How to pass kidney stones fast with Homeopathy?Introduction:
Kidney stones or Renal calculi are consists of crystals and small amounts of proteins and glycoproteins.It has been known that familial and hereditary predisposition can cause stone formation. Most of the urinary stones originate in the kidney or a renal pelvis.Different types of stones occur in different parts of the world. How to pass kidney stones fast? the article explains you effective homeopathy treatment for kidney stones.
13mm stone treatment is possible in homeopathy. Berberis vulgaris mother tincture for kidney stones is the most popular remedy used to pass kidney stones fast. Homeopathic medicine for kidney stone is all german made. Not only for kidney stones, all back potencies usually made in German. when the question comes homeopathy or allopathy for kidney stones, homeo is best for treatment of kidney stones without operation. Homeopathy is the best one for kidney stone removal without surgery.
How to pass kidney stones fast? need to know
Epidemiology, Incidence, Aetiology of Kidney Stones:
Renal CALICULI are particularly common in the southeastern parts of united states, in South Africa, in parts of India, and in south-east Asia.
Fifty percent of patients present between the ages of 30 & 50 years. The male to female ratio is 4:3.
Homeopathic medicine based on aetiology is very effective for kidney stone treatment.
The exact aetiology is unknown, the various predisposing factors may be
[stextbox id=”alert” caption=”Following are the Factors which Cause Kidney stones:” shadow=”false” color=”FF6F3B” ccolor=”4D4D4D” bgcolor=”F6FFA8″ cbgcolor=”D6D6D6″ bgcolorto=”F6FFA8″ cbgcolorto=”D6D6D6″ image=”null”]
The aetiology of Renal Calculi for effective Homeopathic Treatment:
1) Dietary Factors – Diet rich in red meat, fish, eggs can give rise to aciduria. Diet rich in calcium – milk, spinach, rhubarb etc produce ) calcium oxalate stones. Diet lacking in vitamin A causes desquamation of renal epithelium and the cells form a nidus around which the stone is deposited. the dietary imbalance is evident for renal calculus.
2) Altered Urinary Solutes & Colloids – Dehydration leads to an increased concentration of urinary solutes and tends to cause them to precipitate.
3) Decreased Urinary Citrate – The presence of citrate in urine as citric acid, tends to keep otherwise relatively insoluble calcium phosphate in solution. When citrate level decreases, it precipitates the urinary calcium.
the excretion of citrate is under hormonal control.
4)Renal Infection – Organisms such as streptococci, staphylococci, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella & E.coli produce recurrent urinary tract infection, producing urea which causes stasis of urine, precipitates calcium formation.
Some more Causes:
5) Metabolic Causes –
a) Hyperparathyroidism – increases the calcium levels resulting in hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria producing calcium stones.
b) GOUT – increases the uric acid levels and cause multiple uric acid stones.
6) Prolonged Immobilisation – from any cause, eg: paraplegia is liable to result in skeletal decalcification with the increase in urinary calcium favoring the formation of calcium phosphate calculi.
7) Inadequate Urinary Drainage – as in cases of horseshoe kidney, undescended kidneys are more vulnerable to the development of stones due to stasis.
8) Hot Climates – cause increase in the concentration of solutes by excessive sweating resulting in precipitation of calcium.
9) Randall’s Plaque – Randall suggested that initially a small erosion or an ulcer develops on the tip of renal papilla on which minute concretions or minor calcium particles or microlith get deposited normally in renal parenchyma .these particles are carried away, like carbon particles from bronchi.
Some of the renal lymphatic vessels become bloked by inflammatory exudate and later the endothelium becomes ulcerated leaving the calculus in cotact with urine and give rise to stone formation.
Best medicine for stone in kidney is the one selected based on above causes.
How to pass kidney stones fast? need introduction of
Types Of Renal Calculus:
The knowledge of type of ranal calculi is essential to choose effective homeopathic medicine.
[stextbox id=”alert” caption=”Urinary Stones must consists of salts of calcium:” shadow=”false” color=”504AFF” ccolor=”4A4A4A” bgcolor=”E6FFFC” cbgcolor=”F2F2F2″ bgcolorto=”E6FFFC” cbgcolorto=”F2F2F2″ image=”null”]Nearly 40%-are micture of calcium oxalate and calcium phaspate
30%- calcium oxalate alone.
10%- calcium phaspate alone.
