KENT: “The complaints of Merc. When sufficiently acute to send him to bed are worse from the warmth of bed, so that he is forced to uncover, but after he uncovers and cools off he gets worse again, so that he has difficulty in keeping comfortable. This applies to the pain, the fever, ulcers and eruptions and the patient himself.”
 ”Think of Merc., it you are called to a child with sweating of the head, dilated pupils, rolling of the head, and aggravation at night, who has had scarlet fever or a suppressed ear discharge. Merc. Cures lingering febrile conditions analogous to the typhoid state, but caused by suppressed ear discharge.”
 ”Merc., is full of fever. Very seldom, however, has it a true, idiopathic, continued fever. It stands very low for continued fever. It stands very low for continued fever alone, but it is especially indicated in surgical fevers, at first remittent, but later continued, such as come on from the suppression of discharges. In surgical fevers, bilious fevers, worm fever in children, and remittent fevers there is much aching in the bones, great sensitiveness to the air, aggravation at night in bed when the fever runs highest, mercurial breath and sallow skin. It acts wonderfully in catarrhal fevers, grippe, etc., and when cold extends to the chest and there are copious discharges everywhere. It is suitable in quasi-typhoids that have come out of remittents, symptomatic typhoids, when the patient is icteric, low, prostrated, tremulous, with quivering muscles, great exhaustion fever.”
 HERING: “Continued or remittent fevers, particularly when complicated with enlargement or subacute inflammation of liver.”
 ALLEN: “Ptyalism; profuse fetid; metallic saliva; soapy, stringy.”
 ”Tongue: large, flabby, shows imprint of teeth.”
 ”Intense thirst, although the tongue looks moist and the saliva is profuse (dry mouth but no thirst, Puls.).”
 ”Chilliness on going into the open air (Rhus—reverse of Puls.).”
 ”Alternate sensation of heat and chilliness; not perceptible to external touch.”
 ”Heat in bed; chilly when not in bed.”
 ”Sweat in bed; chilly when not in bed.”
 ”Worse while sweating; weakness aggravated (Rhus).”
 Cause: atmospheric variations, exposure to cold, to damp places, to cold wet weather.
 CLINICAL : Infective hepatitis; catarrhal fever.
 POTENCY : 6, 30 and 200 commonly used.
 Followed well by: Bell., Hep., Chin., Sul.
 Follows : Bell., Hep., Sul.
 Antidoted by : Chel.
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Range of Use. – Rheumatic arthritic drawing at night; shining red swelling of the joints; jaundice and bilious complaints; lymphatic affections; rickets; pains rendered intolerable by warmth in the bed; fall. dysentery, and c.; itching aggravated by the warmth of the bed; eating ulcers, bleeding freely; eruptions; malignant sores; uneasy superficial sleep, and anxiety at night; fever; chills; night fevers; mucus fever; inflammatory fevers, with disposition to perspire; profuse night-sweats; anguish; obstinate; impatient; full of disputation; vertigo, with nausea in the evening; headache as if the head would fly to pieces; tearing headache on one side, stinging down to the teeth and muscles of the neck; stitching in the hairy scalp and forehead, the hair falls off; pain under the lids as if from some cutting body; burning in the eyes;

