Homeopathic Remedy for Social Anxiety Disorder

Homeopathic Remedy for Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia:

Social anxiety disorder is nothing but a social phobia. Homeopathic remedies for social anxiety disorder are very effective in the permanent cure. First, we discuss what social anxiety disorder is exactly.

Anxiety attack and Homeopathic treatment for an anxiety disorder

The person with a social anxiety disorder can identify with following symptoms:

Homeopathic Remedy for Social Anxiety Disorder
  • Intense anxiety
  • Fear of being judged
  • Negatively evaluated
  • Rejected in a social or performance situation
  • Worry about acting or repairing visibly anxious
  • Blushing and stumbling over words

Let Us see the Homeopathic remedies for social anxiety disorder or social phobia:

Anacardium is an excellent Homeopathic remedy for social anxiety disorder with great internal conflict:

Lack of self-confidence is the prominent indication for Anacardium for social anxiety disorder. In addition, feeling inferiority is another indication guides us to use Anacardium in homeopathy for social anxiety disorder. In fact, the fear of failure in students before the examination is one of the prominent symptoms of Anacardium. Moreover, this kind of examination fear that belong to social anxiety disorder can cure with Anacardium.

Some other social anxiety disorder symptoms of Anacardium homeopathic remedy:

  • Sudden loss of memory as soon as appearing in public
  • Insecurity, anxiety, and apprehension in public
  • Fear of insanity in public

Argentum nitricum is also a very good Homeopathic remedy for social anxiety disorder with impulsiveness:

Argentum nitricum persons are extrovert in nature but they have the great fear of crowd. In fact, the fear of appearing in public causes social anxiety disorder in Argentum nitricum. Moreover, Argentum nitricum along with social anxiety disorder also suffer from fear of crossing roads. Furthermore, this homeopathic remedy is helpful for symptoms of fear of blood and imagination of falling. In addition, Argentum nitricum helpful for the important symptom of social anxiety disorder that is Stage fright and anticipation.

Argentum Nitricum Patient

Gelsemium is also a wonderful Homeopathic medicine for social anxiety disorder with weakness at all levels:

  • The main cause of social anxiety disorder in gelsemium person is the following:
  • Feeling of weakness at all levels
  • The feeling of not being able to cope up with the daily life
  • Fear of responsibilities and work
  • Timidity and anticipation

Gelsemium patient with social anxiety disorder always wants to avoid people. Moreover, these patients also have great stage Fright. In addition, Gelsemium along with social anxiety disorder is also helpful for fear of examination and new tasks. In fact the mental weakness and dullness, forgetfulness is the cause of social anxiety disorder in Gelsemium.

Lycopodium is also an excellent homeopathic remedy for social anxiety disorder with the nature of avoiding responsibilities:

Lycopodium is an excellent homeopathic medicine for social phobia. In fact, the important cause of social phobia in this homeopathic medicine is fear of responsibility.

Some other causes of lycopodium social anxiety disorder listed below:

  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Timid and fear of people
  • Fear of speaking in public
  • Fear of ghosts and dark
  • Fear of company
  • Confusion and weakness of memory

The fact is that lycopodium is helpful for schoolteachers and lawyers with social anxiety disorder. Lycopodium is also a great homeopathic remedy for social anxiety disorder in those who maintain superficial relations. Moreover, for intellectual peoples who suffer from social anxiety disorder lycopodium is a great remedy.

Homeopathic medicine for anxiety and depression

Silicea is also an excellent homeopathic medicine for social anxiety disorder in refined and sensitive persons:

Let us see the causes of social anxiety disorder in Silicea:

  • Yielding, mild and sensitive nature
  • Conscious about at every little thing
  • Fear of public speaking
  • Fear of examinations
  • Brain fog
  • Mental weakness
  • Timidity
  • Want of self-confidence

Silicea benefits children with social anxiety disorder in association with fixed ideas. Moreover, Silicea is a very good Homeopathic medicine for social anxiety disorder in well-behaved children with refined personality. In fact, anxiety from noise may the cause of social anxiety disorder in this great homeopathic remedy.

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Social Phobia
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