Another 15%-magnesium ammonium phosphate(struvite)
Less than 5%-uric acid
Less than 2%-cystine
Rarely xanthine.[/stextbox]
Types Of Kidney stones in detail:
Oxalate Calculus (Calcium Oxalate ):
The commonest type of stone called as mulberry calculi. Irregular in shape, covered with sharp projections which tend to cause bleeding. Produces haematuria very early, resulting in deposition of blood over the stone giving a dark color to it. Hard and single, occurs in infected urine. Can be visualized radiologically.
Phosphate calculus
(usually calcium phosphate or rarely as magnesium ammonium phosphate or struvite)
Smooth, round, dirty white to yellow in color. Commonly occurs in renal pelvis & tend to grow in alkaline urine especially when Proteus organisms are present. As it enlarges in the pelvis, it grows & fills the major & minor calyces & slowly forms a STAG HORN CALCULUS. This produces recurrent urinary infections & haematuria. As they are large, they are usually easy to see on radiographs.
Uricacidcalculus :
Multiple, small, hexagonal, multifaceted. Colour varies from yellow to reddish brown. Occur in acidic urine. Pure urate stones are radiolucent unless contaminated with calcium salts.
Cystine Calculus :
They appear in the urinary tract of patients with a congenital error of metabolism that leads to cystinuria or due to decreased resorption of cystine from renal tubules. They are hexagonal, multiple, pink or yellow. Occur in acidic urine. Seen in young girls at puberty. They are radio-opaque due to sulphur content.
Xanthinecalculus :
Extremely rare. They are smooth and round, brick red in color and show lamellation on cross-section.
Lycopodium and Berberis vulgaris mother tincture can pass any of the above kidney stones fast.
How to pass kidney stones fast? must understand What are Risk Factors for Renal Stones?
- Occupation
- Diet
- Hydration
- Family history
- Ibd
- Medical conditions causing hypercalciuria
- Medical conditions causing aciduria
Pathology and Pathogenesis of Renal Stones:
If the urine is supersaturated with the ions that form a stone, the ions tend to cluster together. If more than 100 ions form a cluster, it becomes stable and can serve as the nucleus of the stone. Once nucleation has occurred, the stone will continue to grow even if the concentration of the ions in the urine falls.
If the core of the stone and the ions that are subsequently added to it are the same, the process is called homogeneous nucleation. If the ions in the core are different from those subsequently added, the process is called heterogeneous nucleation or epitaxy.
The pyrophosphates present in the urine are the principal inhibitors that prevent the formation of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate stones and slow their growth. Mucopolysaccharides and perhaps citrates in the urine act in the similar fashion. In most people with calcium stones, the concentration of the inhibitors in the urine is reduced.
Inhibitors that prevent nucleation prevent the formation of calcium stones and slow their growth, but have little part in controlling the formation of other kinds of stone.
Calcium stones:
They develop when the urine is supersaturated with the ions forming the stone. Often, the stone begins in a renal papilla. Crystals of calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate are precipitated on some irregularity in the tubular lining or around some fragment of debris that serves as a nidus for crystallization. The stone grows as more crystals of calcium oxalate or phosphate are being added. Eventually, the stone escapes, to lie free in the renal pelvis or to pass into the ureter.
Over 50% of the patients with a calcium stone have idiopathic hypercalciuria. The concentration of calcium in the plasma is normal, but excessive amounts of calcium are excreted in the urine. Its cause is unknown. The underlying defect could be in the bowel or in the kidneys.
- Excessive absorption of calcium from the gut would tend to cause hypercalcemia, reducing the parathormone secretion and so increasing the excretion of calcium in the urine, to maintain homeostasis.
- Alternatively, a fault in the renal tubules could cause increased excretion of calcium, tending to cause hypocalcemia, increasing the secretion of parathyroid hormone, increasing the activation of vitamin D in the kidneys and so absorbing the increase of calcium from the gut, again to maintain homeostasis.
Whatever the mechanism, the high concentration of calcium in the urine favors the precipitation of calcium crystals and the formation of calcium stones.
About 15% of people with a calcium stone have hyperuricuria, with a normal concentration of urate in the plasma and with no abnormality of calcium metabolism. These patients are usually men, with a high intake of purines from a diet predominantly of meat. They usually form calcium oxalate stones.
some more about calcium stone:
About 10% of people with calcium stones have both hyperuricuria and hypercalciuria, though they are normouricemic and normocalcemic. They tend to develop stones late in life and to form calcium phosphate stones. Some 55 of people with calcium stones have hyperuricemia, with consequent hyperuricuria, from gout or some other cause. Homeopathy medicines help in the removal of even Calcium contain kidney stone fast.