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chronic sore eyes; intolerance of the glare of fire; swollen eyes; scurfs around the eyes; incipient blindness; stitching pain in the ears; purulent discharge from the ears; hardness of hearing; rushing in the ears; red shining swelling of the nose, with itching; profuse excoriating watery discharge; pale complexion; livid cheeks; dingy yellow crust in the face; continued itching day and night, and bleeding after scratching; malignant milk-crust; cracks in the lips; ulcerated corners of the mouth; pimples on the chin; toothache, aggravated by cold or warm things, or at night in bed, becoming intolerable; swollen receding gums; tetter of the mouth; inflammatory swelling of the inner mouth; pimples in the mouth; little white blisters upon the tongue; fetid saliva flowing in profusion; sore-throat; burning in the throat as if a hot vapor were rising from the bowels; loss of voice; inflammation of the tonsils; ulcers in the throat; sweet taste in the mouth; violent burning thirst for cold drinks; canine hunger; aversion to food, especially to warm and solid food; very weak digestion; nausea; inclination to vomit, with sweetish taste in the mouth and throat; bitter bilious vomiting; pressure in the stomach, with sensation as if draped down, also after the lightest kind of food; inflammation of the liver; dropsy of the abdomen; ineffectual urging, with tenesmus, especially at night; hard lumpy stool; sour smelling, green slimy or bloody stool; diarrhoea; dysenteric stools; discharge of bright red blood at stool; sudden urging to urinate; excessive disposition to make water, but can pass but a few drops at a time: involuntary emission of urine; dark red fetid urine, which soon becomes turbid; prolapsion of the rectum; rush of blood to the uterus; falling of the passage to the womb; purulent corrosive leucorrhoea; swelling of the veins of the penis; sores on the gland of the penis; white slime constantly collecting underneath the skin of the penis; hoarse husky voice; loss of voice; catarrh, with cough and sore-throat; bloody expectoration from the chest; ulceration of the lungs; spasms of the chest; palpitation of the heart; swelling and ulceration of the nipples; shingles; small blisters forming a belt and extending entirely around the whole abdomen; gouty, red, hot swelling of the fore-arm; itch-like eruption on the hands; tearing and stitching in the lower limbs, at night and during motion, with sensation of coldness in the affected parts; shining, transparent, dropsical swelling of the thighs and legs; painful swelling of the bones.

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Syn.-Mercury; Quicksilver.

Mercury is of a silver white color, freezes at – 40 degrees Fahrenheit and boils at 680 degrees. It is a liquid metal and forms amalgams with various metals, iron excepted. For extracting gold and silver from ores it is quite extensively used. The backs of mirrors are coated with its amalgam with tin. Mercury is used in medicine in various forms, but the writer does not favor its use. When we take into consideration what harm is done by the frequent administration of mercury in its various forms a word of warning is not out of place. The writer never prescribes it and finds that we have other remedies that act more pleasantly and are less harmful. Calomel is the form of mercury most generally prescribed. To those who insist on using it, will say that if used at all it should only be given in very small doses and in the following conditions only: If the tongue is broad and flabby, with a thick coat, in so-called bilious conditions, it is admissible; but only until this heavy coating is relieved. When the mucous lining of the digestive tract is thickly coated with mucus, preventing proper secretion of the digestive juices it may be used. Calomel is a powerful mucous membrane solvent and we can thus understand why it may be used in above conditions only. It should be associated with other remedies to cause rapid elimination. If given were mucous membrane is thin, sensitive, irritated or inflamed it is very harmful. The abusive use of calomel is the cause of many conditions of the system, among others, salivation, appendicitis, etc. As the reader will come in contact with many of these troubles the physiological action is given below.

Physiological action: Given for a long time it will produce hydrargyrism. Although inert in itself, when combined with the fluids of the body, as oxyalbuminate of mercury it is easily absorbed and enters all parts of the body. In the stomach it is converted into double chloride of sodium and mercury, which is soluble in excess of albumen or sodium chloride which naturally exists in solution. It is therefore easily absorbed and decomposed, changing into oxyalbuminate of mercury. Its purgative affect is due to irritation of the duodenum, part of it only being absorbed, the rest passing off as sulphide with the feces. It diminishes the red blood corpuscles, is destructive to mucous tissue and will disturb digestion. Through the tissues it enters the blood and will cause softening and destruction of bones, if continued for any length of time. It stimulates the salivary and pancreatic glands and will be found, when taken internally, in all the secretions of the body. In small doses, if taken for some time, it will cause tender and spongy gums, metallic taste, will loosen and destroy teeth and cause bleeding of the gums, increase of flow of saliva which finally results in salivation and destruction of the teeth. The more severe poisoning symptoms are swollen and spongy gums, with bluish margins, loosened and sore teeth, stomatitis, fetid breath, marked salivation, metallic taste in the mouth, loss of appetite, ulceration of the mouth. This continued will result in marked general and nervous disturbance, necrosis of the bones, pustular eruptions, emaciation, pallor, headache, neuralgia, muscular tremors, paresis of the extremities, coma and convulsions. Paralysis agitans, chorea and even locomotor ataxia have resulted from its use. A large or full dose may cause a form of coryza, conjunctivitis, nose bleed and purulent discharge from the nose. Inhaled it will produce the same symptoms as if taken internally. Bichloride of mercury is a violent poison, causing severe gastro-intestinal irritation, vomiting, purging of mucus and blood, inflammation and ulceration of the rectum, collapse and death speedily result, which may be preceded by convulsions. Calomel (sub-chloride) is less irritating, acts more on the upper intestines This is decomposed by alkaline secretions of the intestines forming oxide of mercury. If alkaline chlorides are present it is changed into bichloride in small quantity.

