– Sumit Goel.

”The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.”

Hahnemann’s experiments, right from the cinchona test to his discovery of the unfolding of the pharmacodynamic properties of drug substances, brought about by a systematic process of drug potentization, were directed towards this goal. This discovery of ”new altered but perfected method”, justified by his experience, is a natural outcome of his sincere effort.

Hahnemann, while in active practice at Paris, towards the last few years of his life, completed a thorough revision of Organon by carefully going over paragraph by paragraph, making changes, erasures, annotations and additions. In Paris he had to deal with a large number of patients with unusually nervous excitability and noted troublesome medicinal aggravations even after using the 30th centesimal dilutions prepared as per his instructions laid down in the fifth edition of Organon. This led him to a process of further minimizing the material quantity of drugs to start with and using 100 succussions for each potency preparation. These ”fifty millesimal potencies” are based on the principle enunciated by Hahnemann in his Sixth Edition of Organon of Medicine.

Hahnemann’s latest idea was to minimize the material quantity of drugs for averting avoidable medicinal aggravations and at the same time making it possible to repeat the doses of medicine to expedite cure (especially in chronic cases) as well as to maintain the maximum degree of unfoldment of latent dynamic properties of drugs. Accordingly, he shook up with 100 drops of spirit of wine, not one drop of the tincture, but a globule saturated with the medicine and dissolved in a drop of distilled water. These globules are of such size and weight that a hundred of them weigh one grain and a five hundred of which are more or less saturated with one drop of medicine of previous potency. Hence, 1/500th of a drop instead of one full drop was used. The material part of the medicine was decreased by 50,000 times (1/500 X 1/100 = 1/50,000) for each degree of dynamization and yet the curative powers of the medicines were increased tremendously. Potencies prepared in this way were described by Hahnemann ”Medicamens au globule” as distinct from ”Medicamens a la goutte” prepared according to centesimal scale.

Since the publication of French translation of the sixth edition of Organon by Dr. Pierre Schmidt of Geneva and his articles in British Homoeopathic Journal, July – October 1954: ”The Hidden Treasures Of The Last Organon”, attention of homoeopaths was drawn to these changes. Potencies prepared were termed by Dr. Pierre Schmidt as ” Fifty Millesimal Potencies”.


* Hahnemann was not completely satisfied with the medicinal solutions of centesimal potencies, especially in weak sensitive constitutions with chronic miasmic diseases. He found in certain cases that the – 1. Lower potencies were not able to stimulate a healing reaction;

2. Yet at the same time, the higher potencies caused serious aggravations.

He wondered if it was possible to make homeopathic remedies that acted deeply, yet at the same time were gentler on the constitution. Even though the medicinal solutions had greatly improved the centesimal system he wondered how he could overcome aggravations in those cases that were weak, over sensitive, and at the present time incurable. Surely the answer to this question was not in raising the dynamization to even higher and higher ranges of potency.

* By that time potencies prepared by Jenichen and other followers were reaching levels far beyond 1M, and in Hahnemann’s experience, they were not suitable in weak cases with advanced tissue pathology because of the serious life threatening aggravations they could cause. Hahnemann’s greatest desire was to cure these degenerative chronic cases as they proved to be the most resistant to his treatment.

* Hahnemann endeavoured to find means to administer remedies in such a way that the least possible disturbances compatible with cure should result. To this end he made a great variety of experiments.

* The first in order was olfaction, and this he adopted in certain cases to the end of his life.

But certain objections caused him to seek for some other means of moderating medicinal action.

* At this time Hahnemann was assisted by a Reverend Everest, who was in charge of making sugar globules for his remedies. He was a close friend and confidante of Hahnemann in his last experimental works. On July 30, 1853 a letter was published in the Times that Rev. Everest wrote to a Dr. Luthur in which he described the experiments he witnessed Hahnemann perform while he was improving the homoeopathic system.

* His next experiment was to dissolve three, two, or one globule in a glass of water, and then, carefully stirring, to put a dessert or teaspoonful of this into another glass. He still found, however, that in very delicate constitutions, excitement was produced. The attenuation was sometimes carried through two, three, four, five, and six tumblers; but it was a very inconvenient proceeding. He tried, in its order, the diminution of the number of shakes, but that seemed not to give the accurate result that he wanted.

