Synonym – Strychnos Nux Vomica. Natural order – Loganiaceae.
Potencies: Nux Vomica 6C,12C,30C or 30CH,200c or 200CH,,1M,10M,50M,LM,CM,
Nux vom. acts pre-eminently upon the spinal cord, including the motory and sensory centers at the base of the brain, affecting chiefly that portion of the spinal tract which presides over reflex functions. The condition produced is one of excessive irritation and excitability, giving rise to incoherent muscular action, which, in the extreme, constitutes violent tetanic contractions, and which, finally, may end in entire cessation of muscular movement, or paralysis. These tetanic convulsions, affect particularly the limbs and trunk; the former being rigidly flexed, and the body arched as in opisthotonos, the respiratory muscles rigidly contracted, rendering breathing laborious, even to asphyxia, while at the same time there are present spasmodic conditions of the face, jaws, throat, oesophagus and of the intestinal and urinary tracts. The entire condition thus presents a horrible aspect; but, through it all, the mind is unaffected, though it is probable that little pain is experienced. The paroxysms are usually interrupted “by periods of clam, from which, however, the least noise, a breath of air or the lightest touch may act with suddenness of lightning to renew the scene” (Stram.). Death finally results, either from asthenia or asphyxia. In addition to this remarkable action upon the muscular system, Nux vom. affects profoundly the organs and functions of nutrition, the secretions, being altered, the functions perverted and the organic substance changed, giving rise to a long train of symptoms, presenting accurate picture of gastric, hepatic and intestinal affections, which may only be appreciated and understood by a careful study of the pathogenesis of the drug. The same character of irritation which, in the mucous membrane of the alimentary track, gives rise to dyspeptic symptoms and aids in the production of, constipation, produces in the respiratory sphere a dry catarrhal condition, giving obstruction in the nasal passages, and dry cough. Nux vom also effects prominently the genito-urinary sphere, producing at first an increased activity of these organs, followed by depression and relaxation. The chief peculiarity of Nux vom. is its adaptation to disorders of digestion, especially when resulting from long-continued errors of diet, from highly seasoned foods, stimulating drinks, hot medicines, and drug mixtures in general and especially when occurring in persons of sedentary habits.
Mind. Quarrelsome, even to violence; ill-humored; finds fault and scolds; irritable; morose; stubborn (Agar., Alum., Borax, Caps., Bry., Cham). Careful, zealous persons inclined to get excited and angry, or of a spiteful, malicious disposition. Over- sensitiveness to external impressions; cannot tolerate noise, music, talking, strong odors or bright light (Bell., Colch., Stram.). Over-sensitiveness, every harmless word offends (Caps., Staph.); every little noise frightens (Op.); anxious and beside themselves; cannot bear the least, even suitable medicine. Hypochondriac mood, worse after eating; especially in persons of sedentary habits, or in those who dissipate, with abdominal sufferings and constipation. The time passes too slowly (Alum). Great anxiety, with inclination to commit suicide (Aur., Naja), but is afraid to die; much lamentation and weeping. Anxiety in morning on waking, better on rising, with orgasm of blood, and ill-humor. Great dread of, and incapacity for, literary work (Aloe); cannot think correctly (AEth., Cimic., Gels., Phos., ac.). Disinclination to bodily labor (Cinch., Phos., Phos. ac.). Head Intoxicated confusion in the head (Cinch., Graph); stupefaction (Op.). Vertigo after dinner, as if the brain were turning in a circle (Alum., Arn., Bell., Bry.,Coni.