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Quick silver. the element.
Mercury is extracted from its ore Cinnabar.
It is a silver-white metal, liquid at ordinary temperature.
It solidifies at 39oC and boils at 357.95oC.
This metal gives off vapours even at ordinary temperature.
At ordinary temperature it is not attacked by air either dry or moist, also not attacked by water at any temperature.
When heated in air near its boiling point it forms red oxide of mercury.

(i) Abuse of crude mercurial preparation.
1. Sadness after abuse of mercury. (Aur. m., Hep. sulph., Nit. ac.).
2. Pain in the head from mercury. (Hep. sulph., Nit. ac., Asaf., Aur. met.).
3. Inflammation of eye from mercury. (Asaf., Hep. sulph., Mez.).
4. Discharges from ear after abuse of mercury. (Aur. met., Hep. sul., Nit. ac., Sil., Sulph.).
5. Impaired hearing from abuse of mercury. (Asaf., Carb., veg., Nit. ac., Perr., Staph., Sulph.).
6. Discolouration of nose from abuse of mercury. (Lach.).
7. Pain in the face after mercury. (Hep. sulph., Kali. iod., Nit. ac., Sulph.).
8. Swelling of face after abuse of mercury. (Kali. iod.).
9. Twitching of face after abuse of mercury. (Kali. bi., Nit. ac.).
10. Affection of gums from mercury. (Carb. veg., Hep. sulph., Merc., Nit. ac.)
11. Salivation from mercury. (Chin., Iod., Nit. ac., Nat., Sulph.).
12. Swelling of mouth after mercury. (Kali. iod.).
13. Ulcers in the mouth from mercury. (Iod., Nit. ac., Kali. i.).
14. Pain in the mouth from mercury. (Hep., Nit. ac., Staph.).
15. Inflammation of throat after mercury. (Arg. met., Hep.).
16. Ulcers of the throat from mercury. (Iod., Kali. iod., Nit. ac.).
17. Diarrhoea after abuse of mercury. (Hep., Kali. iod., Nit. ac.).
18. Haemorrhoids after abuse of mercury. (Hep., Sul. ac.).
19. Asthmatic after mercury. (Aur.).
20 Inflammation of membranes after abuse of mercury. (Kali. iod.).
21. Roseola eruption after abuse of mercury. (Kali. iod.).
22. Formication of upper limbs from abuse of mercury. (Hep. sulph.).
23. Itching after abuse of mercury.
24. Rheumatic pain after abuse of mercury. (Chin., Guai.).
25. Paralysis of limbs after abuse of mercury. (Hep., Nit. ac.).
26. Eruption in the skin after abuse of mercury. (Kali. iod.).
27. Warts after abuse of mercury. (Aur. Nit. ac., Staph.).
ii Bad effects of sugar.
iii Sting of insects : Ars. alb., Hyp., Led., Lach.
iv Fright.
v Suppressed foot sweat.
vi Vapour of Arsenic or Copper.
vii Suppressed gonorrhoea or syphilis.

Appearance : It is best adapted to light haired persons with lax skin and lax muscles.
In some cases, jaundice or yellow colouration of skin is marked.
Temperament : Easily frightened nature with hurried and rapid speech.
Miasm : H/o Syphilis.
It is the king of anti-syphilitic remedies.

