Homeopathic Remedy for Hemorrhoids


Homeopathic Remedy for Hemorrhoids or Piles:

Hemorrhoids or haemorrhoids are nothing but modified blood vessels in the anal passage. These are soft structures help in controlling the passage of stool through the anal canal. In fact, they become swollen and filled with pathological fluids. To these swollen inflamed painful structures, we could name as piles or hemorrhoid disease. The homeopathic remedy, on the other hand, raises the immune levels of the body. For that reason, unwanted fluids will not fill in the anal veins. As a result, Homeopathic remedy prevents the Hemorrhoids and cure permanently. Moreover, Homeopathic medicine cures hemorrhoids without surgery.

The point often overlooked is, Hemorrhoids become swollen due to suppressed external manifestations. In fact, suppression of skin diseases or other infectious diseases like syphilis, gonococcus, or other viral diseases can cause piles. For that reason, piles cure automatically when these skin symptoms reappear.

Homeopathic Remedy for Hemorrhoids
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Piles or Hemorrhoids Symptoms:

In this case, symptoms of piles depend on the type. There is always painless bleeding with internal piles. Severe itching and burning, tenesmus is produced by external hemorrhoids .if external hemorrhoids are thrombosed; they produce severe pain with noticeable heat inside. Patients often mistake symptoms around the Anorectal canal as hemorrhoids. Thereby omits more severe diseases like rectal cancer. The exact cause of piles is unknown. It is thought that increased intraabdominal pressure, constipation, etc. However, in most cases, it observed that suppressed skin itch disease, nasal catarrh developed Hemorrhoids.

Natural – Home remedy for Hemorrhoids or Piles:

  • Taking a high fiber diet is advisable as initial treatment for piles.
  • Taking high fiber fluids thereby reducing constipation is the best home treatment for hemorrhoids.
  • The procedures followed for the treatment of piles are only temporary measures. It will not yield a permanent cure. In fact, avoiding fermented, sour acids, ghee, fermented fruits, and juices is a very effective Home treatment for piles.
  • Even surgery will not yield permanent cure in many cases. Whatever the severity of piles, it can manage with alternative Homeopathic treatment.
  • Fifty percent of the world population experiences the problem of piles at one or another time in their life. However, is manageable with a good lifestyle and food habits, on the other hand, it improves immune levels.

Nux Vomica dosage for piles treatment in Homeopathy

Homeopathic treatment for piles or Hemorrhoids:

Homeopathy is the best alternative for piles treatment. Which offers a complete cure for hemorrhoids without side effects? Moreover, Homeopathy has many advantages over the conventional methods of piles treatment. The reason is Homeopathic treatment aim in treating the constitution of the pile’s person. In fact, Homeopathy considers the entire body system including other physical complaints, food habits, lifestyle to treat piles without surgery.

The cure rate for piles in homeopathy is more compare to other systems of medicine. Even People have doubts about whether piles curable in Homeopathy. No doubt about the Homeopathic treatment it offers a safe, complete, speedy cure for piles. While using other treatment methods there is a chance of recurrence. However, Homeopathy treats the root cause of piles. As a result, the chance of recurrence of piles is very rare with Homeopathic treatment.

External Hemorrhoids – Homeopathic treatment and Remedy without surgery:

The main cause of external hemorrhoids is constant strain while passing stool. This kind of repeated strain on the rectum and anal canal can cause distension of veins. In fact, the distended rectal veins that are around the anus, we call as external hemorrhoids. Let us see the remedies in homeopathy that used for external hemorrhoids.

  • Nux Vomica is an excellent homeopathic remedy for external hemorrhoids that are itching. The main cause of external hemorrhoids in Nux Vomica is a sedentary lifestyle. Moreover taking spicy food alcoholic drinks mainly causes external hemorrhoids in Nux Vomica. As a result, the use of Nux Vomica in piles cases can avoid surgery.
  • Mercurius solubulis is also a wonderful homeopathic medicine for external hemorrhoids. The important indication of Mercurius solubulis for external hemorrhoids is an unbearable pain at rectum after stool. In addition, the pain of external hemorrhoids that aggravate during night call for Mercurius solubulis. Ultimately, Mercurius solubulis helps in the cure of piles without surgery.