(, with momentary loss of consciousness; dizzy, reeling while walking, as if he would fall to one side or backward (Bell.). Intoxicated, dizzy heaviness in the head in the morning (Kreos). Headache in the morning in bed (Kali bi., Natr. mur., Nitr. ac.); in the middle of the brain, felt before opening the eyes; in forehead; in occiput as if the skull would burst (Bry., Natr. mur.); as if the head had been beaten with an ax; as if he had not slept; makes him stupid; disappears after rising. Pressive boring pains in the head commencing in the morning; worse after eating, with nausea and sour vomiting, toward evening, after lying down. Drawing, tearing, jerking, burning or pinching pains in the head, especially in morning and after eating. Heaviness and pressure in the head after dinner, especially on moving the eyes. Pressing as if something heavy were sinking forward in the head, on stooping. Headache, as if the brain were bruised or beaten (Mur. ac.). Pressing pain, as if a nail were being driven deeply into the side of the bran (Arn., Coff., Ign.). Violent jerking or dull stitches in left side of brain, from orbit to parietal bone or occiput. Tension in the forehead, as it were pressed in, at night and in the morning; worse on exposing head to cold air. sensation as from a bruise in back part of head. Small painful swelling on the forehead. Scalp sensitive to the touch (Acon., Baryt. c., Cinch., Merc., Mez., Natr. mur., Natr. carb., Nitr. ac.), or to wind; better from being warmly covered. Head symptoms worse in the morning, from mental exertion, exercising in the open air after eating, and from wine (Zinc.) and coffee; better in the warm room and from sitting quietly or lying down. Eyes. Photophobia; much worse in the morning. Vision cloudy (Caust., Gels.); sensitive. Inflammation, with swelling, red streaks in the whites, and pressive, tensive pain. Painless injection of the whites of the eyes; ecchymoses (Arn.). Burning and smarting, as form salt, with lachrymation (Natr. mur.); worse in external canthus. Margins of lids and canthi itch and burn, as if rubbed sore, especially in the morning. Itching better from rubbing. Smarting, dry sensation in inner canthi, in the morning in bed. Movement of lids difficult on account of stiffness of muscles. Ears. Itching in the ear and through the Eustachian tube, which compels frequent swallowing. Ringing, roaring and hissing in the ears (Bell., Cinch., Merc., Sulph.). Tearing, sticking pains in the ears (Puls.); worse in the morning in bed. Nose. Profuse discharge of acrid mucus from the obstructed nostrils. Coryza; fluent in the morning; fluent during the day, and stopped at night (Amm. carb., Nitr. ars.); in the morning and after dinner; with scraping and crawling in the nose and throat, with frequent sneezing especially in morning in bed; with headache, heat in the face, chilliness (Acon.). Coryza, worse in the warm room, better in the cool air (Puls.). Nostrils internally painful, as if ulcerated; also margins. Face Paleness of the face. Twitching and spasmodic distortion of the facial muscles (Agar., Bell, Cic., Ign.). Tearing and drawing pains in the face, extending into the ear. Drawing in masseter muscles, with stiffness. Tetanic contraction of the jaws; trismus (Absinth., Cic., Hyos., Laur.). Itching pimples on chin. Pimples on the face, from excessive use of spirituous liquors. Ulcer on inside of lower lip, painful to touch. Painful desquamation of the lips. Intermittent neuralgia; worse in infra-orbital branch or trifacial; always worse in morning; better sometimes when lying in bed, especially after abuse of coffee or liquors. Mouth. Drawing, tearing toothache; worse from mental exertion, from cold or cold things, after eating (Ant. crud., Lach., Staph.); from coffee or wine; relieved by warmth (Bry.). Stinging in decayed teeth; in whole row of teeth. tongue coated thick white (Acon., Ant. crud., Bry., PUls.). Painful blisters on tongue (Borax, Merc., Nitr. ac.). Painful blisters on tongue (Borax, Merc., Nitr. ac.). Heaviness of the tongue, with difficult speech (Caust., Gels., Lach.). Internal mouth, tongue and palate are slimy, and feel raw and sore. Dryness of the mouth, without much thirst (Apis, Nux m., Puls.), but with much accumulation of saliva (Merc.) in the fauces. Bad taste in the mouth in the morning (Puls.), though food and drink