1. Memory weak, forgets everything.
2. Slow in answering question. (Anac., Hell., Phos., Phos. ac., Sulph., Thuja.).
3. Hurried and rapid talking. (Hep. sulph., Hyos., Lach.).
4. Time seems to pass slowly. (Can. ind., Nux. mur., Nux. vom.).
5. Imbecile, foolish, mischievious, disgusting actions.
6. Delirium and mental derangement of drunkards.
7. Believes she is loosing her reason, thinks she is dying.
8. After suppression of foot sweat, whenever sees an open window or cutting instrument breaks into a sweat with great heat and is seized with an almost uncontrollable desire to commit suicide.
9. Desire to kill person contradicting him even to her husband.
10. Desire to murder or commit suicide during menstrual period.
11. Fear of being alone.
12. Taciturn and indifferent.
13. Disgust for life.
14. Anxiety driving her to commit suicide.
15. Morose and mistrustful, thinks everybody is his enemy.
16. Uneasiness of body, must move.
17. Bad effects from mortification, from insult, from egotism.

Physical generals
Reaction with heat and cold.
Mercurius is said to be the “Human barometer”.
Easily affected by both extremes of heat and cold (Ant. cr., least affected, Fl. ac.).
Aversions : Alcoholic stimulants, beef, brandy, coffee, butter (Chin. off., Phos., Puls.) food, warm food, meat, mothers milk, solid food, sweets, wine.
Desires : Alcoholic drinks, beer, whisky bread and butter. (Ferr., Mag. c.) cold drinks (Aco. nap., Ars. alb., Bry., Cham., China. off., Cina., Eup. per., Phos., Verat. alb.) liquid food, meat, milk, sweets.
Sweat : Lasting all day, and night without relief. (Hep. s., on affected parts. (Ambr., Ant. tart., Rhus. tox) while eating. (Carb. an., Carb. s., Carb. veg., Kali. c., Merc., Nit. ac., Sep.) during anxiety, in bed, from coughing, Clammy. (Ars. alb., Camph., Ferr., Lyc., Phos., Ph. ac., Verat. alb.).
Sleep : Great sleepiness in day, not amel. by long sleep.
Sweat during sleep.
Pain becomes more violent on sleeping.
Dreams : animals, of seeing a person cut up, of pins, amorous, anxious, while swake, after business, of the day, that some one called, drowning, events of the previous day, falling off. (from high places.), falling into water, fantastic, fire, frightful, of misfortune, robbers shooting, vivid, water.
Appetite : Canine hunger but relishes nothing, grows weaker and weaker.
At times complete loss of appetite.
Thirst : for ice cold drinks, though they aggravate.
Much thirst with moist tongue which is large and flabby, takes imprint of teeth.

General modalities :
(a) Aggravations : At night, in damp wet weather, lying on rightside, on perspiring, warm room and warm bed.
(b) Ameliorations : Rest, coitus, weeping.