Aloes socotrina – homeopathic remedy for external hemorrhoids like bunch of grapes:

  • For the most part, the external hemorrhoids that hang like a bunch of grapes from the rectum guide us to use Aloes socotrina homeopathic medicine.
  • Aesculus hippocastanum is also very good medicine for external hemorrhoids with back pain. Severe lumbosacral pain with the external hemorrhoids attracts the attention of homeopathic remedy Aesculus hippocastanum.
  • Muriatic acid is great Homeopathic medicine for external hemorrhoids that protrude at every stool and urine.
  • Rathanhia is also a great remedy for external hemorrhoids with long-standing pain after stool.
  • Extreme burning pain after stool and unable to stand up with external hemorrhoids are needed sulphur homeopathic medicine.

Bleeding Hemorrhoids – Homeopathic Medicines for the permanent cure:

Homeopathic remedies for bleeding hemorrhoids provide a fast and permanent cure. We have seen cases bleeding from hemorrhoids stopped within 5 minutes after the homeopathic medicine. The fact is that single-dose single remedy for bleeding hemorrhoids gives quick relief.

Mercurius Solubulis again the best homeopathic medicine for bleeding hemorrhoids. The important indication is bleeding from the rectum during the night with severe pain. Sulphur and Alumina are the best homeopathic remedies for hemorrhoids that bleed in the evening. In fact, conium and muriatic acid are remedies for hemorrhoids bleeding in the morning. Secale car and Hamamelis are the homeopathic remedies for bleeding hemorrhoids, which are black. Moreover, bleeding hemorrhoids at menopause are curable with Lachesis. On the other hand, Graphites and Ammonium Muriaticum are the best homeopathic remedies for hemorrhoids that bleed during menses.

Thrombosed Hemorrhoids and Homeopathic treatment:

Hemorrhoids that are thrombosed can treat with Homeopathic medicines permanently. However, the hemorrhoids, which are thrombosed and turned into septic, need to go for surgery. Even as the last chance you can try Homeopathic medicines for thrombosed hemorrhoids. Let us see what the Homeopathic remedies helpful for thrombosed hemorrhoids are.

  1. Nitric acid is a very good Homeopathic remedy for thrombosed hemorrhoids. An indication of nitric acid for thrombosed hemorrhoids is splinter-like pains in the rectum.
  2. Lachesis is also an excellent homeopathic remedy for thrombosed hemorrhoids. In fact, Lachesis indicates for thrombosed hemorrhoids with burning pain in a talkative person.

Homeopathic Remedies for Piles or Hemorrhoids in general:

The Aesculus Hip – mother tincture, Homeopathic medicine for piles with pain as if sticks in rectum:

This mother tincture for piles indicates pain, particularly in the hypogastric region. In this case, hemorrhoids bleed or not, with a feeling of dryness in the rectum. Aesculus patient has a feeling as though little sticks or splinters are pricking the folds of the mucous membrane. Weak feeling at sacroiliac symphysis, as though the legs are about to give out, indicated this mother tincture for piles. Desire to strain at stool for a long time; pains shoot up the rectum is another indication of Aesculus. On the other hand, purple hemorrhoids make the pile’s person depressed and irritable.

Aloe 200 – for Homeopathy treatment of hemorrhoids with mucus in Rectum:

Hemorrhoids protrude as if a bunch of grapes with constant bearing down in rectum chiefly indicates this Homeopathic medicine. In this case, piles pain greatly relieved by bathing with cold water. sore, tender and hot, or copious bleeding but no haemorrhoidal knobs is another indication. Constant bearing down sensation in the rectum is with profuse emission of flatus before stool. It follows urgent diarrhea, especially in the early morning hours. Hot and watery, with jelly-like mucus tinged with blood and followed by faintness relief after eating.

Ammonium-carb 200 is effect in homeopathic treatment for bleeding piles without surgery:

The Haemorrhoids protrude independent of stool. Protrusion of hemorrhoids after stool with long-lasting pains guides us to use this homeopathic remedy.

On the other hand, piles recede when lying down they are usually moist and pain as if excoriated. Bloody discharge is from piles during and after stool. Moreover, constipation is because of the hardness of feces. In this case, itching at anus and burning, preventing sleep must rise from bed on those account hemorrhoids. This remedy works great for piles during menses. Moreover, it Suits for hemorrhoids treatment without surgery in children, old people, pale subjects with a bloated face. Furthermore, leading a sedentary life, who readily catch a cold in winter with piles get benefit from this Homeopathic medicine.