taste natural; taste sour (Calc. c., Cinch., Mag., Nitr. ac.); bitter (Bry., Coloc., Cinch., Puls., Sulph.). Offensive odor from the mouth (Arn., Aur., Iodi., Kreos., Nitr. ac.); mornings; after dinner; sour. Small aphthous ulcers in the mouth and throat, with putrid smell; bloody saliva runs out at night; gums scorbutic; spits coagulated blood. Throat Throat raw (Arum., Sang.), sore, rough, as if scraped (Arg.), principally when swallowing, and when inhaling cold air. Scraping, as after heartburn. Pharynx constricted; swallowing, as from a plug in throat (Natr. mur.). Spasmodic pain from pharynx to pit of stomach in morning. Stitches in ear when swallowing. Stomach Hunger, with aversion to food, especially bread (Lyc., Natr. mur.), water, coffee and tobacco. Thirst for milk; for beer. Bitter, sour eructations (Alum., Carb. v., Phos., Sulph.). Violent hiccough (Cic., Hyos., Lyc.). Heartburn (Lyc., Natr. mur.); as form overloading stomach with rancid fats (Puls.); waterbrash (Led.); after eating. Nausea in morning (Calc., PUls., Sulph.); after eating or drinking (Ars.); from smoking tobacco (Ign), with faintness (Ant. tart.); after dinner. Vomiting of sour mucus; of food and drink (Ipec., Phos., Podo); of bile (Grat., Iris, Podo.); of blood (Ham., Op., Podo., Stan.). Retching as if to vomit, while hawking mucus from fauces. Region of stomach sensitive to pressure. Clawing, cramping pains in the stomach (Bell., Coccul.). Tension and fullness in the epigastrium. Sensation as if something in epigastric region turned over. Discomfort in pit of stomach, ascending to throat, choking and impeding breathing. Fluttering in the epigastrium. Pressure in the stomach an hour or two after a meal (Puls.), with dullness of the head and hypochondriacal mood. Bloatedness and pressure as from a stone in stomach (Ars., Bry., Puls.); especially after eating. Disordered stomach from overeating; from debauchery; from high living; from drugs; from sedentary habits. Scraped sensation in pit of stomach (Puls.). Abdomen. Stitches in the region of the liver; worse from contact or motion (Bry., Cinch.). Throbbing pain as from hepatic abscesses. Jaundice (Chel., Merc.); aversion to food; fainting turns; gall-stones (Cinch.). Loud rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen (Lyc.) in the morning. Flatulent distension of the abdomen after eating (Cinch., Lyc., Nux m., Rhus tox.). Colic; flatulent; from indigestion; from overeating; as from a cold (Dulc., MErc.); cutting pains as from stones (Coloc.); griping, pinching; periodical after breakfast or after meals; evening after lying down; making hemi bend together (Aloe, Caust., Coloc., Iris, Rheum). Pain as before diarrhoea from taking cold. Constriction. Weight. Sensation as if everything would fall, obliging him to walk carefully. Pressure under short ribs as from incarcerated flatulence (Carb. v.). Bruised, sore pain in the intestines (Merc.). Stitches in abdomen. Griping, tearing pains, extending into the chest. Development of a tendency to inguinal hernia. Sensation of weakness in inguinal ring, as if hernia would occur; or pain as if a hernia would become incarcerated (Alum., Nitr. ac.). Jerking and twitching in the abdominal muscles. Stool and Anus. Blind haemorrhoids; with sticking, beating or pressive pain in rectum and anus; after stool, after a meal, and after exerting the mind. Constipation, with frequent and ineffectual desire for stool (Ambr., Coni., Nitr. ac., Sil., Sulph.), and a sensation of constriction in rectum. After stool, sensation as if more remained (Aloe, Lyc.), but could not be evacuated. Alternate constipation and diarrhoea (Ant. crud., Card. m., Cimic., Natr. ars., Podo.). Discharge of bright-red blood with faeces, with sensation of constriction and contraction in rectum. Frequent and ineffectual urging, with griping and soft stool. Jerking in anus when not at stool. Itching in anus with sore pain, as from haemorrhoids. Diarrhoea, especially in the morning, of a dark color (Rumex, Sulph); after dinner. Small stools, of a slimy, bloody mucus, with much urging, ceasing after