* He tried many plans and made many experiments. At last, however, and the one that gave the most satisfactory results was-:

Starting from the first spirituous tincture of any medicine which was the third from the commencement (3C), and is, according to the ordinary notation, written I, instead of adding one drop of this dynamization to one hundred drops of spirit of wine to make the next, and so continuing the dynamization by drops he moistened a few globules of a fixed normal size with it, and taking in the first experiment, ten but in the latter and more satisfactory ones only one globule of those so moistened he dissolved that in a minute drop of water, and then added one hundred drops of spirit of wine. Having shaken it, he moistened globules with this, and having dried them, put them into a tube in his medicine chest, well corked; these he labelled 0/1. The next dynamization was procured by dissolving one globule of 0/1 in a small drop of water, and adding one hundred drops of spirit of wine; with this he humected a globule as before and called that dynamization 0/2….”

The reasons why Hahnemann was not satisfied with the centesimal scale were –

1. The potencies were not acting rapidly.

2. The period of cure took a very long time to his great dissatisfaction.

3. The time and frequency of remedies were difficult to ascertain correctly.

4. In certain weak sensitive constitutions with chronic miasmic diseases, lower potencies were not able to stimulate a healing reaction; yet at the same time, the higher potencies caused serious aggravations.

His highest ideal of cure was to cure rapidly, gently and permanently. Hence he felt the necessity of modifying the technique of drug dynamization and the method of preparation of potencies to achieve his ideal of cure.

There were three alternatives for the modifications and preparations for the change –

1. The quantity of the medicine for the preparation.

2. The ratio of the vehicle to the medicine.

3. The number of succussion strokes.

The basis for the modification was that –

1. The less the material quantity of the drug, lesser are the chances of medicinal aggravation;

2. The more potentized a remedy is, the more it acts permanently and rapidly;

3. The more a medicine is diluted, less is its duration of action, action is milder and hence repetition could be done without harm.

Hence the solution was –

1. To widen the gap between the medicinal substance and the diluting medium, incredibly reducing the medicinal quantity to obviate any furious potency exaggeration.

2. 100 succussions, to develop the powers of medicine to the desired extent, for a most rapid and long lasting penetration.

After many trials and some tribulation in the years between 1837 and 1838 Hahnemann discovered the 1/50,000 dilution rate and created the new potency system. Hahnemann began to do clinical experiments with raising the dilution ratio of his dynamizations instead of raising the potency because he felt that homeopathy had already developed the methodology of the centesimal potency as far as it was possible to go.

Of his new LM potency system Hahnemann said:

“This method of dynamization, I have found after many laborious experiments and counter-experiment, to be the most powerful and at the same time (the) mildest in action, as the material part of the medicine is lessened with each dynamization 50,000 times and yet incredibly increased in power.”

The introduction of the new LM potency was Hahnemann’s last great gift to homeopathy and was the outcome of his 50 years of research. With this higher dilution ratio Hahnemann found just what he was searching for to break the impasse in treating the most chronically ill of his patients. The 1/50,000 dilution ratio was to replace the 1/100 ratio as it was very powerful yet gentler than the higher potency centesimals. At last he was satisfied that he had found “the most perfect method” and had fulfilled the highest ideal of cure which is a rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health.

As Reverend Everest said “Hahnemann was so entirely satisfied with the gentle and kindly action of these preparations that they would, I think, almost have superseded with him all other preparations.” Hahnemann called the new preparations medicamens au globule (medicine of the globules, the one pill being noted by the 0) to distinguish them from the centesimal potencies that were called medicamens a la goutte (medicines of the drop).


In order to best obtain this development of power, a small part of the substance to be dynamized, say one grain, is triturated for three hours with three times one hundred grains sugar of milk up to the one-millionth part in powder form.

One grain of this powder is dissolved in 500 drops of a mixture of one part of alcohol and four parts of distilled water, of which one drop is put in a vial.

To this are added 100 drops of pure alcohol and given one hundred strong succussions with the hand against a hard but elastic body. This is the medicine in the first degree of dynamization with which small sugar globules may them be moistened and quickly spread on blotting paper to dry and kept in a well-corked vial with the sign of (I) degree of potency.

Only one globule of this is taken for further dynamization, put in a second new vial (with a drop of water in order to dissolve it) and then with 100 drops of good alcohol and dynamized in the same way with 100 powerful succussions.

With this alcoholic medicinal fluid globules are again moistened, spread upon blotting paper and dried quickly, put into a well-stoppered vial and protected from heat and sun light and given the sign (II) of the second potency.