Arsenicum is benefits in homeopathy treatment for Haemorrhoids with bunched bleeding, burning pains:

Protruding and from least touch is an important indication here. When walking or standing piles burn, soreness in rectum and anus, in particular, at night. In this case, the rectum remains protruded and, irreducible, after hemorrhaging from the rectum with great pain of piles . For that reason, it is a great Homeopathic remedy for strangulated Hemorrhoid. In addition, pies that develop from cold weather, ice cream, and ice water in hot weather are curable with this medicine. Finally, Hemorrhoids of drunkards also responds to Arsenicum Album.

Capsicum 200c – piles homeopathic remedies with burning, swollen, cutting, and smarting pain during defecation:

In this case, even when the stool is liquid, piles are itching, throbbing with the sore feeling in anus. On the other hand, large piles, discharging blood, or bloody mucus. It is great Homeopathic medicine for blind piles with mucous discharge. The important key point is tenesmus ani with piles, only relieved by squatting down on his heels. Suppressed haemorrhoidal bleeding, especially causes depression indicated this remedy. Lack of reactive power, especially in fat, lazy people is another important symptom. Easily exhausted and wants to lie down constantly with piles is call for this Homeopathic medicine for piles treatment without surgery.

Collinsonia is Homoeopathy medicine for external piles with sensation of sticks in rectum:

Alternation of hemorrhoid suffering from cerebral (Brain) and cardiac troubles (dilated right heart) chiefly indicates this Homeopathic medicine. Hemorrhoids during or after pregnancy, especially guide us to use this remedy. Piles with constipation and prolapsus uteri are another key point. In addition, chronic, painful, bleeding piles are curable with Collinsonia. Constipation and congestion of pelvic organs at night call this Homeopathic medicine for piles treatment.

Graphites 200 and 1M is the best Homeo remedy for Piles with violent itching:

Large haemorrhoidal tumors and protrusion of rectum, without urging to stool are indications of this Homeopathic medicine. Fissure ani, sharp cutting pain during stool with constipation is another key point. Piles with hardness in the hepatic region especially at night suggest Graphites for hemorrhoids treatment. Moist humid eruption on the scalp and behind ears is an important symptom in Graphites piles case. In this case, piles accompany by dizziness.

Hamamellis mother tincture – Hemorrhoids homeopathic medicine with Hemorrhage from piles:

In this case, the loss of a small quantity of blood follows by prostration out of proportion to the loss of blood. Painful and profusely bleeding piles, with burning, soreness, fullness, and weight is a prominent indication of this medicine. In addition, weakness, and weariness of the back, as if it would break. Hemorrhoid veins, bluish in color get benefits with Hamamellis mother tincture. Moreover, this mother tincture greatly helps the redness anus caused by piles. Bloody urine, constipation, severe frontal headache, restless nights; pulsation in the rectum are other indications of Hamamelis’ mother tincture.

Ignatia useful in homeopathy treatment for hemorrhoids without surgery in women and children:

Contractive sore pain in the rectum, like from blind hemorrhoids, one or two hours after stool chiefly suggests this homeopathic remedy. Stools large or soft, but passed with difficulty with piles indicate Ignatia. In this case, sudden sharp stitches in rectum with piles, shooting upward into the body, with every a cough. The moderate effort at stool especially causes prolapses ani and piles. Strangulating piles, bleeding during and after stool especially get cure with Ignatia. Hemorrhage and pain when stool is loose especially guide us to use Ignatia in Piles treatment. Fissure ani, pruritus ani, ulcerated hemorrhoids in the rectum are other indications of this Homeopathic medicine.

Lycopodium 200 is the best Homeopathic remedy for piles treatment with the discharge of blood in the evening:

In this case, piles protrude, painful when sitting, even with soft stool.

The important indication of lycopodium for piles treatment is.