stool; scanty, corrosive, in morning. Urinary Organs Painful, ineffectual urging to urinate (Canth.). Urine passes in drops (Acon., Bell., Canth.), with burning and tearing in urethra and neck of bladder (Apis, Canth., Can. sat., Caps.). Constriction in fore part of urethra extending backward. Urine pale, later thick, whitish, purulent; reddish, with brick-dust sediment; turbid, with dirty-yellow sediment in morning and when thinking. Tenacious mucus passes with the urine, without pain. Male Organs. Easily excited desire (Coni.), painful erections, especially in the morning; after mid-day nap. Nightly emissions, with lascivious dreams; from high living, etc.; bad effects of sexual excesses. Prepuce sore on margin; biting, itching on inner surface. Itching of scrotum. Stitches in testicles. Female Organs. Menses too early and too profuse (Alum., Ambr., Amm. Carb., Bell., Calc. c.); flow dark; with cramps. During menses, nausea in morning, with chilliness and attacks of faintness. Pressure toward the genitals, especially in the morning. Contractive uterine spasms; colic, with discharge of coagula (Caul., Sec.). Internal swelling of vagina like prolapsus, with burning pain, worse on touch. Burning in pudenda. Respiratory Organs. Hoarseness, with roughness an scraping in the throat (Caust.); provoking a cough. Accumulation of tenacious mucus in upper part of trachea (Bry., Rumex). Itching and tickling in the trachea, exciting a cough (Baryt. c.). Oppressed breathing; tightness of breathing from spasmodic constriction of lower part of thorax (Ign., Laur.); especially when walking and ascending. Dry, fatiguing cough (Rumex), from midnight till day-break; in the evening after lying down (Coni., Hyos., Mez., Puls.), or very early in the morning. Violent cough before rising in the morning, with expectoration of clotted blood (Puls.), and soreness in the chest (Arn.). Cough, causing bruised pain in abdominal walls; headache, as if skull would burst (Bry., Natr. mur.). Cough worse after eating or drinking (Cinch.); after mental or physical exertion; when lying on the back; from cold; from tobacco. Pressing in the chest, as from a heavy load (Ferr., Phos.); in open air; at night in bed. Intercostal neuralgia, better when lying on the well side. Roughness, rawness and scraping in the chest (Cham.). Congestion in the chest, with heat and burning. Heart and Pulse Palpitation; on lying down after dinner; after eating; from coffee; from protracted study. Back and Neck. Heaviness and stiffness in the neck. Drawing pain in muscles of neck. Paroxysmal tearing pain in nape of neck and in back. Pain in back and small of back as if bruised or broken (Aloe, Bell., Cimic., Kali c., Natr. mur., Plat.). Back spasmodically curved like an arch (Cic., Op.). Cervico-brachial neuralgia, neck stiff, worse in the morning, or after eating, and from touch. Limbs. Bruised pain in the limbs and joints, worse in the morning in bed; better on rising. Spasmodic pain in joints after yawning and stretching, with chilliness and internal beating. Trembling of the limbs, and jerking of the heart. Great weariness and relaxation in all the limbs, after taking the open air. Chilliness of back and limbs in morning, with pain of skin as from freezing cold, and falling asleep of limbs. Sensation of sudden loss of power in the extremities, in the morning. Falling asleep of arms, hands and soles of feet. Lower Limbs. Tottering and unsteadiness of the lower extremities; knocking under of the knees; drags the feet. Paralytic drawing of the muscles of thighs and calves, painful on walking. Painful swelling of the knees. Stiffness and tension in hollows of knees, especially after standing; sensation as if tendons were too short, on arising from a seat. Numbness and deadness of the legs. Cramps in the calves at night (Calc. c., Nitr. ac., Sulph.). Generalities. Great debility, with over-sensitiveness of all the senses (Cinch.). Everything makes too strong an impression. Emaciation (Ars., Ferr., Graph., Natr. mur., Phos., Iodi.). Stitches in jerks through the whole body, causing shuddering. Trembling all over; mostly