Exploring Calcarea Muriatica: A Homeopathic Remedy for Emotional and Physical Healing

Exploring Calcarea Muriatica: A Homeopathic Remedy for Emotional and Physical Healing Homeopathy is a fascinating field of medicine that delves deep into the emotional, mental, and physical aspects of an…

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Effect of Homoeopathic Syzygium jambolanum and Cephalandra indica on diabetic

Exploring the Antidiabetic Potential of Syzygium jambolanum and Cephalandra indica in Homeopathy: A Breakthrough Study Diabetes mellitus, particularly type-2 diabetes, is a global health concern affecting millions of people worldwide.…

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The Transformative Power of Kalium Carbonicum in Managing PCOD and Hypothyroidism

The Transformative Power of Kalium Carbonicum in Managing PCOD and Hypothyroidism In today’s fast-paced world, many young women face health challenges that were once rare. Among these, disorders like hypothyroidism…

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Remedy Relationship of Pulsatilla Nigricans identified with Studying Temperature Variability Method.

Remedy Relationship of Pulsatilla Nigricans Identified with Studying Temperature Variability Method - Dr. Devendra Kumar Munta, MD (Homeo) I am pleased to share our recent findings on the method of…

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