– Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.



Nervous system


Medulla oblongata

Nerves of Heart Mitral valve Respiration Glosso-pharyngeal Vagus

Spine. Brain Arm. Temple Ovary


COLD; damp air; drafts

Spring. Foggy weather

Summer. Heat. Hottest part of the day

Morning. (Day time) 3 p.m. Night Sleep Menses

Lying on l. side

Touch. Pressure of clothes

Motion. Walking

Riding in car

Stimulants. Water



Heat. Warmth

Open air (not cold); walking in riding in


Lying on r. side



Sour fruits (as lime)


Tremulous. Paralytic. Excited

Congestive. Nervous. Degenerant

Diseases originate from degeneration of motor cells of nerves; prostration, collapse, paralysis.

Make-up : Nervous, excitable, active, quick-acting but of vacillating disposition too and sceptic; quickly exhausted, with tremulous weakness; with cardiac insufficiency, often reflex; paralytic.

Fatigue. Languor. Faintness. Torpor. Restless weakness, rolls about, tosses head side to side, moves arms and legs (like Ars., Lach. is excited and weak). Uneasy, uncomfortable feeling all over; esp. in stomach, abdomen, bladder, chest (l.) and heart.

Many pains; constrictive, stitching, screwing-up, burning etc. Intractable neuralgias; with heart symptoms. Aching all over, () washing. Jaws locked, or drooping. Lips hot and sore, dry and cracked, painful and excoriated. Purple sordes on lips, gums and tongue. Neuralgic pains.

Mouth : Gnawing toothache; after catching cold. Gums hot, swollen, tender. Worse when hungry. Dry mouth sans thirst; or foaming and viscid saliva. Breath hot and offensive. Thick, yellow coating; coldness; ulcers, on tongue (Agar.). Loss of speech, with choking, palpitation; after a lecture. Metallic sour bitter taste.

Throat : Choking; nervous, but also stricture. Sens. of hot iron has run into larynx; of a hair. Sore throat, dark red (Ail.). L. side: tonsillitis, with redness and shooting pains; pricking and redness () lying on r. side. Expectoration viscid, white; blood-spitting (non-coagulable).

Pain in l. pectoral muscles; subclavicular. Dull pain to r. of sternum; tenderness over sternum and in throat. Shooting in supramammary region; or under l. nipple alternating with same over l. eye ext. backward () sitting or riding in (not cool) open air. Dry, hot, empty feeling in (l.) lung; or heavy, oppressed feeling. Ribs feel broken (Sep.). Chest sympathizes with heart.

Heart : Non-descript nervous cardiac troubles; nervous sensation in; a peculiar oppression felt in. All the disturbing forces have settled in the heart, no distinctive symptoms (Amm-c.) but simple atony (as in children), or cardiac murmurs, palpitation etc. are associated with nervousness; a peculiar depressed feeling or distress in precordia. Easy palpitation; most when Sun in hottest; or (

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– T. F. Allen.

Like other serpent poisons, it produces swelling of the whole body or special parts and local inflammations. General torpor and listlessness, even insensibility. Sensation, as if internal organs distant from each other were drawn together.; for example, the ovary and heart.
Neuralgic pains, preceded or followed by nausea and vomiting; a sense of dull, heavy constriction, often extending from the forehead to the occiput, with ringing in the ears, palpitation, etc.
Clinical. Symptoms of hay fever, with asthmatic breathing, especially with dryness in the larynx, suffocation; aggravation by lying down; must be held erect to breathe; aggravated by sleeping.
Dryness in the mouth and throat. Sense of constriction, with grasping at the throat; inability to swallow. Clinical. Diphtheritic inflammation; patient is cyanotic, gasps, wakes from sleep in distress, with palpitation, intermittent and thready pulse, threatening paralysis of the heart.
Sexual Organs
Constrictive pains in the left ovary, with palpitation. A feeling as if the ovary and heart were being drawn together.
Respiratory Organs
Constriction and suffocated feeling in the larynx. Dyspnoea () expectoration of mucus.
Pain in the region of the heart, a peculiar depressed feeling. Palpitation. Fluttering. Pulse becomes irregular and very feeble, with cyanosis; gasping for breath on waking from sleep. Pains in the heart extend to the shoulder and neck, with extreme anxiety. Clinical. Not infrequently indicated in rheumatic diseases of the heart, with irregular, feeble action, particularly with cough, asthmatic breathing, suffocative constriction of he chest; angina pectoris.

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– Kent J. T.

The use of Naja has extended far beyond its proving. So many of the Ophidian family present symptoms in common with it, that much has been presumed—truly so. Many characteristics run through these remedies, each remedy having its own peculiar sphere. Taken together the family presents a wide range of curative action.

Mure, of Brazil, thought that the snake family presented curative powers for the healing of the nations.

In the mineral kingdom, man may find his remedy when sick, so in the vegetable and animal kingdom. It is possible that the product of the serpent may be everything needed for the healing of man. Extend this to the whole animal kingdom and it is probably so. There seems to be everything existing in one kingdom that exists in another. The lowest is the mineral, the next the vegetable, and last the animal kingdom. If we had a perfect knowledge of any one kingdom, we could probably cover the entire scope of curative possibilities. But we have only a knowledge of a few remedies in each kingdom.

Another idea has been advanced that in any particular region, the vegetable kingdom provides all that is necessary for curing in that region. If we were acquainted with all the vegetable growths, how much we would know in comparison with what we do know! It is highly probable that there is a throwing off from the sick human race of something that is absorbed by the plants. The evils that are thrown off by man may be absorbed by the vegetable kingdom. Plants will correspond to men in the region in which they grow, if there is anything in this. In two thousand years there might be a necessity for some kind of a check upon the growth of plants. The absorption of these evils may cause them to vary in species, and if they continue to grow and each to absorb the evils from the human race, they will continue to differ. This favors evolution and explains it in a sense.

It is important to compare the symptoms of Naja with those of the other snakes. The patient is disturbed by closeness of the collar, (

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