Excess of oxalate in the urine is a common cause of calcium stones. Renal stones are common in oxalosis,. Steatorrhoea, Crohn’s disease and resection of ileum can cause hyperoxaluria. sever disease of the terminal ileum with steatorrhea allows calcium in the bowel to be bond to unabsorbed fatty acids., normally the oxalate in the bowel forms insoluble calcium oxalate and is excreted in feces.when insufficient calcium is available in the bowel, the fee oxalate reabsorbed in the colon and excreted by the kidneys favoring the precipitation of oxalate stones.
renal stones develop in 10% of patients with Crohn’s disease.the stones may consist of uric acid, calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate.often the urine is acid, because of loss of bicarbonate into the bowel and concentrated, because of loss of water in diarrhea, factors favoring the precipitation of uric acid stones.
Struvite stones:
Magnesium ammonium phosphate precipitates in the renal pelvis only if the urine is alkaline and the concentrations of phosphate and of ammonium in the urine are high. Normally this does not occur. If the urine is alkaline, the concentration of phosphate is high, but the concentration of ammonium is low. Only if the urine is infected with bacteria that form a urease able to split urea to give ammonia, then struvite stones develop. The ammonia hydrolyzes to ammonium hydroxide, making the urine alkaline and increasing the concentration of phosphate and of ammonium. Bicarbonate is also ionized in the alkaline urine and most struvite stones contain calcium apatite as well as struvite.
Infection with one of the species of Proteus is the usual cause of struvite stones, though occasionally a Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, or Enterobacterium is responsible. Esch. coli does not for urease.
Uric acid stones:
Urates are soluble in urine, but undissociated uric acid is poorly soluble. As the urine grows more acid, the proportion of undissociated uric acid increases and the risk of stone grows. A low urinary volume increases the risk of increasing the concentration of uric acid. If the ph of urine is below 6 and the concentration of undissociated uric acid is above 100 mg/L, precipitation off uric acid crystals is likely. This limit can be transgressed even in normal people.
The risk of uric acid stone becomes great f there is hyperuricemia and hyperuricosuria, as in gout, or sometimes in leukemia, especially after chemotherapy.
Other stones:
Xanthinuria is a rare congenital anomaly, in which there is a deficiency of the enzyme xanthine oxidase, which catalyzes the oxidation of hypoxanthine to xanthine and xanthine to uric acid. Xanthine stones may form in the kidneys in these people.
Conditions Associated With Hypercalciuria:
High dietary intake of calcium, chronic pyelonephritis, hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D poisoning, sarcoidosis, Cushing’s syndrome, myelomatosis, renal tubular acidosis, prolonged immobilization, idiopathic hypercalciuria – a) excessive absorption of calcium from the gut. b) reduced renal tubular absorption of filtered calcium.
Conditions Associated With Hyperoxaluria:
High dietary intake of oxalates – fruits, vegetables, strawberries, plums, spinach, rhubarb, asparagus, tomatoes etc. Increased absorption of oxalates from the gut – a) ileal diseases b) low calcium diet.
Conditions Associated With Hyperuricosuria:
Metabolic disorders like gout, myeloproliferative disorders, high dietary intake of urates – red meat, fish rich in purines.
How to pass kidney stones fast with Homeopathy? needs knowledge of Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Stones:
These vary according to the size, shape & position of the stone & the nature of the underlying condition. Renal calculi may be present for years without giving rise to symptoms & may be discovered during the radiological examination for another disease. These are called SILENT CALCULI. Homeopathy is even effective in removal of such Silent kidney stones.
[stextbox id=”alert” caption=”The leading symptoms in 75% of people include:” shadow=”false” color=”FF3F0F” ccolor=”4A4A4A” bgcolor=”F4FF94″ cbgcolor=”E3E3E3″ bgcolorto=”F4FF94″ cbgcolorto=”E3E3E3″ image=”null”]
Signs and Symptoms of Renal Calculi:
1) Renal Pain: located posteriorly in the renal angle or anteriorly in the hypochondrium in the coastal margin or in both. It may be worse on movement, particularly on climbing stairs. It is described as Fixed Renal Pain Or Costovertebral Pain. Homeopathy is best to relieve nonobstructive kidney stone pain than allopathy.
