfort about half an hour after a meal. At that time there is a tendency for the food simply to regurgitate into the throat, and this regurgitation may be accompanied by cramping pains in the stomach. They are upset by any acid foods, by fresh fruit, cold drinks, or by any over-rich food. Frequently, Phosphoric acid patients are rather thirsty. They tend to have a definite polyuria with a very pale, milky kind of urine and, when that is present, they complain of a very dry mouth and intense thirst. Another odd characteristic of Phosphoric acid patients is their liability to develop styes. The styes particularly affect the upper lids. In adolescents with students’ headaches, there may be a tendency for the right pupil to be rather larger than the left. This may be slight or it may be marked, and it is particularly noticeable during a headache. There is sometimes a complaint of a tendency to bite the tongue during sleep. This is commonly associated with acute gastric disturbances. In adolescents the picture is not unlike that of Pulsatilla, but it has its own characteristics which should make it clear. In adults the picture is much more clear and individual, and the selection is correspondingly easier.

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-Boericke. G.W

+ Phosphoric Acid.


The common acid “debility” is very marked in this remedy, producing a nervous exhaustion. MENTAL DEBILITY first; later physical. A congenial soil for the action of Phos. acid is found in young people who grow rapidly, and who are overtaxed, mentally or physically. Whenever the system has been exposed to the ravages of acute disease, excesses, grief, loss of vital fluids, we obtain conditions calling for it. Pyrosis, flatulence, diarrhoea, diabetes, rachitis and periosteal inflammation. Neurosis in stump, after amputation. Haemorrhages in typhoid. Useful in relieving pain of cancer.


Listless. Impaired memory. [ANAC.] APATHETIC, INDIFFERENT. Cannot collect his thoughts or find the right word. Difficult comprehension. Effects of grief and mental shock. Delirium, with great stupefaction. Settled despair.


Heavy; CONFUSED. Pain as if temples were crushed together. Worse, SHAKING OR NOISE. CRUSHING HEADACHE. PRESSURE ON TOP. Hair gray early in life; falls out. Dull headache after coition; from eye-strain. [NAT. M.] VERTIGO TOWARD EVENING, WHEN STANDING OR WALKING. Hair thins out, turns gray early.


BLUE RINGS AROUND. Lids inflamed and cold. Pupils dilated. Glassy appearance. Averse to sunlight; sees colors as if a rainbow. Feel too large. Amblyopia in masturbators. Optic nerves seem torpid. PAIN AS IF EYEBALLS WERE FORCIBLY PRESSED TOGETHER AND INTO HEAD.


Roaring, with difficult hearing. Intolerant of noise.


Bleeding. Bores fingers into nose. ITCHING.


Lips dry, cracked. Bleeding gums; retract from teeth. Tongue swollen, dry, with viscid, frothy mucus. Teeth feel cold. At night, bites tongue involuntarily.


Pale, earthy; feeling of tension as from dried albumen. Sensation of coldness of one side of face.

#Stomach Craves juicy things. Sour risings. Nausea. SYMPTOMS FOLLOWING SOUR FOOD AND DRINK. Pressure as from a weight, with sleepiness after eating. [FEL. TAURI.] THIRST FOR COLD MILK.


Distention and fermentation in bowels. Enlarged spleen. [CEANOTH.] ACHING IN UMBILICAL REGION. Loud rumbling.


Diarrhoea, WHITE, watery, involuntary, PAINLESS, with much flatus; not specially exhausting. Diarrhoea in weakly, delicate rachitic children.


Frequent, profuse, water, MILKY. DIABETES. Micturition, preceded by anxiety and followed by burning. FREQUENT URINATION AT NIGHT. Phosphaturia.


Emissions at night and at stool. Seminal vesiculitis. [OXAL. ACID.] Sexual power deficient; testicles tender and swollen. Parts relax during embrace. [NUX.] Prostatorrhoea, even when passing a soft stool. Eczema of scrotum. OEdema of prepuce, and swollen glans-penis. Herpes preputialis. Sycotic excrescences. [THUJA.] #Female

Menses too early and profuse, with pain in liver. Itching; yellow leucorrhoea after menses. Milk scanty; health deteriorated from nursing.


Chest troubles develop after brain-fag. Hoarseness. Dry cough from tickling in chest. Salty expectoration. Difficult respiration. WEAK FEELING IN CHEST FROM TALKING. [STANN.] PRESSURE BEHIND THE STERNUM, rendering breathing difficult.


Palpitation in children, who grow too fast; after grief, self- abuse. Pulse irregular, intermittent.


Boring pain between scapulae. Pain in back and limbs, as if beaten.


Weak. Tearing pains in joints, bones, and periosteum. Cramps in upper arms and wrists. GREAT DEBILITY. Pains at night, AS IF BONES WERE SCRAPED. Stumbles easily and makes missteps. Itching, between fingers or in folds of joints. #Skin

Pimples, acne, blood-boils. Ulcers, with very offensive pus. Burning red rash. Formication in various parts. FALLING OUT OF THE HAIR. [NAT. MUR.; SELEN.] Tendency to abscess after fevers.


SOMNOLENCY. Lascivious dreams with emissions.


Chilliness. PROFUSE SWEAT during night and morning. Low types of fever, with dull comprehension and stupor.


BETTER, from keeping warm. WORSE, exertion, from being talked to; loss of vital fluids; sexual excesses. Everything impeding circulation causes aggravation of symptoms.


Compare: OENOTHERA BIENNIS-Evening primrose_(Effortless diarrhoea with nervous exhaustion. Incipient hydrocephaloid. Whooping-cough and spasmodic asthma). NECTRANDA AMARE. (Watery diarrhoea, dry tongue, colic, bluish ring around sunken eyes, restless sleep.) CHINA; NUX; PIC. AC.; LACTIC AC.; PHOS. Antidotes: COFFEA.


First potency.

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