Homeopathic Medicine for Jaundice

Homeopathic Medicine for Jaundice:

There are several causes of jaundice; the most common type seen in birth. Some causes, such as bile duct obstruction, need emergency surgery. While other causes of jaundice are as severe, such as pancreatic cancer. In fact, they do not require emergency procedures. In all cases, a precise diagnosis of medicine will determine the best possible Homeopathic treatment for Jaundice. Moreover, the treatment of jaundice especially with Homeopathic remedies is safe and causes no side effects.

Homeopathic Medicine for Jaundice

Homeopathy Remedies for Jaundice in general:

  • Berberis Vulgaris
  • Chelidonium Majus
  • China Officinalis
  • Hydrastis Canadensis

These medicines for jaundice in Homeopathy chiefly benefits in mother tincture form.

Homeopathic Medicines for Jaundice after particular emotions:

The Homeopathic remedy that we must discuss in the first place for jaundice after the anger is Nux Vomica. Bryonia is the Homeopathic remedy also benefits in jaundice that caused due to anger. The next Homeopathic medicine for jaundice due to anger is Chamomilla.

Gelsemium is the Homeopathic remedy especially benefits in the Homeopathic treatment of jaundice from fright. Opium is also helpful in the treatment of jaundice after a fright in old people.

Homeopathic Remedies for jaundice in severe cases:

Metal and snake remedies are highly beneficial for jaundice control for those patients who are under intense medical care.

Mercurius Solubulis is the best Homeopathic medicine that works on jaundice where symptoms are uncontrollable. In this case, intense night sweat and thirst are very prominent symptoms to observe.

Aurum Metallicum particularly benefits in jaundice where liver sclerosis is the cause.

Terrible acute dysentery with jaundice, on the other hand, suggests the Homeopathy medicine Arsenicum Album.

Crotalus Horridus is the Homeopathic remedy that especially helps in the treatment of jaundice in those who suffer from septicemia, with bleeding.

Also, see Homeopathic Medicine for liver Disease

Dr.Fortier Bernville views on Homeopathy remedy for Jaundice:

Aconitum for Jaundice:  The person who needs this Homeopathic medicine will have the following symptoms:   

 Jaundice is consecutive to a cold, fright, intestinal catarrh. Constant pain is in the epigastric region irradiating to the navel region, or alternating from the liver to the stomach. Tongue coated thick and yellowish, constipation or diarrhea. Fever with chill; hard pulse, full, strong. Anxiety.    

Berberis for Jaundice:

Dry scaly tongue with lancinating or pressive pain in the hepatic region and relieve by pressure. Great hunger is alternating with anorexia to food or great thirst alternating with a dislike for any kind of drink. Constant uneasiness in the stomach, that is full of wind. In addition, time to time emission of noisy gas. Pale stools are ashy grey, or profuse watery diarrhea, irritant. Deep colored urine, turbid with thick deposit is chiefly indicated Berberis Vulgaris for Jaundice.

Bryonia for Jaundice:

Thick white coating of the tongue is with Nausea, regurgitations, and vomiting after eating and drinking. Pricking pain is in the region of the liver and under the right shoulder blade. Great constipation is experienced. In this case, pains increase by the least movement and relieve by strong pressure. Lying on the painful side relieves the pain. These symptoms develop after the abuse of calomel. Digestive troubles caused by cold and in summer, on the other hand, suggest Bryonia for Jaundice.  

Carduus Marianus for Jaundice:

Intense heaviness is of the head. Tongue white in the middle, the borders, and the tips are red. Nausea, regurgitation, and vomiting of green acid liquids are present. Alternate constipation and diarrhea are very marked. Golden yellow stools and urines are the symptoms that indicate This Homeopathic remedy for Jaundice. Pain is in the hepatic region and more particularly in the region of the right lobe of the liver. On the other hand, Ceanothus Jaundice is especially complicated with a big spleen of hypertrophy.