And in this way the process is continued until the twenty-ninth is reached. Then with 100 drops of alcohol by means of 100 succussions, an alcoholic medicinal fluid is formed with which the thirtieth dynamization degree is given to properly moistened and dried sugar globules.

By means of this manipulation of crude drugs are produced preparations which only in this way reach the full capacity to forcibly influence the suffering parts of the sick organism. In this way, by means of similar artificial morbid affection, the influence of the natural disease on the life principle present within is neutralized. By means of this mechanical procedure, provided it is carried out regularly according to the above teaching, a change is effected in the given drug, which in its crude state shows itself only a material, at times as unmedicinal material but by means of such higher and higher dynamization, it is changed and subtilized at last into spirit like medicinal power, which indeed, in itself does not fall within our senses but for which the medicinally prepared globule, dry, but more so when dissolved in water, becomes the carrier, and in this condition, manifests the healing power of this invisible force in the sick body.


100 globules weighing sixty five mg (one grain) and such 500 globules, can hardly absorb one drop for their saturation. So the proportion of medicine to alcohol will be 1 to 50,000 (1/500×100). So this scale of potency goes by the name of Fifty Millesimal Potency.

Triturate the crude drug substance in the usual manner, with the sugar of milk in the proportion of 100 mg of dry substance or 0.1 ml of liquid substances with 10 g of milk sugar. Triturate the first potency thus prepared again in the usual manner in the proportion of 100 mg of 1st potency with 10 g of sugar of milk. Triturate the second potency thus obtained in the same proportion and manner for preparing the 3rd potency.

Prepare solution of 3rd potency by adding in the proportion of 100 mg of the third potency to 50 ml of a mixture of Purified Water and dispensing alcohol prepared by taking 4 parts of Purified Water and 1 part dispensing alcohol. To make the solution properly, first dissolve 100 mg of the 3rd potency in 40 ml of Purified Water and then add 10 ml of dispensing alcohol to it. Call it ”mother solution”.

Mix one drop or part of this mother solution with 100 drops or part of dispensing alcohol and give 100 strong succussions. This makes the first Fifty Millesimal potency, expressed as ”0/1”.

For preparation of each subsequent potency, soak few globules of nearly uniform size, 100 globules of which 65 mg, in a drop of the preceding potency, dry them. Take one globule and dissolve it in a drop of Purified Water in new phial. Add 100 drops of dispensing alcohol to it and give 100 strong succussions.


1. Dry powder trituration of all drug substances upto three degrees in centesimal scale, i.e. 3C.

2. The next operation is conversion of dry 3C trituration into liquid form, diluting it 500 times with suitable vehicle.

3. The first degree of liquid potency in this scale is made from the above by succussing, with 100 downward strokes, 1 drop with 100 drops of alcohol, to give a potency 50,000 times dilute than the previous potency 3C in centesimal scale.

4. Globules are medicated with the liquid potency and labeled with a specific symbol denoting the scale.

5. All subsequent potencies on this scale are prepared by succussing 1 globule (equivalent to 1/500th part of a drop) with 100 parts of alcohol, decreasing the material quantity by 50000 times at each potency.


The potencies prepared according to this method are denoted by prefixing ‘0’, representing symbolically – ‘medicamens au globule’ or by the letters ‘LM’, representing ‘fifty millesimal’.

* 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, … 0/30

* LM 1, LM 2, LM 3, … LM 30


* 0/I, 0/II, 0/III, … 0/XXX


1. For preparation of further potencies in centesimal scale, 1 part of previous potency is potentized with 99 or 100 parts of vehicle – MEDICAMENS A LA GOUTTE. In LM scale, globules are saturated and used to further potencies – MEDICAMENS AU GLOBULE.

2. The mother tincture or substance in the centesimal scale is a drop of the drug or one grain in weight. In LM, the starting solution is the solution of 1 grain of 3C in 500 drops of diluent containing water and alcohol in the ratio 4:1.

3. No. of strokes is ten in the centesimal scale and 100 in the LM scale.


It is not only the process of dilution that liberates the energy but successive dilution plus friction that brings about the unfolding of the curative properties of the drug substance. Hence, merely comparing the different scales is absurd. An attempt to mathematically express the potencies prepared according to the modified method on the basis of the mathematics of centesimal scale potencies is needless and without any purpose. As compared to the centesimal scale, Hahnemann has modified not only the dilution ratio, but also the succussion strokes imparted to the solution at each level of potentization.


In the 6th edition of Organon of Medicine, Hahnemann mentions making an aqueous solution of the LM potency. A fundamental reason for using the medicinal solution is to make it easier to adjust the dose of the remedy to fit the sensitivity of the constitution.

