Aconite [Acon]
Coldness along vertebral column; creeping as of insects over back, arms and thighs, painful stiffness in back and hip-joint, numb sensation extending into legs; tensive,pressive pains in lumbar and sacral regions, on stepping; numbness in arms and hands, with formication, prickling and tingling; numbness, icy coldness and insensibility of hands and feet.
AEsculus [Aesc]
Paralytic weakness; numbness,prickling,sacro-lumbar pain; paralytic weakness of the symphyses, making locomotion difficult or impossible; catarrh of mucous membranes; gastric irritation, haemorrhoids.
Agaricus [Agar]
SPINAL COLUMN SENSITIVE TO TOUCH; aching along back and limbs; violent, electric-like shocks, emanating from lumbar vertebrae shooting through lower part of body; extremities go to sleep easily; she feels as if her limbs do not belong to her; formication in all extremities; frequent erections, great sexual desire with relaxed penis; every embrace followed by night sweats,great weariness and lassitude; twitching of eyelids and eyeballs; palpitation of heart in old people; pulse slow, feeble, intermittent, painful stitches in cardiac region; coldness of glutei muscles, and below scapulae, as if touched by a piece of ice; sensation as if a cool current of air were passing from spine all over the body; gastralgic and spasmodic form of angina pectoris; () by sitting up, when sitting or stooping painful sensation as if heart were contracted, aversion to meat and irresistible longing for coffee.
Aranea-diad [Aran]
Languor and lassitude, must lie down,feels as if she would drop; neuralgia along spinal nerves keeps her from sleep; restless sleep, on awaking hands and forearms feel as if greatly swollen, and so heavy that she cannot lift them; anorexia; deep melancholy; HYDROGENOID CONSTITUTION.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
Backache, () from moving about, with trembling weakness of limbs,fear of projecting corners, etc.; legs feel weak, as after a long journey; legs jerk during sleep, lumbar region feels rigid, as if put on the stretch; symphyses weak, loose as if they would give way; inco-ordination from dizziness;faint feeling in praecordia and irregular beating of heart; great prostration and restlessness; patient looks old.
Arnica [Arn]
SPINE FEELS AS IF IT WERE UNABLE TO CARRY THE BODY; crawling in vertebral column; pain in sacrum as after a violent blow or fall; vertigo and nausea with obscuration of sight, (>) lying down; head hot,rest of body cool; hot, burning spots on top of head; intercostal neuralgia with bruised soreness of the muscles; gastrodynia () after a good sleep.
Gelsemium [Gels]
Dull pain in lumbar and sacral regions;l weak back; loss of muscular control; ending in complete motor paralysis; every little exertion causes fatigue of the legs,with muscular soreness; patient languid, listless, drowsy, sleeplessness from nervous exhaustion, brain-fag, a bodily tired-out sensation, with unwanted laziness, temporarily relieved by stimulants, CONGESTION OF SPINE,MUSCLES FEEL BRUISED AND WILL NOT OBEY THE WILL; pains from spine to head and shoulders; myalgic pains; excessive irritability of mind and body; drooping of eyelids; bowels loose; tenesmus of bladder; constrictive pain in lower part of chest; distention of stomach with pain and nausea; diarrhoea after sudden emotions, grief, fright, bad news, anticipation of any unusual ordeal; nervous chills; chilliness along spine.
Graphites [Graph]
Impotence in men; profuse leucorrhoea, weak back, scanty menses in fat anaemic women; limbs go to sleep readily; walking difficult, from muscular weakness; sudden sinking of strength; throbbing of blood-vessels; rush of blood to chest and head; but not from true plethora; LEUKAEMIA; vertigo to falling and faintness in the morning; spinal anaemia with pain, mostly noticed in cervical region, also in lumbar region; patient cold from want to animal heat; flatulency; herpetic, rough, rhagadic skin; eruptions oozing a sticky moisture.
Helonias [Helon]
Lumbo- sacral region is weak and pulse tired; burning aching, warm numbness in legs; numb feet while sitting; feels tired all over, but (>) from motion or when mind is occupied.
Ignatia [Ign]
Stiffness or pain in nape of neck, with tendency to spasmodic closure of the jaws and walking the patient from sleep, pain as if beaten,a t night, when lying upon either side, in neck, back, shoulders, only disappearing when lying upon back, constant sighing from suppressed grief; vertigo, accompanied by weak, faint feelings in pit of stomach; nervous headaches, () by profuse flow of clear, limpid urine, constipation; stitches from anus deep into rectum, numb feeling in arms at night, with sensation as if something living were running in the arms; cold hands and feet, starting of limbs when going to sleep; hysterical debility and fainting fits.
Kali-ars [Kali-ar]
From pit of stomach to spine an anxious feeling, accompanied by palpitation ; empty feeling in stomach; pulse small, filiform; constricted feeling in head,(

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