DEFINITION.– A non-contagious chronic disease of the skin, characterized by the appearance of small hard papules, about the size of millet seeds, uniform, slightly red, or of the same colour as the skin, closely grouped, but distinct from each other; there is itching and the skin is generally dry and thickened. When disappearing very fine, dry, greyish scales are formed.

lichen homeopathic treatment
Lichen planus.

The disease appears on different parts of the body, but generally on the front of the fore-arms and hands, and on the inner aspect of the knees.

VARIETIES.– Lichen simplex.– occurring in summer; L. pilaris– the follicles of the hair the seat of the affections; L. circumspectus– the pimples being grouped in small circular patches, with a well-defined border, sometimes with a clear centre; L. agrius– the most serious from of the disease– is seen in grocers, bakers, bricklayers, and washerwomen, sometimes called “baker’s itch”; the pimples are very close, red, inflamed, and have a secretion, with intense itching and burning, febrile symptoms, pains in the limbs, gastric derangements, etc., and lasting, in the acute stage, ten or fifteen days; or L. tropicus– “prickly heat,” which occurs chiefly in hot climates, attacking the parts covered by the clothes, accompanied by a peculiar tingling and pricking; the papillae are of a vivid-red colour, about the size of a pin’s head, but there is no redness of the skin generally; the disease sometimes occurs in this country.

CAUSES.– Constitutional predisposition; irregularities in habits or diet; certain occupations, as those of cooks, bakers, grocers, etc.; hot weather or climate.

EPITOME OF TREATMENT.– Sulph. (simple); Ant.- Crud. (with digestive derangements); Apis or Led.-P (“prickly-heat”); Ars (L. agrius; chronic cases); Nux jug., Sulph.

ACCESSORY TREATMENT .– Simple, unstimulating food and drink; proper attention to the general health. The daily tepid or cold bath is both preventive and curative of “prickly heat”. it is seldom seen on the face, neck, and hands of persons who frequently wash those parts. See “Causes,” and also “Accessory Measures,” in the two previous Sections.

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