How to get rid of Nightmares with Stramonium Homeopathy:
Stramonium Homeopathic Remedy uses fundamentally in multiple symptoms. But stramonium is useful in case of the nightmare very excellent. The article on ‘How to get rid of Nightmares with Stramonium Homeopathy’ introduce two remedies. First the Stramonium and second the Kali um Bromatum. Both are extraordinary Homeopathic Remedies useful in Nightmares or Bad Dreams.
What is Nightmare or Bad Dream?
why do I keep having Bad Dreams every night?
A nightmare particularly a disagreeable dream that can root a sturdy emotional reply from the mind. Naturally, fear or shock but also despondency, anxiety, and immense unhappiness. The dream may generally contain state of risk, worry, psychological or physical fear. Victims often get up in a state of agony and indeed may not return to sleep for a long-standing period.
Night terrors and nightmares can occur around the age of 18 to 36 months when the infant begins to walk and talk.
Nightmare |
The two main Homeopathic Remedies for Nightmares are :
A person’s psychomotor and emotional development is established along the line of life in three successive periods of 7 years each: birth to 7 years, 7 to 14 years and finally 14 to 21 years.
The existential anxiety or night terrors of the little child especially become the death fears during the first years of school.
During adolescence, it might become a suicide attempt due to the difficulty in verbalizing their emotional anxieties.
The anxiety remains with the person their whole life despite expressed differently according to the different stages of development.
Nightmares specifically the way the unconscious mind allows a person to release their pent-up emotional stresses from the day and play in their secret gardens.
See: anger, anxiety, delusions, dreams, excitement, fears, nervousness, noises, odors, restlessness, schooling, sighing, teething, tetany, weeping, yawning.
How to get rid of Nightmares with Stramonium?
Stramonium is Best Homeopathic Remedy for Nightmare.These patients have STRONG FEARS AT NIGHT. WAKE WITH TERROR, Patients of stramonium constitution with nightmares have wild look in the eyes. Half awake, half dreaming. Stramonium Child wants to sleep with the parents. Nightmares Saw in people without violent behavior, but with very strong fears.
How to get rid of Nightmares with Kali Bromatum?
Nightmares in Kali Bromatum Patient are having following symptoms. People suffer from Restless sleep. Extreme drowsiness but without sleep. Sleeplessness due to worry and grief and sexual excess. Night terrors. Patients with nightmares have Grinding teeth in sleep. Horrible dreams of Children.Somnambulism.
References: BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic, and Drainage Repertory,
Sorry, 10 drops each. I wrote 20 drops.
My daughter having very violent nightmares , severe anxieties as since almost three years. I have been giving her Stramonium and Aconite in 200 potency. It gave her grest relief but the same erupt again. Now I am giving her 10drops each once in a day since yesterday. Please tell me whether I m doing right. She felt change after taking 20drops in the nightmares which she sees so vividly by being conscious witness to them to such an extent that she exactly knows the number of dreams as well as anxieties.
Dear Anubhav, given 200 potency of aconite and stramonium for nightmares, 20 drops is not safe. Your daughter’s constitution will entirely change. sometimes it may lead to severe acute disorders. So always better to use the simple single remedy. please search this website for how to use homeopathy dosage. or else write all your daughter nightmare symptoms to suggest the best homeopathic remedy for nightmares.
Her nightmares consist of violence,bloodshed. They seem pretty realistic and vivid. They haunt her the whole day causing phases of anxiety. She also overthinks quite a lot and make her fears real in mind.
I gave her cenchris 200 to once in a night,5drops for 7 days, but it caused her severe hair fall so I stopped it.
Cenchris= Cenchris contortix 200 caused her severe har loss in 7 days. So, I stopped it. Still, she is continuing with Stramonium 200 ,5 drops once in a night. Her nightmares decreased, violence minimised but still persist.Thank in advance for your co-operation.
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