  • Itching and tension are at the anus in the evening in bed.
  • Continued burning or stitching pain is especially in the rectum with piles.
  • Constipation and ineffectual urging from the contraction of the sphincter ani is another key point.
  • Flatulence and painless Haematuria, pain in the sacral region, extending to the thighs, worse rising from a seat.
  • Bleeding piles which contain an amount of blood, a far greater quantity of blood than the size of the vein would warrant
  • Piles that do not mature, but from partial absorption of their contents remain as hard, bluish limps is a chief indication of Lycopodium for treatment in Homeopathy.

Nux-vomica is Homeopathy remedy for blind Piles:

Pain in the small of the back, with piles, bruised pain, so that the patient is unable to raise himself. Frequent constipation, with ineffectual urging to stool, especially suggests Nux Vomica for piles. Haematuria from suppressed haemorrhoidal flow or menses is also indicated this Homeopathic remedy. Painful and suppression of urine, backache, must sit up to turn in bed. Strangulated piles especially call for Nux Vomica Homeopathy.

Phosphorus 200 – Homeopathy medicine for severe painful Bleeding piles:

Phosphorous helps the piles cases with following symptoms.

  • Blood flows with each stool in a small stream.
  • Ulceration of the rectum is especially with the discharge of blood and pus.
  • Constipation, stool slender, long, dry, tough, and hard, voided with difficulty.
  • Paralysis of lower bowels and sphincter ani is a chief indication of this Homeopathic medicine.
  • Needlelike stitches in rectum when not at stool call for Phosphorus to cure piles.
  • Violent burning in rectum and anus with great exhaustion guide us to use this medicine.

Sepia is a piles Homeopathic remedy for women with Weakness of the sphincter:

In this case, piles come down from any exertion, like walking or standing. She supports the anus by pressure with her hand to prevent the protrusion of the piles. Discharge of blood with stool, oozing of moisture from the rectum especially indicates sepia for piles treatment without surgery. Piles along with turbid urine of a peculiar fetid odor, depositing, when standing call for this Homeopathic remedy.

Sulphur used for blind external burning piles treatment in homeopathy:

patients with blind Hemorrhoids are flowing dark blood, with violent bearing- down pains from small of back towards the anus; lancinating pain from the anus upward, especially after stool suggest sulphur for piles. In addition, suppressed hemorrhoids, with colic, palpitation, congestion of lungs are guide sulphur for piles treatment. Sulphur is useful for swollen anus with hemorrhoids. On the other hand, considerable blood passed with soft, easy stool get cure with this Homeopathic medicine. Sulphur also helps in painless piles, bleeding, burning, and frequent protrusion of the haemorrhoidal tumors. Weak digestion, dysuria; shooting in the rectum stops the breath, especially indicates this Homeopathy medicine in piles treatment.

This is all about the Homeopathic treatment of piles or hemorrhoids. Let us know through comments if we forget any.

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5 years ago

Sir I am sufferings from piles the symptoms are itching at night swelling and burning after bowel movement. And also suffering bachache pain pain at neck both shoulders and left hand and left buttock. Can homeopathy have universal medicine for my both problems.

Homeopathy for Piles
Homeopathy for Piles
5 years ago

Thank you for this awesome information. As a Homeopathic Doctor, I love to read
Keep up the good work

Best Article
6 years ago

Dear Doctor,

Stomach Issues.
I have had stomach issues ( majorly amebiasis, as I travel a lot)
I always feel tight and cramping abdomen most of the times.
Recently I am feeling my legs heavy (not knowing the reason)
My upper right part beneath rib cage is heavy and tender when touched.
Heameorroids, pain near rectum.

I almost feeling tired all day without doing anything.

Need your medical suggestion on this. Please help.


Piles Homeopathic medicine
Arijeet drashishbhanot

Thanks for this kind of posts, really appreciated.
best piles treatment hospitals

Miric Biotech Ltd
7 years ago

Miric Biotech Ltd is one of the best manufactures of Ayurveda offers Mix-X-Piles product is treatment for piles which quickly cure painful piles.

Laurie Norman
8 years ago

Nice Article!!! My hemorrhoids got swollen veins in my anus that affect the capillaries that are in the area. Whenever my area becomes irritated, it causes a lot of pain, itching and bleeding and makes my condition very unbearable. I am trying to find the best hemorrhoids treatment available so that I can get relief. And after reading your article regarding natural remedies It creates a hope that I’ll be get better soon… Thanks!!!!

Dr. Abdul Latif
8 years ago

So Thanks.