Homeopathic medicine for sexual desire disorders

Facts Everyone Should Know About Homeopathic Medicine For Sexual Desire Disorders:

Sexual desire is one of the most difficult symptoms to elicit. Patients often hid this disorder due to socio-cultural mores. In fact, Homeopathic medicine has a characteristic sexual-desire, which can diminish or increase naturally. Since all the main Homeopathic, remedies contain various stages of sexual desire, from excitement to depression. For example, Lachesis is excited in the evening and depressed in the morning. During a pathological state, sexual desire can be a dominating symptom (For instance, premenstrual). The treatment of your disorders of sexual desire in homeopathic medicine related to the study of your mind symptoms. For that reason, homeopathic doctors analyze your psychic state at first.

Homeopathic medicine for sexual desire disorders

Homeopathic Remedies for Sexual Desire disorders in general:

In women: want of desire, Homeopathy medicines

  • Want of sexual desire naturally: Baryta Carbonica, Causticum, Ferrum Metal, Lycopodium, Petroleum, and Medorrhinum
  • In the depressed person: Helonias, Phosphoric Acid, and Phosphorus
  • Aversion to coition, wanting desire:  Agnus Castus, Bromium, Lachesis, Natrum Muriaticum, and Sepia

In men: Want of sexual desire, Homeopathic remedy

  • Naturally want of desire: Agnus, Kalium Bichromicum, and Kalium Carbonicum
  • In the depressed person: Argentum Nitricum, Ignatia, Kalium Bromatum, and Phosphoric Acid
  • Aversion to coition, wanting desire: Graphites, Lycopodium, Natrum Muriaticum, and Sepia

Homeopathy Remedies for Increased Sexual Desire in Women:

  • Sexual desire that increases naturally just before the menses particularly need the following remedies: Calcarea Phosphorica, Crocus Sativa, Phosphorus, and Veratrum Album
  • Desire increased during menses especially indicates the below Homeopathic medicines: Cantharis, Hyoscyamus, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Moschus, Platina, and Pulsatilla
  • Homeo remedies for the tendency to masturbation in women: Gelsemium, Lilium Tigrinum, Nux Vomica, Origanum Majorana, Platina, and Zincum

Homeopathy medicines for Increased Sexual Desire in Men:

If you have excessive Sexual Desire, you need to take the following Homeopathy Medicines to control your desire. It is particularly for you, only if the seminal discharge is normal.

  • Alumina, Fluoric Acid, Hyoscyamus, Kalium Bromatum, Kalium Carbonicum, Lachesis, and Stramonium, Tarentula

If you have too fast seminal discharge, on the other hand, you need to take the below Homeopathic remedies:

  • Calcarea Carbonica, Graphites, Lycopodium, Natrum Carbonicum, Phosphoric Acid, Phosphorus, Platina, and Zincum metallicum

Below are the Homeopathy Medicines for the disorder of sexual desire in violent personality :

  • Anantherum, Cantharis, Phosphorus, Picric Acid, Platina, Silicea, Tuberculinum, and Zincum 

For persons of tendency to masturbation:

  • Anantherum, Rana Bufo, Cantharis, Lachesis, Nux Vomica, Origanum Majorana, Phosphoric Acid, Phosphorus, Picric Acid, Platina, Staphysagria, Stramonium, and Tuberculinum

Homeopathic medicine indications for abnormal Sexual Desire Disorders:

Agnus-castus – Homeo medicine for sexual disorders in old sinners:

These people have diminished sexual instinct. On an Embrace, he feels easy and light. For complete prostration and impotence of your problem, it is the right medicine. It is also a good remedy for watery and deficient semen. In this case, the penis so relaxed that even fancies excite no erections. For those with testes cold, swollen, hard, and painful, Agnus is the best Homeopathic remedy. Its great action is on impotence with gleet. For seminal discharges with irritable weakness, its actions are wonderful. If at all your semen is leaking along hard stools, then this Homeopathic medicine definitely helps you. Agnus Personality looks premature old age in young persons from abuse of sexual functions.

Cantharis – Homeopathy remedy for sexual desire disorders with blindness after seminal discharge:

These patients have Seminal emissions at night, followed by a burning heat all over the body.  It is also good medicine for your great sexual anxiety. If you are suffering from the inability to sleep for the rest of the night after sexual participation, cantharis is the best medicine for you. It acts excellent on your constitution if nightly emissions followed by shivering. It is also the best medicine for your partial blindness for an hour or two after an emission. Your frightful satyriasis (excessive sexual desire in men) can control with cantharis very effectively.

It is also a very good remedy for violent painful priapism (constant erections) with sexual desire. Discharge of blood instead of semen is another important indication of Cantharis. The women with over sensitiveness of all-female parts especially need this medicine. This Homeopathic remedy also controls pruritus that follows your strong sexual desire. For severe itching in your vagina, it is one of the choices. Harmful consequences of masturbation can effectively cure with Cantharis.

Lachesis – Best Homeopathy medicine for disorders of sexual desire such as Onanism:

These patients have onanism that leads to epilepsy. For your frequent nocturnal emission, with a thrill of satisfaction, it is the best medicine. Excessive sexual-desire, with constant erection at night especially indicates this Homeopathic remedy. If you have emissions, with profuse night-sweats, Lachesis can cure you. For your seminal emissions, with cheerful disposition and feeling of ease on waking, it is the right selection. The seminal emissions always succeeded by an increased mental concentration. It also an indicated medicine if your semen has a pungent smell. Lachesis women have Nymphomania especially with tickling and jerking extending from thighs to genital organs. These women usually feel sadness in awaking. Lachesis especially benefits in those women with swollen labia,. It is also helpful for mucous discharge from the vagina. Important symptom in Lachesis patients, all complaints relieve after discharge(any kind).


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