Guiding symptoms
1. In bone diseases, pains worse at night, glandular swelling with or without suppuration, but especially if suppu-ration be too profuse. (Hep. sulph., Sil.).
2. Cold swelling, abscess, slow to suppurate.
3. Suppuration of lungs, after haemorrhages of pneumonia. (Kali. carb.).
4. Ulcers on the gums, tongue, throat, inside of the cheek, with profuse salivation, irregular in shape, edges undefined, have a dirty, unhealthy look, lardaceous base surrounded with a dark halo, apt to run together (syphilitic ulcers are circular, attack the posterior parts of the mouth, throat and have well defined edges, are surrounded with a coppery hue and do not extend from their primary seat.).
5. Toothache : Pulsating, tearing, lacerating, shooting into face or ears. agg. in damp weather or evening air, from warmth of bed, from cold or warm things, amel. from rubbing the cheek.
6. Crowns of teeth decay, roots remain (crowns intact., roots decay., Mez.).
7. Ptyalism. Tenacious, soapy, stringy, profuse, foetid, coppery, metallic tasting saliva.
8. Tongue : large flabby. (Camph., Ph. ac., Sep.) shows imprint of teeth (Chel., Podo., Rhus. tox.), painful, with ulcers, red or white.
9. Intense thirst, although the tonge looks moist, and the saliva is profuse (dry mouth, but no thirst. Puls.).
10. Dysentery : Stool slimy, bloody, with colic and fainting, great tenesmus during and after, not amel. by stool, followed by chilliness and a “can not finish” sensation.
More the blood, the better is mercurius indicated.
11. Morning sickness, profuse salivation, wets the pillow in sleep. (Lac. ac.).
12. Catarrh with much sneezing, fluent, acrid, corrosive, nostrils raw, ulcerated, yellow green, foetid, pus like, nasal bones swollen agg. at night and from damp weather.
13. Mumps, diphtheria, tonsilitis with profuse offensive saliva; tongue large, flabby with imprint of teeth, mapped tongue. (Lach., Nat. m., Tarax.).
14. Diphtheria : tonsils inflammed, uvula swollen, elon-gated, constant desire to swallow; membranes thick, gray, shred like borders adherent or free.
15. Cough : dry, fatiguing, hacking, in two paroxysms, worse at night and from warmth of bed, with utter inability to lie on right side.
16. Affects lower lobe of right lung, stitches through to the back. (Chel., Kali. c.).
17. Leucorrhoea : acrid, burning itching with rawness always worse at night, pruritus agg. from contact of urine which must be washed off. (Sulph.).
18. Mammae painful, as if they would ulcerate at every menstrual period (Con., Lac. c.); milk in breasts instead of menses.
19. Quantity of urine voided is larger than the amount of water drunk, frequent urging to urinate.
20. Nocturnal emissions stained with blood. (Led., Sars.).
21. Trembling extremities, especially hands, paralysis agitans.
22. Profuse perspiration attends nearly every complaint, but does not relieve, may even increase the suffering (profuse perspiration relieves, Nat. m., Psor., Ver.).
23. Breath and body smell foul. (Psor.).

G.I. disorders :
Patient will have intense thirst, profuse offensive saliva and foul breath from mouth.
The tongue is flabby, swollen with imprint of teeth, coated thickly.
In case of toothache the pain shoots to the face or ears, which is worse from warmth of bed, damp weather, extremes of heat and cold and better by rubbing the cheeks.
The gums are swollen, ulcerated, painful, gangrenous which bleed on least touch.
Dysenteric patient complains of slimy, bloody offensive stools which excoriate the anus.
There is a sensation as if unfinished and the tenesmus is not relieved even after stool.
Dysentery resulted from fright, suppressed sweat and is especially worse at night, associated with colic, fainting, chilliness and thirst.

Respiratory troubles :
The patient is subjected to nasal catarrh with much sneezing.
The nasal discharge is acrid with raw and ulcerated nostrils.
There may be also bloody discharge from nostrils.
The nasal bone is swollen, sore and painful.
The complaints are severe at night, from damp weather.
An excellent drug for pneumonia especially late in the hepatisation and resolution stages.
Especially the lower lobe of right lung is affected. (Bry. alb., Chel., K. carb., Lyc.).
The peculiarity of cough is that there is dry cough in two paroxysms associated with stitching pain which extends to the back, fever with chilliness, offensive sweat, which does not relieve the fever, the expectoration is muco-purulent, yellow salty in taste.
Cough is worse at night, warmth of bed, lying on right side, in damp wet weather, the patient is unable to lie on right side.

In glandular affections :
The patient is subjected to tonsillitis quinsy, diphtheria, laryngitis,

The uvula is red, swollen, elongated, burning, putrid, discharge with profuse offensive saliva.

In skin affections :
The patient will have unhealthy skin, and a constant moist skin.
In case of boils and abscess when suppuration has started there will be intense pain at night, which is not relieved either by heat or cold.
Itching is worse from warmth of bed.
In vesicular and pustular type of eruptions with yellowish brown crust and offensive discharge, this particular drug acts marvellously.
The ulcers are irregular in shape with undefined edges, the margins are everted like raw meat, the base is covered with caseous coat which looks unhealthy.
Large ulcers bleed on slightest touch and are very painful, which are worse at night.

