Kalium sulphuricum


Kalium sulphuricum

Self-pity comes so natural to all of us,
that the most solid happiness can be shaken by the compassion of a fool.
[André Maurois]
Potassium sulphate.
CHEMISTRY Colourless or white, odourless, hard, bitter crystals, or white granules or powder; permanent in air. One gram dissolves in 8.3 ml water, and in 4 ml boiling water. Insoluble in alcohol. Incompatible with aluminium and magnesium. Occurs in nature as a saline residue and around volcanic vents. Old names for this salt include sal polychrestum, arcanum duplicatum, tartarus vitriolatus, and sal alkali vitriolatum.
USES Used for manufacture of potassium alum, potassium carbonate and glass; as a salt substitute for dietetic use; as a water corrective in the brewing industry; in gypsum cements; as a setting-expansion control agent for dental materials. Widely used as a fertilizer for chloride-sensitive crops, such as potatoes, tobacco, and citrus.
EFFECTS Large oral dosages may produce gastrointestinal disturbances and irritation. Abuse as a laxative in patients with eating disorders has been reported. Cattle which broke into a field which had been treated with potassium sulphate died within two days, showing symptoms of prostration, paresis, hypothermia, cessation of rumination, and constipation. Post mortem examination showed congestion of mucous membrane of intestines.
TISSUE SALT Introduced by Schüssler as one of his twelve tissue remedies. “This remedy, according to Schüssler, is the function remedy of the epidermis and of the epithelium. A deficiency of this cell salt causes a yellow, slimy deposit on the tongue, slimy, thin, or decidedly yellow or greenish discharge and secretions of watery matter from any of the mucous surfaces, and epithelial or epidermal desquamation. The yellowness is probably due to retrograde metamorphosis – fatty degeneration of inflammatory products and of effete epithelium, etc. The sulphates in nature and the oxide of iron server as oxygen carriers. If sulphate and iron oxide come in contact simultaneously with an organic substance in a state of decay they give off their oxygen, and sulphate of iron is formed thereby; this may again be decomposed by the oxygen of the air, forming sulphuric acid and iron oxide, which, under favourable conditions, become again carriers of oxygen. Similar process may occur in human organism. Therefore, of the sulphates, Kali sulph. probably plays an important role, because it is found in the cells and in the intercellular fluids, muscles, nerves, epithelium and in the blood corpuscles. It is the carrier of oxygen. The oxygen taken up by the iron contained in the blood corpuscles is carried to every cell of the organism by the reciprocal action of Kali sulph. and iron. Every cell requires for its growth and development the vitalizing influence of oxygen. But its continued action oxidizes the organic basis of the cells. Hence, they disintegrate into their constituent elements. A deficiency of Kali sulph. may, according to location and extent, occasion the following symptoms: Feeling of heaviness and weariness, vertigo, chilliness. Palpitation, fear, melancholy, toothache, headache, pains in the limbs, which intermit and change location. These pains are worse in closed rooms, warmth and towards evening, and better in fresh, open air, that is rich in oxygen. Epidermis and epithelial cells poorly fed with oxygen loosen and desquamate freely. If oxygen is brought to the suffering parts by means of Kali sulph. the formation of new cells is thereby furthered, and these hasten, by their activity, to promote the desquamation of the old ones.”1
1 Boericke and Dewey, The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schüssler.
EPITHELIUM [respiratory organs; skin]. Glands.
Worse: Warmth; room; air. Noise. Consolation. Evening. After eating.
Better: Cool air. Walking, Fatigue. Eructations. Discharge of flatus.
Main symptoms
* Common traits of all Kali’s: conservative, regular, proper, down to earth.
Kali-s. is the least adapted of the Kali’s: obstinate and headstrong.
M LAZY and INDOLENT, esp. in warm room.
Always complain of feeling tired.
Desire for open air.
M Impatient and < CONSOLATION. M Self-pity. • “Tend to become anxious about themselves, esp. in the evening and during the night; take a gloomy view of life when waking up in the morning. Encouraging them to take a less serious view of their illness makes them ANGRY.” [Borland] M Disgrace and insult. • “The main feeling of Kali-s is of being disgraced and insulted by the family or group whose support he seeks. Therefore he constantly makes efforts to win their esteem and respect. He wants that his value in their eyes should rise. He is industrious and helpful, caring towards and supportive of the group. He seems independent of the opinion of others and is respected and valued. He is very industrious and makes a lot of effort for others. At the same time, he has anger towards the family or group, because he feels insulted by them. As this feeling gets more intense, he becomes discouraged and develops tremendous want of confidence. He becomes insecure and irresolute. He is fearful and startles easily. And he becomes very sensitive and is easily offended.” [Sankaran] M Terrifying DREAMS of ghosts, death, robbers or murder. With violent struggling in their sleep. [Borland] G WARM-BLOODED. Cannot stand warm rooms or other forms of heat. < Warm air, warm room, warm wraps. G Profuse, EASY perspiration. G Thirsty. G SWEETS [desire]. EGGS [aversion + <]. G > MOTION.
> Walking in open air.
G AFTER Pulsatilla.
When Puls. fails to relieve permanently; general disturbance on a deeper [physical] level.
P Yellow coated tongue.
P Audible RATTLING in chest.
[esp. in children during the night, without waking up]
P COLD hands and feet during pains [excludes Sulph.].
P Wandering arthritic pains.
< Warmth. > Cold and motion.
P Coarse, dry, itchy skin.
Anxiety, > open air [3], from warmth [3]. Desire to remain in bed in morning [1]. Fear of falling [1]. Restlessness during menses [1], in room [2], in warm bed [2].
Open air > [2]. After eating [1]. With tendency to fall backward [1].
Dandruff, yellow [3]. Eruptions, yellow crusts [3]; moist and yellow [3]. Pain, while bending head backward [1], > cold air [1], from fasting [1].
Impaired, from catarrh of eustachian tube [3], < warm room [1/1]. Nose Discharge, excoriating, in open air [1/1]. Dryness, inside, in warm room [2]. Stomach Appetite, increased during headache [1]. Sensation of fulness after eating ever so little [2]. Abdomen Emptiness, > passing flatus [2].
Constipation, during menses [1]. Diarrhoea, during menses [1].
Voice, hoarseness, in warm room [2].
Difficult, > open air [2], in warm room [3].
Pain, lumbar region, at beginning of menses [2].
Pain, rheumatic, after tonsillitis [1; Guaj.; Phyt.; Rhod.].
Accidents [1]. Disease [1]. Ghosts [1]. Robbers [1].
Constant change of symptoms [2].
Aversion: [2]: Hot drinks. [1]: Bread; eggs; fat; hot food; meat.
Desire: [2]: Cold drinks [2]; cold food [2]; sweets. [1]: Sour.
Worse: [2]: Fish. [1]: Eggs.