Chamomilla for Jaundice:

Tongue yellow, bitter taste eructations, nausea. Greenish stools. Stools and urines are hot and yellow.

Chelidonium for Jaundice:

White coated pasty tongue, burning with the impression of the teeth. Red borders and tip, thick saliva, loss of appetite chiefly indicate this Homeopathic remedy for Jaundice. Dislike for food, nausea. Here the desire for a hot drink is prominent. Alternate constipation and diarrhea are present. Urine, bright yellow is sometimes with reddish, viscous sediment. Pricking pains in the hepatic region. Spasmodic pain is especially irradiating towards the back and right shoulder.    

Chionanthus for Jaundice:

Tongue covered with thick yellow coating, the mouth is dry which nothing relieves. Violent pain in the umbilical region with sensation as if the intestines tied. which constricts suddenly and relaxes slowly. The hypertrophied liver with jaundice especially indicated this Homeopathic medicine. Cement colored stools. Black urine especially calls this Homeopathic medicine for Jaundice.

China  for Jaundice:

The tongue is yellowish, the lips dry. Bitter taste and eructations are present. Everything, even pure water tastes bitter. Marked swelling of the liver, causing troubles of respiration is especially after meals. Puttylike stools, frequent, fetid gas, which does not relieve. Excoriating sensation in the right hypochondria, which is very sensitive to touch.

Hydrastis for Jaundice:

The tongue is white, soft, having the imprints of teeth. Taste of copper or bitter taste in the mouth. The liver is small. Discolored stools are less abundant. Fetid urines with jaundice especially indicate this Homeopathic medicine.

Leptandra for Jaundice:

The yellowish tongue is especially with a bitter taste in the mouth. The sensation of fullness is in the region of gall bladder. Pain is in the hepatic region, irradiating to the backbone. In fact, discolored, or black as tar, urine with Hemorrhoids indicates this Homeopathic medicine for jaundice.

Mercurius solubulis for Jaundice:

In this case, the tongue is soft, flabby with an imprint of teeth. Salivation with Intense thirst is, particularly at night. Abundant sweat causes no relief to the patient. Sweats may leave yellow patches on the linen. Diarrhea, stools with tenesmus, and straining. In fact, Turbid and red urine is present.

Myrica for Jaundice:

This Homeopathic Remedy is for Very marked jaundice with itching of the skin. A coated tongue is with thick, tenacious, nauseating saliva. Fetid breath is with a bitter taste. Loss of appetite is present. The desire for acid things is also very marked. Fullness is in the region of the liver. Urine less is abundant, deep yellow. Especially Colorless diarrheic stools are present.

 Nux Vomica for Jaundice:

Tongue clear in the behind half, covered with yellowish-white coating in the forepart. Sour taste and nausea are especially in the morning after meals. The epigastric region is sensitive to touch. The liver is big with a sensation of heaviness and pricking pains. Characteristic constipation and inefficacious are need for stools.

Podophyllum for Jaundice – The person who needs this Homeopathic medicine will have the following symptoms:   

It is the best remedy for Jaundice when you have a wide, humid tongue. Putrid taste is in the mouth. Thirst for a large quantity of water. Vomiting of mucous with jaundice will need Podophyllum. The sensation of distention of the abdomen ameliorated lying down on the belly. Pain in the hepatic region is relieved by rubbing with the hand. Discolored stools are hard, difficult, with alternate diarrhea and Hemorrhoids.

Taraxacum for jaundice:

This Homeopathic medicine is mainly useful if you have headaches. Mapped tongue, white spots in some places, some parts seem excoriated in this case. Big indurated liver, which is acutely painful and Constipation is at most indications of this remedy for jaundice.


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[…] by nausea and vomiting. There is vomiting of hot fluid. Gallstones are usually associated with jaundice. Best indicated in mother tincture form. China: It is an ideal remedy for gallstones. There is […]