The preparation of the medicinal solution for administration can be described in the following steps.

1. Take 1 (rarely 2) globule of the desired potency (usually starting at LM1) and place it into a clean bottle. The average size of solution is between 4 oz. and 6 oz. of distilled pure water. Normally this watery solution includes a small amount of pure alcohol, as a preservative and stabilizer. There should be sufficient room for succussions. This medicinal solution is now ready for use.

2. Succuss the bottle just prior to ingestion 8, 10 or 12 times, depending on the sensitivity of the patient. This raises slightly the potency and activates the remedy.

3. After succussion, take 1, or more rarely, 2 or 3 teaspoons of the medicinal solution and place it into 4 to 6 oz. of water in a dilution glass and stir. Most cases are begun with 1 teaspoon and the amount is increased only if necessary; in children the amount may be 1/2 teaspoon; infants may only need 1/4 of a teaspoon. This is the first dose. Throw away the rest.

4. Each dose from the medicinal solution of each potency is to be applied in the same manner. In case of any aggravation to this dose, further administration is halted and the aggravation allowed to settle down. If the same remedy is indicated, then it is now administered by diluting the medicine in 2nd, 3rd or 4th glass of distilled water, to make the dose as safe and harmless as possible.


1. The medicinal solution bottle should be protected from sunlight, heat and strong odours. After the dosage glass has been used the remaining solution is thrown away and the glass and spoon are cleaned and placed in the sun.

2. The remedy is always succussed just prior to ingestion for slightly raising the potency, which is impossible when using a dry dose. This dynamic alteration of the solution by succussions changes the remedy level so that the vital force is always offered something new. The power of the medicinal solution depends on three factors, the number of pills used, the amount of water in the solution, and the number of succussions given before ingestion. The number of succussions is directly linked to the dynamic effect of the remedy at the time of ingestion. In aphorism 248 Hahnemann mentions 8 (hypersensitive), 10 or 12 (hyposensitive) as the number of succussion given to the solution prior to ingestion. It has been found that the succussions are one of the most dynamic aspects of the “new method”.

3. The dosage of the medicinal solution can be carefully adjusted to suit the sensitivity of the individual’s constitution.

4. The average size of the dose is 1 teaspoon of the medicinal solution stirred into the water in the dosage glass. From this glass the patient takes 1, rarely 2, teaspoons of the mixture. Normally, start with 1 teaspoon and only increase the amount when necessary.

5. In the more sensitive constitutions the medicinal action can be attenuated by increasing the amount of water in the medicinal solution. This is when the remedy solution may be made with 12, 15, 20, or more tablespoons of pure water depending on the sensitivity of the patient. With the hypersensitive patients one teaspoon from the first glass can be stirred into a second glass of water. From this second dilution glass one teaspoon is then given to the patient. This can be carried on through a series of several dilution glasses, if necessary. The patient then takes a teaspoon of solution from the last dilution glass as a dose. This can be used in the most sensitive types with great success.

6. Sometimes it is necessary to slowly increase the number of teaspoons from the remedy bottle to get a favourable reaction. Those who are relatively more hyposensitive many need 2 or 3 teaspoons to get an adequate response.

7. This two-fold process of succussing and diluting causes a considerable change in the dynamization of the remedy. As the succussing raises the potency, the dilution reduces the amount, thus allowing the remedy to work rapidly, gently and permanently.


In the 6th edition, aphorism 246 integrates the ideas introduced in aphorisms 245 and 246 of the 5th edition into one long paragraph.

“Every perceptibly progressive and strikingly increasing amelioration during treatment is a condition which, as long as it lasts, completely precludes every repetition of the administration of any medicine whatsoever, because all the good the medicine taken continues to effect is now hastening towards its completion.

This is not infrequently the case in acute diseases, but in more chronic diseases, on the other hand, a single dose of an appropriately selected homeopathic remedy will at times complete even with but slowly progressive improvement and give the help which a remedy in such a case can accomplish naturally within 40, 50, 60, 100 days. This is, however, but rarely the case; and besides, it must be a matter of great importance to the physician as well as to the patient that were it possible, this period should be diminished to one-half, one-quarter, and even still less, so that a much more rapid cure might be obtained.