of hands, especially in morning; in drunkards. Violent contractive painful sensation through the whole body. Greater weariness in the morning after rising than in the evening on going to bed. Sensitiveness and aversion to open air (Amm. carb., Aur., Coccul., Phos., Rumex, Sep., Sil.). Takes cold in the slightest draught of air. Fainting fits after walking in the open air. Wants to sit or lie down. Convulsions, with tetanic rigidity of nearly all the muscles of the body, with interruptions of a few minutes, during which muscles are relaxed. Opisthotonos. Spasms renewed by the slightest touch (Stram). Paralysis, with numbness and coldness of the paralyzed parts, caused by apoplexia, alcohol, sexual excesses, etc. Sleep. Much yawning and sleepiness during the day (Nux m.); irresistible sleepiness after eating, for several hours (Kali carb., Sil.). Sleepy in the early evening, but sleepless at night. Awakens at 3 A.M., lies awake for hours, with a rush of thoughts, falls into a dreamy sleep at day-break, from which it is hard to arouse, and then feels tired, weak and averse to rising. sleeps mostly lying on the back. Loud, snoring respiration during sleep (Laur., Op.). Dreams, with frightful visions, causing fear. Fever. Chilliness and shivering over the whole body, with blueness of the skin, especially the hands and nails. Chill in evening on lying down (Nitr. ac.), followed by heat in head and face. Chill not relieved by heat; aggravated by motion. Dry heat, which does not tolerate covering, or else desires it, yet chilly on being uncovered. Heat precedes the chill, and is renewed after the chill. Sweat after midnight and in the morning; sour, offensive (Arn., Ars., Carb. an., Hep. s., Sil.); cold, clammy on face (Camph., Verat. alb.) Aggravation. From mental exertion; in the morning; after eating, especially after dinner; from motion; from slight touch; in open air; in dry weather. Amelioration. From frequent stretching; after dinner; of all pains by cold sweat. Conditions. Fiery, excitable temperaments. Suits thin, irritable, choleric persons, with dark hair, and persons who make great mental exertion, or lead a sedentary life; debauchers who are irritable and thin. Compare Amm. mur., Am. carb., Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc. c., Carb. v., Cham., Cedron, Cic. v., Cinch., coccul., Coff., Cupr., Ign., Ipec., Lyc., Merc., Op., Phos., Puls., Rhus tox., Sec. c., Sep., Sulph. Its relations are: Ars., Ipec., Phos., Sulph. precede Nux v. well, while Bry., Puls. and Sulph. follow it well. Intensifies the action of Sepia. Inimical to Zinc. Antidote. Acon., Bell., Camph., Cham., Coff., Coccul., Ign., Puls. To large doses: Wine, Coffee, Camph., Op. Nux Vomica Antidotes. Ars., Cham., Cinch., coccul., Coff., Op., Phos., Puls. It is also an antidote to aromatics, drastics, “hot medicines,” narcotics, Coffee and Alcohol.
Nux vom., while not having so wide a range of action as Mercurius and possibly other remedies, is nevertheless more often prescribed than any other drug in the Materia Medica, owing to the fact that its pathogenesis covers a class of ailments, both acute and chronic, such as are very commonly met with in practice. This is also largely due to the fact that Nux vom. is more often indicated for indigestion and the various consequences arising from errors in diet and digestive habits, than any other remedy, and is therefore often required for certain persons who are so engrossed in business that they pay little attention to their physical requirements. Especially useful in persons having a Nux temperament as above described under the head of “Conditions.” It is the remedy preeminently for the bad effects from highly seasoned foods coffee, tobacco and spirituous liquors; from all kinds of drug mixtures, hot medicines and nostrums; from over-exertion of mind, sedentary habits, over- eating, loss of sleep; from debauchery. Dyspepsia from above causes, with pain, nausea and other symptoms noted in pathogenesis. Atonic dyspepsia, with slow and imperfect digestion. Gastralgia, with clawing, cramping pains, worse after eating; worse