I remembered a case of the radiologist, suffered from the pain of kidney stone obstructed in the ureter. I gave him a dose of Lachesis. Dramatically the pain and vomitings relieved fast. He was astonished because for the first time used homeopathy. Thanks for Homeopathy for relieved pain in kidney stones fast.
2) Ureteric Colic: When the stone is impacted in the pelviureteric junction or anywhere in the ureter, it results in severe colicky pain radiating from the loin to the groin. It may also extend to the testicles, vulva & medial side of the thigh. This may be associated with strangury, the painful passage of a few drops of urine, with pallor, sweating & vomiting & he groans in agony.
Some more symptoms:
3) Haematuria is common with oxalate stones. The quantity of blood loss is small, but it is fresh blood.
4) Urinary Tract Infection: fever with chills & rigors, pyuria, burning micturition & increased frequency of micturition may occur. In severe cases, even septicemia can quickly develop.
5) Rigidity & Guarding: abdominal examination during an attack reveals rigidity of the lateral abdominal muscles & of the rectus abdominis. Percussion over the kidney produces a stab of pain & there may be tenderness on gentle deep palpation.
How to pass kidney stones fast with Homeopathy?
Complications of Kidney Stones: to be considered.
Calculous Hydronephrosis:
occurs due to back pressure producing renal enlargement. Due to the stretching of the renal capsule, it results in pain in the loin & an associated palpable kidney mass suggests hydronephrosis.
Calculous Pyonephrosis:
The kidney is converted into a bag of pus when hydronephrosis becomes infected.
Renal Failure:
Bilateral staghorn calculi may be asymptomatic until they present with uremia.
How to Diagnose Kidney Stones?
1) Radiography – plain x-ray (KUB) helps to diagnose 90% of renal stones.
2)Intravenous pyelography Or Excretory Urography –
This helps to locate the stone exactly in relation to kidney & ureter & to assess renal function. A radiolucent stone can be seen as a filling defect. Hydronephrosis can also be made out.
3) Ultrasonography –
is the most valuable to diagnose the stone, its size & exact location. It also confirms the enlarged kidney.
4) Urine Culture & Sensitivity – Examination of urine for protein, R.B.C, W.B.C, microorganisms reveal abnormalities of the urinary tract, infection etc.
5) Investigation Of Renal Function –
Blood examination for urea, creatinine, creatinine clearance etc to rule out renal failure.
How to pass kidney stones fast with Homeopathy? must consider General management of Kidney Stones:
Kidney stone dietary management:
[stextbox id=”alert” shadow=”false” color=”261FFF” bgcolor=”E0FFF8″ bgcolorto=”E0FFF8″ image=”null”]They should drink plenty to keep their urine dilute. Fluid intake should be therefore 3 liters per day, more if the climate or patient’s occupation causes much sweating. In persons with hypercalciuria, intake of milk, cheese & other dairy products should be avoided. Persons with oxalate stones should avoid spinach, rhubarb, strawberries, plums & asparagus. Persons with hyperuricemia should avoid red meats, offal & fish rich in purines. Eggs, meat & fish are high in sulphur containing proteins & should be restricted in those with cystinuria.[/stextbox]
How to pass kidney stones fast without Surgery or Operation:
Small stones less than 5 mm in size pass off with intake of copious amount of fluids & at times forced diuresis. Intravenous hydration may help pass the stones spontaneously.
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy:
Here the calculus is bombarded with shock waves of sufficient energy so that it will disintegrate into fragments using lithotriptors. The fragments then pass down the ureter & are cleared out.
How to pass kidney stones fast with Homeopathic Remedies without surgery?
Homeopathic Remedies for Kidney stones work excellent in passing the stones from the kidney. Homeopathy remedies despite cure the kidney stone forming tendency. However, prevents the formation of renal stones in future. The remedy must be selected based on individual symptoms of the patient. Below are the symptoms more specific to Homeopathic remedy and passing Kidney stones.
All of the below Homeopathic Remedies helps in passing Kidney stones fas, however, explained remedy symptoms must match with patient symptoms.
