Homeopathic Remedies for Eczema in general:
It is striking to see how many infants develop eczema during the first year of life that often disappears in spite of all the specialists and ointments. This natural attempt of the body to clear out the hereditary toxins is understood and helped by the Homeopathic strategy. Homeopathic Remedies for eczema on hands and legs are most effective to cure as well to prevent recurrence. It is the only way to resolve this condition.
Even when the precise chemical cause found, it is essential to activate the skin and produce eczema.
Remember, the first reactive mode on any person’s line of life is psoric. What is hiding behind eczema? The symptom is always the visible image of the disease inside.
Homeopathic General treatment for Eczema on hands and legs:
Manganese and sulphur are useful in case of E.N. T. allergies and arthritic background. Moreover, manganese Sulphur and copper-gold Silver are helpful in case of respiratory allergy and tuberculinic background. In addition, copper Gold Silver and sulphur are benefits in case of infections, or long-lasting chronic eczema.
Fumaria, Saponaria, Viola Tricolor are the remedies used to drain the body waste material through the skin. Thereby the Homeopathic remedies prevent eczema on hands and legs.
Berberis, Hydrastis, Solidago Virga are the Homeopathic medicines helpful to drain the body waste through digestive organs and kidney. Therefore, these Homeopathic medicines cure eczema on hands and legs.
Hydrastis, Ipecac, and Pulsatilla these are the medicines in Homeopathy helpful to send out waste material through respiratory organs. That is the reason why these Homeopathic medicines cure the Eczema on hands and legs.
Aesculus, Berberis, Sarsaparilla Homeopathic remedies help in the drainage of waste material through the genitourinary organ. Thereby, these Homeopathic medicines are benefited in the treatment of eczema on hands and legs.
Aloes, Nux Vomica, Rauwolfia, in fact, are the Homeopathic remedies for sending waste material through the cardiovascular system. The result, the Homeopathic remedies cure Eczema on hands and legs.
Anacardium Orientale, Arnica, Gelsemium, Valeriana are the Homeopathic medicines in general for drainage through the mind. That is why these remedies helpful for the cure of Eczema on hands and legs.
Homeopathic organ remedies in general for Eczema cure on hands and legs:
Histaminum is an excellent organ remedy for the cure of Eczema. In fact, the indication is severe itching with restlessness. Moreover, various allergic states indicate the use of Histaminum for the cure of Eczema.
Aloes, Nux Vomica, Rauwolfia, in fact, are the Homeopathic remedies for sending waste material through the cardiovascular system. The result, the Homeopathic remedies cure Eczema on hands and legs.
Anacardium Orientale, Arnica, Gelsemium, Valeriana are the Homeopathic medicines in general for drainage through the mind. That is why these remedies helpful for the cure of Eczema on hands and legs.
Homeopathic organ remedies in general for Eczema cure on hands and legs:
Histaminum Asian, Corticohypothalamic Axis, and Pulmine is an excellent organ remedy for the cure of Eczema. In fact, the indication is severe itching with restlessness. Moreover, various allergic States indicates the use of Histaminum for the cure of Eczema.
Colon Mucosa, Hepatine, Nephrine, Pancreases are the Homeopathic organ medicines helpful for the cure of Eczema when the body natural drainage system does not work.
Homeopathic remedies for Eczema according to various modalities:
Arsenicum album is a very good Homeopathic remedy in general for Eczema. In fact, dry rough and scaly eruptions on the skin are the indication of the Arsenic album for the cure of Eczema.
Petroleum is wonderful Homeopathic medicine for the cure of Eczema on palms and soles. In fact, petroleum Eczema patient can identify with cracked and leathery skin. Homeopathy does not take much time for the cure of Eczema with Petroleum, on the match of the above symptoms.
Sulphur Flavum is also an excellent Homeopathic remedy for the cure of Eczema on hands and legs. In fact, the unhealthy skin is the indication for the cure of eczema quickly by sulphur Flavum.
Sepia, on the other hand, is an excellent Homeopathic medicine for Eczema in children. An important indication of sepia is, the children are sad and depressed with Eczema. Whereas Staphysagria, a good Homeopathic medicine for eczema in adults. Moreover, Alumina is the Homeopathic medicine for Eczema in elderly people.
Homeopathic medicine for Eczema with moist discharge:
Dulcamara is in general Homeopathic medicine for eczema with Urticaria like skin eruptions. In fact, moist oozing from the skin is the indication for the cure of Eczema with Dulcamara.
Clematis Erecta is a wonderful Homeopathic remedy for eczema with red burning skin. On the other hand, Rhus Toxicodendron act excellent for eczema with pus formed eruptions. Moreover, Mercurius solubulis is very good and effective medicine for Eczema in children with moist eruptions. In addition, Graphites, that is very good for Eczema in adults with moist oozing skin. Causticum, in general, is the Homeopathic remedy for Eczema in old people with moist skin eruptions.
Homeopathic remedies for Eczema on the head in general:
Calcarea Picrata generally acts very well for Eczema on ears. Graphites, on the other hand, is a wonderful Homeopathic medicine for Eczema behind the ear. Graphite patients with Eczema generally have aversion to sweets. In addition, Eczema on the nose can curable with Causticum. Moreover, eczema on the face is curable with Euphorbia resinifera, Vinca Minor, and Viola tricolor. Antimonium Crudum is useful for eczema on cheeks. Cucuta Virosa works for eczema on the chin. Antimonium Crudum and Graphites are again very good remedies for Eczema around the mouth.
Sarsaparilla, on the other hand, is an effective Homeopathic remedy for Eczema on the forehead. In fact, sarsaparilla mother tincture can use as an external application for the cure of Eczema on the forehead. In addition, Mezerium is the Homeopathic medicine for eczema on the scalp with oozing and itching. Lappa Major is most important Homeopathic medicine for eczema on the scalp that is scabby in nature. Oleander is very good Homeopathic medicine for eczema on the margin of hair. In fact, Lycopodium is a wonderful Homeopathic medicine for Eczema on the occiput. In addition, Natrum Muriaticum also works very well for eczema on the occiput.
Best Homeopathic medicine for Eczema around joints:
Natrum phosphoricum and Silicea are very good Homeopathic remedies for eczema around joints. In fact, eczema, that alternate with diarrhea and asthma are the indications for Natrum phosphoricum and Silicea. In addition, dry Eczema around joints responds very well to Manganum Aceticum 4C or Sepia 4C. On the other hand, moist Eczema can curable with Graphites 4C, or Tellurium 4C.
Homeopathic remedies for eczema on hands and fingers:
Anagallis, Malandrinum, Pix Liquida are the Homeopathic remedies for dry eczema on hands and fingers. On the other hand, moist Eczema responds to Carica Papaya, Sanicula, and Selenium.
Homeopathic medicines for Eczema on feet and toes:
Graphites 4C or Petroleum 4C are excellent Homeopathic remedies for eczema on feet and toes. In fact, cracked skin is a common indication for both Graphites and petroleum.
Croton Tiglium 4C is an excellent medicine in homeopathy for Eczema on Masculine genital exterior organs.
References: Bouko Levy M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory.
I have suffered from psoriasis since 20 yrs.I had jaundice in 1988.I had suffered from harpic on left side stomach in 12 yrs age.
I have suffered from plague psoriasis since 20 years.Some silky patches spread on elbows,legs back,stomec,side head