in morning before breakfast; better from hot drinks. A valuable remedy in nausea and vomiting from above named causes. Vomiting of drunkards; or pregnancy. Valuable in cases where the stomach has been ruined by allopathic medicines and nostrums. Gastro-duodenal catarrh, with coated tongue, nausea, soreness, pain, etc. Nux is invaluable in functional derangements as well as organic diseases of the liver arising from the causes above named, especially from habitual use of alcoholic liquors, and particularly where there is associated indigestion, constipation and haemorrhoids. Liver engorged, swollen, indurated, sensitive. Hepatitis from above causes; gall-stones; constipation nearly always present. Useful in hernia; has cured incarcerated hernia, apparently irreducible, as well as more recent cases. Infantile hernia, caused by crying, or by straining in obstinate constipation. Colic from indigestion, with other Nux symptoms; from suppressed haemorrhoidal flow. An extremely valuable remedy in haemorrhoids, especially when associated with gastric and hepatic derangements above mentioned, and from causes named. Particularly useful in blind, painful haemorrhoids with constipation, much itching, and frequent urging to stool. Sometimes useful in diarrhoea or dysentery, with backache, nausea and ineffectual urging and other symptoms described under “Stool and Anus;” but the chief sphere of usefulness of the drug is in constipation, which is usually associated with most of the digestive troubles in which Nux vom. is indicated. The constipation seems not to arise from inactivity of the bowels as in Alumina, Opium, etc., but rather form an inharmonious peristalsis, there being usually an almost constant ineffectual urging to stool throughout the whole abdomen, the difficult arising not from any local trouble in the rectum, but from a general derangement of the digestive system, interfering with the portal circulation. The mental and head symptoms of Nux vom. are extremely important, and, arising as they do in most instances form derangements of digestion, should be considered in this connection. The characteristic Nux temperament has already been referred to, and should be continually borne in mind. Hypochondriasis is an important element in the action of the drug, and for which it is most often useful, occurring as it usually does from the class of troubles already mentioned, and with which it is very frequently associated. Hypochondriasis from mental strain and in persons of sedentary habits, or those who dissipate and who suffer with gastric and abdominal complaints, constipation and haemorrhoids. Other mental symptoms mentioned in the pathogenesis usually arise from similar causes, and should be remembered as very important in indicating the use of the drug. The vertigo and headaches of Nux are in the same line, rarely occurring form other causes, and present too many individual phases to be repeated. Vertigo, dull headache, coated tongue, nausea, etc., following a debauch; especially worse in the morning; also from indigestion brought on by over-eating or by mental exertion. Headache from drinking coffee. Superior-orbital neuralgia, recurring early every morning. The sleep symptoms are important, and usually associated with the above-named conditions. The patient is usual very sleepy after meals, but sleepless at night, goes to sleep late, then wakens about 2 or 3 A.M., and lies awake a long time with a rush of thoughts, then failing into a dreamy sleep and waking in the morning unrefreshed, tired and weary, with dull headache, bad taste in the mouth, etc. The action of Nux vom. upon the spinal nerves has been pretty fully described in the foregoing analysis and pathogenesis. Clinically it is of great value where similar conditions are present. Convulsions, epileptiform, with tetanic rigidity, opisthotonos, with intervals of relaxation, renewed by the slightest touch; with consciousness; from indigestion; from emotions. Chorea. Paralysis; form apoplexia in high livers; partial paralysis with gastric symptoms, in drunkards; usually numbness and coldness of paralyzed parts; general Nux symptoms. Spinal irritation, partial paralysis of extremities, numbness, etc. Sometimes useful as an intercurrent in locomotor ataxia; also multiple sclerosis. Torticollis in spinal disease, from cold. Cervico-bronchial neuralgia, neck stiff, worse mornings, etc. Lumbago, pain as if bruised or broken, worse at night in bed, cannot turn over, the longer he lies the worse it gets. Rheumatism, especially the large muscles of the back or the large joints; muscles palpitate and are cramped; parts feel torpid, paralytic; gastric symptoms. 