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Kalium sulphuricum


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Kali sulphuricum is a mineral remedy, a salt. Its range is between the ringworm miasm and the sycotic miasm.
The main feeling of the Kali sulphuricum person is of being disgraced and insulted by the family or group whose support he seeks. Therefore he constantly makes efforts to win their esteem and respect. He wants that his value in their eyes should rise. He is industrious and helpful, caring towards and supportive of the group. He seems independent of the opinion of others. At the same time, he has anger towards the family or group, because he feels insulted by them.
As this feeling gets more intense, he becomes discouraged and develops tremendous want of confidence. He becomes insecure and irresolute. He is fearful and startles easily. Also he becomes very sensitive and is easily offended. Finally, he can become averse to business, indolent and indifferent.
Physical symptoms
– Very hot patients. agg. Warmth, amel. Open air, even walking in open air ameliorates . This is very much like Pulsatilla, which is complementary. Also another remedy that comes close to Kali sulphuricum is Kali iodatum.
– Yellow discharges, expectoration, etc..
– Eczema with thick, yellowish discharge, especially when there is much itching,
agg. night.
– Marked craving for sweets.
– Business, averse to.
– Confidence, want of self.
– Discouraged.
– Exertion, from mental aggravates.
– Frightened easily.
– Irresolution.
– Sensitive, oversensitive, noise, to.
– Starting, sleep, during.
– Timidity.
– Work, mental, aversion to.

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Kalium sulphuricum


Potassium sulphate. kso4
1. It is indicated in later stages of inflammation with yellow, mucus discharges from affected part.
2. Shifting type of pains. (Puls.).
3. Rheumatic headache in evening.
Bald spots with dandruff.
Vertigo on looking up and rising.
4. Colds with yellow, slimy discharge.
Nasal obstruction; anosmia.
Pharyngeal mucous membrane is congested, Eustachian deafness.
Ratting of mucus in chest (Ant. tart.).
Cough worse in evening and hot atmosphere.
5. Tympanitic abdomen, constipation with haemorrhoids.
6. Tongue coated yellow with burning thirst.
Dread of hot drinks.
7. Indicated in desquamative eruptions. (Am. c., Mez., Oleander, Sep.)., like psoriasis, seborrhoea of scalp, favus etc. with abundant scales.
8. Modalities : Worse : evening, heated room
Better : cool, open air.

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