And this may be very happily effected, as recent and oft-repeated observations have taught me under the following conditions:

* Firstly, if the medicine selected with the utmost care was perfectly homoeopathic;

* Secondly, if it is highly potentized, dissolved in water, and given in a proper small dose that experience has taught as the most suitable;

* In definite intervals for the quickest accomplishment of the cure;

* With the precaution, that the DEGREE OF EVERY DOSE DEVIATE SOMEWHAT FROM THE PRECEDING AND FOLLOWING in order that the vital principle be not aroused to untoward reactions and revolt as is always the case with unmodified and especially rapidly repeated doses.”

(A) “Every perceptibly progressive and STRIKINGLY INCREASING AMELIORATION during treatment is a condition which, as long as it lasts, COMPLETELY PRECLUDES EVERY REPETITION OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF ANY MEDICINE WHATSOEVER, because all the good the medicine taken continues to effect is now hastening towards its completion.”

Hahnemann recommends that any “striking” improvement after the first dose of the LM potency should be left as long as the dramatic improvement lasts. If the patient has a “striking” reaction to the remedy the repetition of the dose is contraindicated. If the dramatic healing reaction slows down the time has come to examine to case to see if it is time for the second dose. The remedy should then be repeated to see how it acts the second time. One may find that an infrequent repetition of the remedy is all that is necessary.

If the reaction is not very dramatic then the remedy may be introduced at intervals that correspond to the reaction of the constitution. The LM system is far too deep acting and demands sensitivity and flexibility in the hands of the homeopath.

(B) This is not infrequently the case in acute diseases, BUT IN MORE CHRONIC DISEASES, on the other hand, a single dose of an appropriately selected homeopathic remedy will at times complete even but with SLOWLY PROGRESSIVE IMPROVEMENT and give the help which a remedy in such a case can accomplish naturally within 40, 50, 60, 100 days. THIS IS, HOWEVER, BUT RARELY THE CASE; and besides, it must be a matter of great importance to the physician as well as to the patient that were it possible, THIS PERIOD SHOULD BE DIMINISHED TO ONE-HALF, ONE-QUARTER, AND EVEN STILL LESS, so that a much more rapid cure might be obtained”.

Not all constitutions respond to a single dose. It is more common in chronic disease to need to know how to skilfully repeat a remedy in order to complete a cure. Hahnemann introduces his new LM method by reminding us that many patients only slowly improve after the administration of a single dose of a homeopathic remedy. If we want to speed the cure to 1/2, 1/4 or less the time it takes with the old methods, one must use special techniques.

The answer to this question is separated into four parts.

1. And this may be very happily effected, as recent and oft-repeated observations have taught me under the following conditions: Firstly, if the medicine selected with the utmost care was PERFECTLY HOMEOPATHIC.

The first aspect of the “new method” is the choice of the most suitable homeopathic remedy. Only one single, simple medicinal substance has to be administered at a time.

2. Secondly, if it is highly potentized, DISSOLVED IN WATER, and given in A PROPER SMALL DOSE that experience has taught as the most suitable.

The second condition for speeding the cure is the use of the medicinal solution. This change from the dry dose to the liquid solution is the foundation of all the other breakthroughs. The remedy solution is not only more flexible then the dry dose but also much more powerful.

The notable exceptions to the small dose are the three great miasms, while they still effloresce on the skin, i.e. recently erupted itch, the untouched chancre and the figwarts. These require from the beginning, large doses of their specific remedies of ever higher and higher degrees of dynamization daily, possibly also several times daily. (Footnote no. 163, Aphorism no. 282, 6th edition of Organon of Medicine)

3. In DEFINITE INTERVALS for the quickest accomplishment of the cure….. .

The third aspect of speeding the cure is the repetition of the dose in definite intervals of time. This is a new concept introduced by Hahnemann. The intervals between these repetitions must be determined by i. The nature of the reaction to the remedy, ii. The sensitivity of the constitution, and iii. The nature of the disease. Hence the interval has to be individualized for each process of cure.

It is often said that the LM potency should be given daily. This is a great mistake. In aphorism 246 Hahnemann says any “STRIKINGLY INCREASING PROGRESSIVE AMELIORATION” PRECLUDES ANY REPETITION OF THE REMEDY WHATSOEVER.” It is only in the more “SLOWLY PROGRESSIVE IMPROVEMENTS” that we need to REPEAT THE REMEDY AT SUITABLE INTERVALS TO SPEED THE CURE. In the note to aphorism 246 Hahnemann says the LM remedies “MAY” be given daily, “IF NECESSARY” This comment “if necessary” should be well understood! In aphorism 248 Hahnemann says they may be given “daily or every other day” but the same IF NECESSARY APPLIES. When it is “not necessary” repeating LM remedies daily or every other day will either slow down the cure or cause unneeded aggravations.