38 Nux is indicated in many diseases of the eyes. Catarrh. Conjunctivitis, with photophobia, worse mornings. Keratitis, with excessive photophobia, worse mornings. Scrofulous ophthalmia. Spasms of the lids. Atrophy of the retina; of the optic nerve. Hyperaesthesia of the retina, any attempt to use the eyes accompanied by intense pain and lachrymation. Ecchymoses of sclerotica, especially after debauchery. Infra- orbital neuralgia from indigestion, from abuse of coffee or alcoholic liquors, relieved by warmth. Ciliary neuralgia. Amaurosis from tobacco or alcohol. Eustachian catarrh, with itching along the tube and frequent desire to swallow. Otalgia, worse in the morning in bed. Often useful in nasal catarrh more often acute than chronic; useful in beginning of a severe cold caused by exposure to dry, cold weather, or sitting in a cold room, or on cold steps. The discharge may be fluent, at the same time the nose seems dry and obstructed, with frequent sneezing especially mornings, fluent during day, stopped at night; worse in warm room, better in open air. Coryza of nursing infants, preventing nursing. Epistaxis from suppressed haemorrhoidal flow. Sometimes useful in facial neuralgia and toothache (See symptoms). Acne of the face, especially in high livers and drunkards. Small, putrid aphthous ulcers in mouth and throat. Catarrhal sore throat, often with coryza, rough, scraping sensation; allays irritation caused by topical applications, especially if rawness and scraping are present. Useful in reflex coughs of nervous origin, from gastric troubles or mental exertion. Violent, dry cough, worse early in morning (see symptoms). Bronchial catarrh with roughness, rawness and scraping in the chest. Asthma from gastric troubles, worse after eating, relieved by eructations, etc. Whooping cough, with characteristic aggravations. Intercostal neuralgia from usual causes before mentioned. Angina pectoris form indigestion, suppressed haemorrhoids, coffee, tobacco or alcohol. Cardiac complaints from suppressed haemorrhoids (Collin.). Palpitation after eating, from coffee or mental over-exertion. Nux vom. is frequently a valuable remedy in diseases of the genito-urinary organs. Renal colic, more right side, backache, pains into genital organs and down the limbs. Haematuria after suppressed haemorrhoids or menses; after debauchery. Irritable bladder, not inflammation, with strangury, discharge only a few drops, high-colored, burning urine; from gastric or hepatic disturbances. Paralysis of bladder with dribbling of urine, in old dyspeptics, especially drunkards. Bad effects from sexual excesses or masturbation; nocturnal emissions; also from high living. Menorrhagia, flow dark, with cramps, fainting. Dysmenorrhoea with characteristic Nux symptoms. Nausea during menses or pregnancy especially with constipation, etc. Prolapsus uteri, of recent origin, from a sprain or wrench, with general Nux symptoms. In such cases Sepia follows well. Sometimes useful during labor with reflex symptoms of rectum and bladder (not from pressure of the head) constant urging, rigid os; pains seem to run down the thighs. Often useful in intermittent fever, chill accompanied by blueness especially of the finger nails; yawning; aching in the back and limbs; followed by fever, and then light sweat; during apyrexia, gastric and bilious symptoms. During fever wants to be covered, feels chilly if uncovered. Nux may be useful in typhoid and other types of fever when its characteristic, gastric and bilious symptoms are present.