Bell., Hep. sulph. : Boils.
Meny. : Coldness in ears.
Puls. : Otitis.
Nux. vom. : Coryza and sore throat.
Aco. : Dysentery of hot day and cold night.
Digit. : Gonorrhoea.
Euphr. : Eyes.
Sulph. : Itch, Pustulous, eczematous.
Spong. : Orchitis.
Phos. : Profuse sweat without any relief.
Ant. c. : Dirty tongue.
Arg. n. : Eyes.
Kali. iod. : Stitching pain through lungs.
Borax. : Sore mouth.
Coloc. : Dysentery.
Chel : Bilious pneumonia.
Cham. : Dentition, diarrhoea.
Caust. : Conorrhoea.
Mag. m. : Liver pain.
Plumb and Chin. s. : Testes.
Syph. : Syphilis.
Lyc. : Hepatitis.
Sulph, Puls., Cham. : agg. in bed at night.
Crocus. : Epistaxis
Sang, Bry. : Tongue
Apis., Sabad. : Stinging pain.
Dolichos. : Itching of gums.
Mag. n. : Ulceration of nails.
Psor and Modo : Foul body smell.
An. : Foul teeth.
Mez. : Decay of teeth.
Led., Sars. : Bloody seminal emissions.
Sulph : Pruritus
Lac. c and Con : Breast pain
Kali. carb. : Lungs.
Picric acid : Bolis in auditory meatus.
Teucr., Thuja : Polyp.
Can. ind. : Time passes slowly.
Dulc. : Sensitive to cold and damp.
Graph. : Coryza during menses.

Inimical : Sil.

Antidoted by : Aur., Asaf., Bell., Caps., Carb. veg., Chin., Dulc., Ferr., Guaic., Hep., Iod., Kali. iod., Kali. mur., Mez., Sulph., Staph., Thuja.

Antidotes : Bad effects of sugar, stings of insects.
Ailments from Ars. or Copper vapours. Aur., Ant. tart., Bell., Chin., Dulc., Mez., Op., Phyt., Thuja., Val.).

Thermal cleavage
Generals : Chill not relieved by heat of stove.
Can not bear cold.
Sensitive to heat.
Wears a heavy over coat in hot summer weather.
Particulars :

Prover : Hahnemann.

After purifying the mercury, it is placed in strong cold nitric acid and when dissolved, kept intact for several days.
The resulting salt is then placed on a piece of blotting paper, dried and triturated in a glass mortar for half an hour, adding one fourth of its weight of best alcohol.
The alcohol which has been converted into either should be thrown away and the trituration of the mercury is continued with fresh alcohol, for half an hour each time until the fluid has no longer the smell or ether.
The alcohol is then decanted and the salt dried on blotting paper, which is replaced every now and then.
It is then triturated for quarter of an hour in a glass mortar with twice its weight of distilled water, the clear fluid is decanted, the salt is again washed by a second trituration with a fresh quantity of water, the clear fluid is added to the former and thus an aqueous solution of all that the saline mass contained of mercurial nitrate saturated.
Finally, this aqueous solution is precipitated, by caustic Ammonia, the so called black oxide of mercury.

Preparation :
Mercurious solubilis prepared as above is triturated as directed under Class VII.

Physiological action
1. Lesions produced by mercury are very similar to those of syphilis.
2. It decomposes blood, producing profound anaemia.
3. It has great power over suppuration with sero-sanguinous discharge, slimy in character.
4. It is also produces ulceration of mouth and throat, much salivation with falling of hair.
5. It causes inflammation which lead to induration and from induration to ulceration.
6. Secretions and excretions are both increased.

Abscess, Anaemia, Bone affections, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Cold, Dentition, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Eye affection, Gout, Glandular swelling, Gum troubles, Heart affection, Jaundice, Leucorrhoea, Liver affection, Measles, Melancholia, Prostatic disorders, Rheumatism, Small pox, Syphilis, Tooth affections, Toothache, Tremors, Ulcers, Vomiting, Whooping Cough.

(a) 2nd to 30th potency (B).
(b) Do not give Merc. sol too low, for it would then hasten suppuration instead of aborting it.
(c) In the lower dilutions it is adopted to syphilitic diseases, ophthalmic affections, hepatic derangements, inflammation of mucous membranes, exanthematic fever and cutaneous diseases.
In the higher dilutions adopted to gastro-intestinal disorders.

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