4. With the precaution, that the DEGREE OF EVERY DOSE DEVIATE SOMEWHAT FROM THE PRECEDING AND FOLLOWING in order that the vital principle be not aroused to untoward reactions and revolt as is always the case with unmodified and especially rapidly repeated doses.

This last aspect of the complete dose is the succussion of the remedy solution just prior to the ingestion of the medicine. The succussion of the remedy solution changes the potency of the dose so that the vital force never receives the exact same dose twice in succession. This prevents the relapse of symptoms that appears from the repetition of a dry dose before the cessation of the action of the previous dose.

These four points reflect the improvements that had taken place in homeopathy during the period between 1833 to 1843.

LM potencies come in a graduated series from LM1, LM2, LM3, upto LM30. LM potencies are given in a gradual serial progression from LM1 to LM2 to LM3 to LM4, etc. There are no leaps and bounds from LM1 to LM6 to LM30 in this system. The first prescription is continued as long as the patient experiences continued improvement. The potency is raised for only two reasons: firstly, the bottle of the previous potency is completely consumed and there is a need to continue the remedy; secondly, the patient seems to relapse before the complete ingestion of the previous bottle, showing that they need a higher potency.


1. It becomes easy to select from a limited range of potencies.

2. No fear of aggravation of disease or patient’s condition by administering it in high or low potency and in repeated doses.

3. Can be repeated any time when there is need for medicine according to Law of Similars.

4. Action is quick and rapid.

5. Accurate judgement of the nature of cure.


* Hahnemann wrote the preface to the 6th edition of Organon in February 1842. He could not finalize the negotiations with his printers for the publication and died on 2nd June 1843 without this new edition appearing in print. After a gap of 77 years, Dr. Haehl of Germany managed to get hold of the original manuscript in the early part of 1920 with the financial assistance of Dr. Boericke. Twice this manuscript of Hahnemann was in danger of being lost, once during the siege of Paris in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 and once during the military over-running of Westphalia during World War I of 1914-18. In 1922 Dr. Boericke published the English translation of this edition. This long delay is one reason for the unpopularity of this scale. As the last and sixth edition of Organon did not see the light of the day till 1920, the homoeopathic profession and pharmacists were ignorant of this method of preparation of potencies.

* Some of Hahnemann’s colleagues and followers started using these high potencies, even before Hahnemann had laid down instructions about this new method. But Hering, Kent, Dunham and Nash advocated the practice of using high potencies like 200, 1M, 10M, 50M, CM, MM and claimed better therapeutic results in many cases that did not respond satisfactorily with thirtieth and lower potencies. With the absence of the new directions and the popularity of the high potencies for about ninety years, sufficient experience was gained with the high potencies. When the 6th edition of Organon was available for the profession, it found some reluctance amongst the profession also due its authenticity.

* The intricacy of the mode of preparation of medicines and its administration and regulation has led to a lack of usage amongst the profession.


* Discuss Aphorism 270, 6th edition Organon of Medicine

* What are Fifty Millesimal scale potencies? How are they prepared, as per HPI?

* Discuss the similarities and differences between the centesimal and fifty millesimal scale potencies.

* Discuss case management with fifty millesimal scale potencies.

QUIZ 1. Number of succussion strokes in preparation of fifty millesimal scale potencies is

(a) 10

(b) 50

(c) 100

(d) 50000

2. In fifty millesimal scale, for each degree of dynamization, the material part of the medicine is decreased

(a) 50000 times

(b) 500 times

(c) 50 times

(d) 1/50000 time

3. The pre-requisite for preparation of potencies in fifty millesimal scale is

(a) Preparation of medicines according to the modern method

(b) Trituration of drug substance upto 3C

(c) Succussion of drug substance upto 3C

(d) Preparation of solution with the mother substance

4. ‘Medicamens au globule’ is the term for

(a) Fifty millesimal scale potencies

(b) Centesimal scale potencies

(c) Dispensing medicines in globules

(d) Dispensing medicines in distilled water

5. The globules used for fifty millesimal scale potencies are such that

(a) 100 globules weigh 100 mg

(b) 100 globules weigh 65 mg

(c) 100 globules weigh 50 mg

(d) 100 globules weigh 1 mg

ANSWERS: 1 (c); 2 (a); 3 (b); 4 (a); 5 (b).

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