Homeopathic medicines for Vomiting

Homeopathic medicines for Vomiting:

Forceful emitting of stomach contents through the mouth is called vomiting. There are many causes of vomiting. It includes simple indigestion to stomach cancer. Whatever may be the cause, the involvement of the nervous system is clearly observed in every case. Vomiting is also a body language to indicate the underlying severe disease. Homeopathic medicine allows healing of underlying cause to cure the vomiting permanently. In addition, Homeopathic Treatment includes natural substances to cure vomiting. For the reason, that homeopathic medicines do not produce any side effects.

Homeopathic medicines for Vomiting

Few important causes of nausea and vomiting:

  • Overeating
  • first three months of pregnancy
  • severe pain due to obstruction of tubes anywhere in the body
  • exposure to poisons
  • medications
  • head injuries
  • heart stroke
  • tumor in brain
  • infection in abdominal organs such as appendicitis

Homeopathic remedy for constant nausea and vomiting:

Antimonium Tartaricum is an excellent homeopathic medicine for vomiting where respiratory systems are involved.  It is very much helpful for nausea in children. Your child may feel deathly faintness with great weakness and fear of vomiting. Antimonium Tartaricum is especially a remedy for asthma in children with a prominence of vomiting. Your child may experience a great thirst for water.

Digitalis -Homeopathic medicine for vomiting where heart problems are prominent.:

Digitalis is another homeopathic medicine for vomiting where the heart is in trouble. The patient may feel faintness and vomiting simply by motion. For your profuse salivation just before the vomiting, Digitalis is a very useful Homeopathic remedy. In addition, it greatly beneficial in cases of difficulty breathing that accompany vomiting.

Ignatia – Homeopathic remedy for vomiting in hysterical girls:

Ignatia is the best medicine in homeopathy especially beneficial for spasmodic nausea. It is also useful for travel sickness. If you have nausea and vomiting particularly when opening the mouth at the dentist, Ignatia is the right remedy for you. Moreover vomiting from apprehension is particularly curable with Ignatia. For vomiting in hysterical girls, Ignatia is the most specific Homeopathic remedy.

Ipecac – Topmost Homeopathy medicine for deathly nausea and vomiting:

Ipecac is the first-grade homeopathy medicine for vomiting and nausea. Writing an article on vomiting without mentioning Ipeacac is meaningless. Profuse salivation that attends with nausea particularly indicates the Ipecac. These people will have a pale and twitching face. Ipecac persons will have a clean tongue. In addition, is helps in the treatment for vomiting in relation to asthma. Most important point is, Ipeacac can stop internal bleeding. Even the brain hemorrhages can stop with a single dose of Ipecac. All of these great things can achieve only by identifying the symptom of nausea. For this reason, that nausea and vomiting with internal bleeding always indicate Ipecac.

Kreosotum is especially the remedy for vomiting food. That also it is several hours after eating. If you have a bitter taste after taking water, it is the best medicine for your vomiting.

Antim crude – Best Homeopathy medicine for vomiting with a white-coated tongue.

Antimonium Crudum helps in the cure of digestive troubles in associate with vomiting. If you have vomiting particularly after taking black bread, this Homeopathic remedy can help you. In addition, you will have your eructations taste like food. For whose with white-coated tongue, Antimonium crude is the best medicine for vomiting.

Lac Caninum is the best remedy for vomiting with occipital pain. The people, in this case, experience blurred vision. As a result, it is a very good remedy for vomiting with migraines. Here also salivation is the accompanying symptom.

Lycopodium is for the vomiting with great burning in the pharynx. You will experience pain in your throat for hours together. Lycopodium patients often have a craving for sweets.

Nux Vomica – Best Homeopathic remedy for vomiting from sleep disturbances:

Vomiting in the morning particularly after eating indicates the Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica. It is the best homeopathy remedy for those adapted to mental work. Vomiting and flatulence in combination always need to prescribe Nux Vomica. It is also a very good remedy for vomiting after sleep.

Silicea – Helpful for vomiting in those with lack of assimilation:

Silicea is also an excellent homeopathic medicine for vomiting with want of appetite. If you have an excessive thirst for water, sweating in the head, it is the best medicine for you. Silicea patients do not like warm foods. Lack of appetite, with defective assimilation and nausea, is an important indication of this homeopathic medicine.

Colchicum – Best homeopathic medicine for vomiting from through of food:

Colchicum is the homeopathic medicine useful for vomiting where even sight of food causes nausea. In addition, if you are getting vomiting sensation just from little odor of food, then sepia is the best-indicated remedy. In this case, even the thought of food will cause great nausea.


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Sms Hasan
7 years ago

Dear sir,

What do you advise for Sudden Vomiting and Diarrhea ? Maybe due to Food Poisoning after attending a feast !!

Yesterday, my cousin sister, aged 26 and her 2 sons, aged 10 and 13 respectively – started vomiting all on a sudden at night – around 1 am.

My cousin sister had also Diarrhea problem, but her sons had only vomiting.

What do you advise at this situation ?

Will your advice be same for all ages of people ? infants, men, women with pregnancy and other health related issues ?


Sms Hasan

Drdevendra Kumar munta
Reply to  Sms Hasan

Give her a dose just 2 pills of ARSENICUM ALBUM 200c, for infants one pill make it powder and keep it on tongue. for children above 5 years 2 pills and adults also. If pills became very dry long back medicated then 3 pills. or 4 pills. Freshly medicated only 2 pills or one pill.

Anurag Choudhary
9 years ago

A very good article on a most common problem like vomotting. The efforts involved by the writer are appreciable Thanks a lot.

Anurag Choudhary
9 years ago

Very Important Information on a common like vomiting. An appreciable article thanks to the writer.