How to pass kidney stones fast with Berberis Vulgaris Mother tincture as follows:
Berberies Renal is best Homeopathic Remedy for Kidney stone colic if the pain is on the left side. Stitching, cutting pain from left kidney following the course of the ureter into bladder & urethra. Kidney stone patient if experience Burning & soreness in region of kidneys then Berberis vulgaris mother tincture for kidney stones is the best option to cure the pain and pass the kidney stones. Pain in small of the back, very sensitive to touch in renal region relieved when sitting and lying, from the jar, fatigue.
Numbness, stiffness & lameness with painful pressure in renal and lumbar regions. Bubbling sensation in kidneys. Berberies kidney stone patient has urine greenish, blood red, with thick, slimy mucus, transparent, reddish or jelly-like sediment. Kidney stones, in this case, are associated with Rheumatic & gouty complaints with urinary diseases. Berberis vulgaris mother tincture kidney stones is the very good Homeopathic remedy for kidney stones when the back pain increased with motion, any sudden jarring movement, walking, carriage riding.
Berberis vulgaris dosage for kidney stone:
Berberies works in mother tincture form. Mother tincture of Berberis Vulgaris needs to take in a half cup of water. Four drops of Berberis two times a day for two months is enough to remove kidney stones without operation. But the exact dosage of Berberies for kidney stone depends on the size of the stone.
How to pass kidney stones fast? with Cantharis: One of great Homeopathic Remedy for passing Kidney stones with Constant urging to urinate, passing but a few drops at a time:
Cantharis Homeopathic remedy for kidney stone patient has the Constant urging to urinate, passing but a few drops at a time, that mixed with blood. Patients suffer from Intolerable urging before, during & after urination. Violent paroxysms of cutting & burning in the whole renal region. Violent tenesmus & strangury. Cantharis Homeopathic remedy for kidney stone patient Urine scalds him and passed drop by drop. Membranous scales looking like bran in water. Urine jelly-like, shred. Pain raw, sore, burning in every part, internally and externally. Oversensitiveness of all parts. Cantharis kidney stone patient feels pain in bladder even on drinking small quantities of water.
How to pass kidney stones fast? with Lycopodium: One of the topmost Homeopathic Remedies for Kidney stone with right sided back pain:
First of all, we must know, Homeopathic medicine for right side kidney stone is Lycopodium. Kidney stone patient has Pain shooting across lower abdomen from right to left. Pain in back relieved by urinating. Urine slow in coming must strain. Retention and Polyuria during the night. Most prominent symptom in this patient is Red sand in urine. Uric acid diathesis. The child cries before urinating. Lycopodium works in kidney patients when Pains drawing, aching aggravation at 4-8 pm. This kidney stone Patient can be identified by the Upper part of the body emaciated, lower part semi-dropsical. Lycopodium kidney stone patient has sufferings from fright, anger, mortification, reserved displeasure. The mentality of the patient is Avaricious, greedy, miserly, malicious, pusillanimous. Lycopodium is used in Homeopathic treatment for the kidney stone in patients usually suffer from the Excessive accumulation of flatulence in the lower abdomen. These people desire warm food and drinks.
How to pass kidney stones fast with Sarsaparilla: The right Homeopathic remedy for the Kidney stone in case if excruciating pains from right kidney moving downwards.
Sarsaprilla kidney stone patients pass small calculi or gravel with renal colic. This is a good remedy for bladder stones and for Severe almost unbearable pain at conclusion of urination. Urine of sarsaprilla patients is bloody, scanty, slimy, flaky, sandy, copious, passed without sensation, deposits white sand. The patient usually feels Painful distension and tenderness in the bladder, urine dribbles while sitting, passes freely when standing. Sarsaprilla is particularly a very good Homeopathic remedy for kidney stone when air passes from the urethra, child screams before and while passing urine.
How to pass kidney stones fast with Homeopathy Tabacum? a great Homeopathic remedy for kidney stones when the patient has violent vomiting s with cold sweat on least motion:
Tabacum kidney stone patients often faint and they require cold open air. Nausea incessant as if seasick relieved in the fresh cold air. These kidney stone patients have Vertigo, death-like pallor, on opening the eyes. The face of tabacum patient is pale, blue, pinched, sunken, collapsed. Terrible, faint, sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach. the skin of this kidney stone patient very Icy cold.
