Hair fall certainly a universal problem for both men and women. obviously has various causes. Age, heredity, diseases, and medicines may perform a major role. No concern what’s causing your hair loss. Lycopodium in Homeopathy acts best in hair loss cases. Lycopodium for Hair regrowth used for ages in homeopathy effectively.A good Homeopathic remedy for hair falls both in men and women.
[stextbox id=’custom’ bgcolor=’e8e89e’ bgcolorto=’e8e89e’ image=’null’]Important features of Lycopodium for Hair Regrowth :[/stextbox]
- Premature baldness one of the important symptom to be noted in lycopodium patients.
- Hair becomes grey at an early age is another most symptom in lycopodium cases.
- In those patients whose forehead with deep furrows will be the great sign to apply lycopodium for Hair Regrowth.
- Lycopodium Patients who need the remedy for hair fall desires sweets very much.
- Lack of self-confidence along with hair fall guides us towards lycopodium for Hair Regrowth.
- Hair fall mostly in the evening times and any other complaint like gastritis, constipation. Without a doubt lung disorders which aggravate in the evening times indicate the use of Lycopodium.
[stextbox id=’custom’ bgcolor=’f2c7c7′ bgcolorto=’f2c7c7′ image=’null’]Lycopodium side effects while using as Hair Regrowth Remedy:[/stextbox]
- Lycopodium Homeopathic Remedy has no side effects when used with prescribed potency by expert Homeopathic Physician.
- Lyco if used in high potencies multiple doses may cause hair fall instead of curing hair loss.
[stextbox id=’custom’ bgcolor=’caebed’ bgcolorto=’caebed’ image=’null’]Potency always used while selecting Lycopodium for Hair Regrowth:[/stextbox]
Lycopodium 200c definitely the best choice used in single dose just 2 pills. If in any case person, however, weak better to use Lycopodium 30c potency. Using weekly and monthly doses of lycopodium not suggestible. Too many pills of Lycopodium 200c or 30c to say 6 pills as dose many times causes aggravation. Better always to use 2 pills a dose. The single simple dose of Lycopodium 1M extremely helps in strong constitutions.
[stextbox id=’custom’ bgcolor=’d9e8b0′ bgcolorto=’d9e8b0′ image=’null’]Next Remedy to be used after Lycopodium to the complete hair fall cure:[/stextbox]
It required many times nosodes like SYPHYLLINUM 200c or 1M in most cases to complete the hair fall cure. In some cases needed TUBERCULINUM 200c and 1M. In very cases Medorrhinum 200c or 1M.
To conclude Lycopodium for hair regrowth particularly effective remedy. But the above symptoms must match to cure hair fall. Also, mind the appropriate potency selected according to the patient’s stamina.
Liver sluggish. Unable to digest fat and protein after jaundice 10 years ago. Underweight. (54 KGS). Height 170 cms. Hair fall. Taking veg food only.
you need to use nux vomica at first. but know me more details to suggest further.
Visitor Rating: 5 Stars
[…] is that the following symptoms must match to select lycopodium in hair fall. If you want use lycopodium for hair fall you see definitely there will be a gastric complaint indication. No doubt, lycopodium certainly […]
[…] Arnica acts as a good hair regrowth remedy because it has well antimicrobial properties. It prevents the growth of microorganisms like fungus and bacteria. These organisms are responsible for the damage to hair follicles. Arnica homeopathic hair oil and shampoo, using them together can yield fast hair growth. […]
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