Homeopathic Remedies for the Treatment of Migraine Headache
Migraines affect from 10 to 20% of the population of Occidental countries. Of course, twice as many women as men have migraines, and they are most common between the ages of 20 to 40. Homeopathic medicines mentioned for migraine treatment cure the root cause.
There is no doubt that an endocrine factor has major importance, as well as, family history. On the other hand, Migraines have to be differentiated from other types of headaches.
A common migraine is pulsating, has unilateral (eye, temple, occiput, etc) periodical pain, with a dyspeptic syndrome (dyspepsia, eructations, vomiting), and often has sight disorders (oversensitive to light, dim vision).
Homeopathic Medicine for Headache :
Migraine treatment –
- A particular psychological picture surrounds the physical symptoms -especially perfectionist: CYCLAMEN
- Rigidity: SILICEA
- The tends to underestimate themself: ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE
- loss of self-confidence, in general: LYCOPODIUM.
The richness of the symptoms makes this disease a perfect field of action for homeopathic remedies which are chiefly essential to healing these patients.
- The painful side can be characteristic of the remedy for Homeopathic Migraine treatment (right eye for IRIS VERSICOLOR, left side for SPIGELIA), but it is not sufficient.
Of Course, every remedy has its own set of symptoms that can be used to make the homeopathic diagnosis and treatment.
Homeopathy for Migraine treatment with Dim vision – Right side
- Dim before and during; burning vomit; profuse saliva; pancreas insufficiency: IRIS VERSICOLOR 7C
- Dim before; aching bones and scalp; pain in pinpoint, and especially over eyebrows: KALIUM BICHROMICUM 7C
- Sight Dim during; right frontal; facial pain and paralysis; agg. by the cold wind: CAUSTICUM 9C
- very frequent migraines with vertigo in the morning when getting up, agg. when hungry, and by heat, amel. by eating and uncovering the head, periodical every weekend :
Homeopathic Remedies for Migraine Treatment -Left side :
- Sight weakness related to menstrual disorders; in particular, pressing outward pains: CIMICIFUGA 7C
- Flickering dim; very pale face; agg. chiefly in the morning; amel. by any discharge: LACHESIS 5C
- As from pulling a string from eyes to occiput; in particular numbness; loquacity: PARIS QUADRIFOLIA 5C
Homeopathic Medicines for Migraine treatment – No particular side
- Foggy; the flickering of various colors; diplopia; constant dyspepsia, especially with sneezing and itching in the ear; essential for menstrual migraines: cyclamen 7c
- diplopia; heavy eyelids; one pupil dilated, in spite of the other contracted; apathetic: Gelsemium 5c
- photophobia; pupils dilated; vascular, throbbing, on the other hand, red, swollen face: Belladonna 5c
- nausea, vomiting, blindness and obstinate constipation; urination during: Lac defloratum 5c
- occiput heaviness; intense vertigo; in general, sight dimness; emotional; violent anger :
Petroleum 5c - flickering, chiefly every day at the same hour; hepatic; anemic; exhausted: China 5c
- flickering, amel. By pressure and heat in particular; scalp soreness; vertigo; glaucoma: Colocynthis 5c
Homeopathic Remedies for Migraine with Normal vision – Right side :
- At first, starts on occiput settle over right eye; vascular throbbing pains; red burning cheeks; flushes of heat; periodical, when menses are finished: SANGUINARIA 5C
- Chief remedy; amel. by pressure; icy coldness of neck and occiput; chiefly profuse lacrimation; radiates to right cheek and ear; in addition, preceded by liver pains: CHELIDONIUM 7C
- Like a hammer; vertigo; nose bleeding and faintness on rising; constipation; all symptoms are agg. especially by the least motion: BRYONIA 5C
Homeopathic medicine for Migraine with Normal vision – Left side
- Violent pain in and around eye, in general, extending into socket; palpitations; parasitism;especially, fear of sharp things (pins, needles, scissors, like SILICEA) : SPIGELIA 7C
Homeoathy medicine for Migraine with Normal vision – No particular side
- Pressing, especially cramp-like pains are in vertex relives by strong pressure; torticollis: MENYANTHES 5C
- Right frontal bone through the brain to occiput; in general left eye feels as if it would burst: PRUNUS SPINOSA 5C
Homeopathic Remedies for Migraine during Menses:
In this case, each dose must take according to the menstrual cycle of each woman.
Of course, the most frequent treatment sequence consists of taking one dose of the 1st remedy the day just before ovulation (12th to 14th day of the cycle), and one dose of the 2nd remedy a few days before menses (19th to 21st).
- Thin person; especially blinding chronic headaches; bearing-down sensation:1st NATRUM MURIATICUM 15C
2nd SILICEA 15C - Thin person; spasmodic pains of the ovary; mastitis; although hysterical :
2nd LACHESIS 15C - Lymphatic person; whereas venous congestion; dyspepsia; fears :
2nd CYCLAMEN 15C - Slow subject; in particular, premenopausal; skin disorders; sycosis :
2nd CYCLAMEN 15C - Colitis; in this case, hepatic and gallbladder disorders; skin diseases :
2nd SEPIA 15C - Extreme chilliness; especially skin diseases; fatigue; psoric :
• one dose, as needed: PSORINUM 15C
Finally, analyze the diet and eliminate any allergic food that could be a trigger.
References: BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory
and migraines of Nux Vomica personalities get immediately aggravated by cold, alcohol, mental exertion, anger,