How to pass kidney stones fast with Homeopathy Nuxvomica? a Homeopathic remedy for right-sided kidney stones:
In this case of kidney stones, Pain extends to the right thigh and to the genitals. Nux Vomica kidney stone patients have a Frequent ineffectual urge for urination with dribbling of urine. Haematuria, strangury. While urinating, itching in urethra & pain in the neck of the bladder. A backache, must sit up or turn over in bed. Adapted to thin, irritable, zealous, nervous, literary, studious, responsible persons. Bad effects of coffee, tobacco, alcohol, highly spiced food, overeating, long continued mental exertion. Nux Vomica is used in Homeopathic treatment for kidney stones in patients Over sensitiveness to all external impressions. Frequent ineffectual urging for stool.
How to pass kidney stones fast with Homeopathy Ocimum Canum?an excellent Homeopathic remedy for kidney stone treatment.
Ocimum is particularly useful in mother tincture form for right-sided Renal colic. Uric acid diathesis. Red sand in urine is seen these patients. Moreover, the urine of these patients is High acidity, the formation of spike crystals of uric acid. Turbid, thick, purulent, bloody, brick dust red or yellow sediment. The odor of musk. Pain in ureters, cramps in kidneys with renal stones.
How to pass kidney stones fast with Homeopathy Belladonna? an excellent remedy for Kidney stone disease where there are Violent spasmodic pains in kidney region, especially of the right side.
Belladona Kidney stone patent feels Pain in the back that comes suddenly, last indefinitely and ceases suddenly. Pains usually in short attacks. Redness of eyes and face, throbbing of brain and carotids.Belladonna kidney stone symptoms usually related with Abdomen tenderness, distended, increased by least jar, even of the bed, slight noise, light, lying down. Pain in back relieved with pressure, tight bandaging, wrapping up. Belladona is the Bilious lymphatic plethoric constitution.
How to pass kidney stones fast with Homeopathy Chamomilla? Homeopathic Remedy for Kidney stone when the pain in back and hip are not separable:
These patients usually suffer from Insupportable pains in loins and hips. Pains in Chamomilla kidney stone cases seem unendurable, drives to despair and increased by heat, the evening before midnight, with heat, thirst and fainting with numbness of affected parts, eructation’s increase the pain in back. Violent pains, drive him out of bed, compels to walk about. Chamomilla kidney stone patients are Oversensitive to pain, to open air. Cannot tolerate anyone near him, is cross, irritable, easily angered.
How to pass kidney stones fast with Homeopathy Colocynth? particularly useful as the Homeopathic remedy in Kidney stone treatment with the Urine infection and discharges like the fresh white of the egg:
Colocynth kidney stone patients experience back pains on urinating spread all over the whole abdomen. Vesical catarrh, Red hard crystals. Renal colic increased on the left side. Agonising pain in abdomen causing kidney stone patient to bend double, with restlessness, twisting and turning to obtain relief. Back pain ameliorated by hard pressure. Pains increased by eating and drinking relieved by warm application. Shooting pains like electric shocks. Colocynth is the more specifically kidney stone remedy when Complaints appeared from anger, indignation, mortification.
How to pass kidney stones fast with Homeopathy Dioscorea? Homeopathic remedy for kidney stone with pains radiating to the extremities and while lying.
Back pain in case of Dioscorea patients relieves on standing erect or bending backward. Violent twisting colic, occurring in regular paroxysms as if abdomen were grasped and twisted by a powerful hand. In fact, Kidney stone pain suddenly shifts to different parts, appear in remote localities as fingers and toes.
How to pass kidney stones fast with Homeopathy Hydrangea? mother tincture form works excellently as the Homeopathic remedy for Kidney stones treatment:
Hydrangea patients suffer from renal calculi, gravel, the profuse deposit of white amorphous salts in urine. Renal colic, sharp pain in loins, especially left. Burning in the urethra and frequent desire. Urine in this patients is hard to start. Bloody urine with heavy deposit of mucus is also a prominent symptom. Renal stone symptoms are related to great thirst with abdominal symptoms and enlarged prostate.
How to pass kidney stones fast with Homeopathy with Pareira Brava? another most Homeopathic remedy for kidney stones in which renal colic going down the thighs:
Neuralgic pain in the anterior crural region is the very important symptom in this remedy. The patient suffers from Constant urging, great training. The very very specific symptom in this kidney stone patient is, he Can emit urine only when he goes on his knees, pressing head firmly against the floor. Urine, in this case, is of Black, bloody, thick mucus urine. Dribbling of urine after micturition. Urethritis, prostatitis is related to Kidney stones in these patients.
