Lacticum [Lacticums]:

– Jan Scholten

Lacticums are organic compounds made up of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen.

Out of all the Lacticums Lactic acid is the only remedy that is reasonably well known, at least as far as physical symptoms are concerned.

Girl If we had to choose one word to describe the Lacticums we could take the word girlish. This is how their parents usually describe them too. Even in later life they keep this girlish quality. It can also be seen in the stereotype of the little woman.

Childish immature dependent The most striking aspect of their character is the childish dependency on others. They act very childishly for their age.

They have a high pitched and happy little voice.

The problems usually start when they reach an age when they have to start work or go to college, or leave home, in fact any time when they have to start taking responsibility for their own life.

They want to have continuing support, they want to hear that they are doing things right. They have a desire for compliments, but not in the same way that Palladium or Manganum needs compliments.

The words that Lacticum wants to hear are more like: Well done little girl! The opposite, too, may also happen, i.e. that they get upset when someone calls them a little girl or treats them like a little girl.


For some reason we see more female than male Lacticums. One possible explanation could be that Lactic acid is found in mothers milk, as well as in vaginal mucus, where it keeps the delicate acid-alkaline level in balance. Another explanation may be found in the fact that in our culture emotional behaviour like crying and acting childishly is less frowned upon in women than in men.


Hypoglycaemia is a prominent Lacticum symptom. There are other remedies like Sulphur and Phosphorus who have this too, but its not as pronounced as in the Lacticums. This symptom can be seen as a symbol of the immaturity of the Lacticums. They are like babies who need the breast every other hour. Their own metabolism is still undeveloped and they can’t go for long periods without food. Lacticum babies need to be fed all through the night for a long time. Another potential problem phase is when babies have to go on to the bottle or to solid food. Their metabolism has problems adapting to this. They often need little snacks or a quick intake of sugar in between meals, otherwise they get weak and faint and their legs give way.

Fear Hyperventilation Their dependency may lead to fear which comes out in attacks of hyperventilation. It is a sort of diffuse fear: they don’t know what they are afraid of. Basically they feel incapable, too immature and weak to handle things. They want the support of their family and their doctors and therapists.


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