Homeopathic medicine for physical trauma

Homeopathic medicine for physical trauma:

Homeopathic medicine is very helpful to cure the recent physical trauma. For a minor injury, just It is enough a little Arnica ointment. Otherwise few granules of Arnica 200c are enough to relieve the pain. When the trauma is more significant, you need to use frequent doses. You need to take repeated doses in conditions such as a car accident, a serious fall, or surgery. Sometimes it needs to take doses hourly.

Homeopathic medicine for physical trauma

Physical trauma is a serious injury to the body. Two main types of physical trauma are:

  • Blunt force trauma—when an object or force strikes the body, often causing concussions, deep cuts, or broken bones.
  • Penetrating trauma—when an object pierces the skin or body, usually creating an open wound.

Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of soft tissue Injuries:

Arnica – Best homeopathic medicine for soft tissue injury with internal bleeding:

Arnica is the best Homeopathy medicine for the cure of closed trauma. It is the first-grade remedy for soft tissue injuries. Arnica also helps as a local application for injuries. It also prevents all kinds of complications that result from shock injuries. Arnica is also a very good remedy for preventing bruising. Arnica in ointment form can apply at the spot of the injury. Along with external ointment, giving arnica 200c internally 2 pills can heal the injury very quickly.

In the case of head injuries don’t forget to give 2 pills of arnica 200c immediately after the accident. It will save the internal brain hemorrhage. Moreover, Arnica 200c or 30c can save a life in 90 % of cases of head injury. In fact, Arnica mother tincture is the best useful form to apply it externally. Injury with bleeding and hematoma is the primary action of the Arnica.

Arnica particularly helpful for oversensitive persons:

If you have an injury with oversensitive to least touch and pressure, then Arnica is the best homeopathy remedy for you. These persons particularly ask for the doctor in an emergency, and then send him back. it is the peculiar mindset of Arnica. For your sore bruised injury, it is the topmost remedy. Contusions also come under its action. For those who fear to be approached or touched with injury, Arnica is the best homeopathic medicine.

Calendula Homeopathic Mother Tincture for trauma:

Calendula mother tincture is the next useful medicine for soft tissue injuries. It is the best medicine for your open trauma. Apart from the usual emergency procedures, few drops of Calendula Mother Tincture helps to heal the injury very fast. For this purpose, Calendula ointment is also very useful. It also helps in the prevention of further infection that result from trauma.

Bellis per – Topmost homeopathic medicine for surgical Injures:

Bellis Perennis is the main homeopathic medicine useful after abdominal or pelvic surgery. To heal your sutures after delivery, it is the best homeopathic medicine. For pains such as sprain-like in deeper tissues during pregnancy, Bellis Perennis is the best homeopathic remedy. You will have muscular soreness. For Trauma that results in venous congestion from the mechanical cause, it is best the best indicated Homeopathic medicine. It also helps in the cure for nerve injuries.

Echinacea – Homeopathic mother tincture acts as an Antibacterial agent:

Echinacea is the best homeopathic Mother Tincture to heal any open wound that results from trauma. In the case of infections also, the wounds can quickly heal with the Echinacea external. It is a major anti-bacterial agent for wounds and injures. In our clinic, we use Echinacea external for any kind of wound. It takes hardly three days to heal the external wound permanently.

Homeopathy remedies for trauma according to the organ affected:

  • Abdominal Injuries: Bellis Perennis and Hamamelis
  • Breast injuries: Bellis Perennis and Conium
  • Joint injuries: Rhus Tox or Rhus Toxicodendron
  • Nerves and extremities injuries: Hypericum

Homeopathy medicine for injuries of the eye:

Hamamelis for hemorrhages from the eye:

Hamamelis is the best homeopathic remedy for your eye injuries, in case if the blood comes out from blood vessels. Your eye becomes bluish and purple. For the patient with eye injuries, who can’t bear the least touch, it is the best homeopathic remedy. in addition, heat, in general, increases your eye pain.

Ledum pulstre is the topmost homeopathy remedy for eye injury, where the important thing is bleeding. Here also least movement and heat worsen the pain. On the contrary rest and cold application relieve eye pain.

Ruta for weakness in muscles of the eye:

Ruta helps in the treatment of ocular muscle weakness those results from trauma.  Here the rest and cold application worsen the condition. Local heat otherwise relieves the pain.

Symphytum for orbital injury:

Symphytum is a very good homeopathic medicine for your orbital injury.  It is also the best remedy for your pain that results from the effect of the bony membranes around the eye. Symphytum is also the best medicine if the least touches caused eye pain.

Homeopathic medicine for injuries of bone tissue resulting from trauma:

To accelerate the calcification after fractures in general, the following are the very good homeopathic mineral salts or tissue salts.

  • Calcarea Carbonica 6x
  • Calcarea Phosphoric 6x
  • Hekla Lava 6x
  • Magnesia Sulphuricum 6x

To relieve the pains after injuries Arnica, Ruta and Symphytum are the best medicines. Pains of old injuries respond to arnica Montana 200c. Ruta 200 is the best remedy to cure your injuries that involve ligaments and tendons. Symphytum is the topmost homeopathy remedy for injuries of periosteum.

Hypericum and Tellurium are the homeopathic medicines that help in the treatment of spine injuries. In fact, Natrum Sulphuricum is the topmost homeopathic remedy for the cure of any ailment that results from a head injury.  Even mental disorders such as depression are curable with a dose of Natrum Sulphuricum 200c.

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