How to pass kidney stones fast with Homeopathy Eryngium Aquaticum? the Homeopathic remedy for kidney stones when the pain in the back comes along with pain in pubis:
Erugium is useful in kidney stone cases when there is congestion of kidneys with the dull pain in the back, running down the ureters and limbs. Difficult and frequent micturition. Strangury with nervous erethism. Tenesmus of bladder and urethra. Thick yellow mucus discharges.
Eupatorium Purpureum is also a Homeopathic remedy for Kidney stones with Deep dull pain in kidneys. Dysuria, haematuria, strangury. Boring in bladder and urethra on urinating. Vesical irritability in women. Insufficient flow, milky. Albuminuria, dropsy, diabetes, enlarged prostate
Benzoic Acid is particularly useful in kidney stone cases when an excess of uric acid present in urine. Urine high colored, urinous odor highly intensified. Dark brown, highly offensive. Gonorrheal and syphilitic patients. Pain suddenly change their locality. Rheumatism and gout.
How to pass kidney stones fast with Homeopathy Nitric Acid ?a kidney stone Homeopathic remedy when there is cloudy phosphatic urine. Scanty, dark, offensive, smells like horse’s urine. Urine bloody, albuminous, turbid, looks like remains of cider barrel, cold on passing. Pricking splinter-like pains. Complaints of kidney stones after the continued loss of sleep, overexertion of mind and body.
How to pass kidney stones fast? with Medorrhinum is particularly helpful in kidney stone when any of the above constitutional remedies fail to produce cure:
The Medorrhinum patient suffers from renal colic with painful tenesmus when urinating. Severe pain in renal region relieved by profuse urination. Intense pain in ureters, with the sensation of the passing of calculus. Urine flows very slowly. Kidney stones formed after suppressed gonorrhea. Women with chronic pelvic disorders. increased thinking of ailments, daytime. Kidney stone pain relieved after lying on abdomen.
How to pass kidney stones fast with Homeopathy Sepia? great Homeopathic Remedy for kidney stone we should not forget. This remedy works in case of women suffering from kidney stones:
Sepia patients show red adhesive sand in urine. Another important symptom in these patients is Chronic cystitis, slow micturition with bearing down sensation above pubes. Pain in renal region relieved by violent exercise, warm application. Renal pain with involuntary urination during first sleep. In addition, Urine in these patients highly offensive and must remove from the room. Pains come from other parts to back, attended with shuddering. The sensation of the ball in inner parts with kidney stones.Homeopathic Treatment for kidney stones in sepia is successful when patients Weep easily and women are indifference to those loved best.
- FREDERIK SCHROYENS- Synthesis, Repertorium Homeopathicum Syntheticum, Edition 9.1, Reprint 2009, June (Indian edition), Jain Publishers (P.) Ltd, New Delhi.
- MURPHY ROBIN- Homoeopathic Medical repertory-2nd revised edition., Jain Publishers (P.) Ltd, New Delhi
Hello Sir,
I am having recurrence of calcium oxalate Kidney stones from more than 12 years. Please suggest some homeopathic medicine to stop recurrence.
Lycopodium and meoddorrhinum 200 are good remedies to stop recurrence of kidney stones with Homeopathy. However need to select constitutional homeopathic remedy for kidney stone to stop complete recurrence.
Sir, my daughter age 6 year develop right kidney stone 6mm found in KUB x ray after diagnosed for UTI . She has mild bilateral hydronephrosis. There is no symptoms of pain. Kidney function normal. Urine PH is 6. She has extra sweating on hands and feet. Rest is normal. Kindly advise.
She need to use SILICEA Homeopathic Remedy sir.
let me know more symptoms to suggest remedy. sheet
How to use above medicine, strictly follow suggestions in below link:
[…] Kidney Stones Homeopathic Remedies […]
Thanks for the wonderful presentation. Does Mag Phos 6x or 30c also help for kidney stone cramping ?
Please provide some write up and presentation on Chronic Epididymitis and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction or Bladder Neck Dysfunction.
Dear Meheal, Kidney stone cramping can be releived with MAG PHOS 6X, it can be repeated. But Mag phos 30c should not be repeated as like 6x.
Sure I will plan to write topic on Chronic Epididymitis and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction or Bladder Neck Dysfunction as soon as possible.