– Ganesan.m, homeonesan at yahoo.com

Homeopathic remedied jaundice

An unmarried youth aged about 26 came to me with his friend who is my patient. He told that he had been suffered from JAUNDICE one year back. Likewise the same symptoms of jaundice started with one year after.The last attack treated with herpal treatment.He narrated the customary symptoms of jaundice. He told  that an urge and desire to  travel to somewhere which he never thought of it as he is a miser in his nature to spend money. The sick mental suggested me the remedy TUBERCULINUM. The annual return of symptoms confirmed the periodicity of the TUB. One dose TUB. 200 was given and all the symptoms of jaundice were cleared in  a week. No more prescription.
Some other Homeopathic Remedies for Jaundice are:
China is best Homeopathic remedy for jaundice with Gastro-duodenal catarrh; dulness and confusion of head; yellow- coated tongue; JAUNDICE FROM GALL-STONES (tincture according to Dr. Thayer); China patient has feeling in right hypochondrium as from subcutaneous ulceration; patients liver is swollen and sensitive to touch.
Nux-vomica is also a good Homeopathy jaundice remedy in nux vomica constitution there is       Jaundice from violent anger, abuse of quinine or too high living, Nux vomica is very good remedy for jaundice in drunkars,from enlarged liver of drunkards; gastro-duodenal catarrh, headache, dizziness, loss of appetite. bitter taste; nausea, vomiting.

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