– Jan Scholten

This is a new remedy.


Purpurite or Manganum phosphate, MnPO4, is a purple semi precious stone.


Manganum Phosphorus

Learning Communication

Fine tuning Sympathetic

Practising Brothers

Helpful Friends Neighbours

Compliments Learning Curiosity

Criticised Travelling

Providing space Homesickness

Group analysis

Learning to communicate

Practising with your friends.

Helping to learn.

Being helpful to your brothers.

Helping by being silent.

Picture of Manganum phosphoricum

Essence: practising the communication.

Practising the communication

They like to make contact with others, but feel they still have a lot to learn. So they don’t want to overdo it, but prefer to give others the space to have their say. They also like to help others communicate. They are perfectionists and are very keen to learn extra hard.

Learning and talking

The themes of Manganum and Phosphoricum are both about learning, so this aspect is very much in the foreground. They like to teach others how to learn, they like to teach others how to communicate. Or they want to communicate how you should learn.

They often end up in professions that require a lot of talking and become therapists, social workers or teachers. Also the professions where the emphasis is even more on the aspect of speech and learning: speech therapists, language therapist, careers advisors or teaching deaf people.

Helpful towards your brothers or friends

They tend to be very helpful towards friends or brothers and sisters. If they have a friend who is ill or handicapped they will be the first to offer their support. They feel responsible for all their friends and will try to teach them everything they have learnt themselves. They wont easily ask for help for themselves, especially when they see that their friends are busy with their own problems.

A variation on this theme is the situation where they are having a hard time themselves and a friend turns round to get them through it. This friend helps them to get a new job or start a new life.

Helping by remaining silent

They appear to talk openly and with great ease. But after a while you notice that they don’t show their own feelings. This is because they don’t want to put pressure on other people. The put a lot of pressure on themselves, but they want to give other people plenty of space for themselves. This can create an inner conflict, because they would like to air their feelings, but they are afraid of being a burden to others. )A typical situation that might cause this dilemma is when they have a father who is very authoritarian and a mother who is very helpful.


Fears: failure, criticism, opposition, observed, anticipation, fantasies, accidents, insanity, death, that something will happen, agonising, alone, dark, thunder, twilight, knives, blood, disease and death of family or friends; fears come and go quickly.

Dreams: futile efforts, paralysis, soldiers, being shot, studying for exams, accidents, doctor, humiliation, being stuck in a well that is soundproof.

Delusions: large head.

Contacts: shy, sensitive.

Mood: happy, laughing, phlegmatic, serious, gloomy, (

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