Homeopathic Medicine for Flatulence:
The intestines contain as much air as the lungs. Air disorders of the lungs and intestines are interrelated. The diaphragm is the connection between the two. In addition, the solar plexus is joining at the center. To put in other words, asthma is to the lungs, what flatulence is to the colon. In most cases from little indigestion to the hypochondriac mania, flatulence is an everyday symptom. Homeopathic medicine can relieve acute symptoms of flatulence instantly. However, the patient will always need a Constitutional treatment for permanent cure.
Also, see Homeopathic medicine for headache due to gas
Flatulence treatment in Homeopathy, in general:
Nux Vomica is the common Homeopathic medicine in case of indigestion. Aloes and Podophyllum help for flatulence along with diarrhea. In this case, Natrum Sulphur is also a great remedy. Whereas constipation with flatulence is needed Hydrastis and Raphanus.
Homeopathic Medicine for Hypochondria and Flatulence:
Carbo Vegetabilis greatly helps in the great distention of the abdomen. Here the flatulent colic relief from passing wind. Fetid flatus also indicates this Homeopathic medicine for flatulence.
China’s flatulent colic will be relieved from bending double in this case. Belching of bitter liquid without relief always suggests China for the Homeopathic treatment of flatulence. Cyclamen can be the Homeopathic remedy for flatulence especially with hiccough. Moroseness and lassitude is the key point in this case. Salty saliva, sleepiness, and migraines chiefly indicate Cyclamen Homeopathy for flatulence.
Flatulent colic after anger with red cheeks and profuse sweat always guides us to use Chamomilla. Rudeness is an important symptom in this case. Mandragora is the Homeopathic medicine for flatulence with abdominal pains 1 or 2 hours after a meal. Biliary hyposecretion, liver, and gallbladder insufficiency and pains are the key points.
Lycopodium is the most important remedy for flatulence with a craving for warm food and drinks. In this case, the patient feels fullness in the abdomen after the first mouthful. Sudden weakness in the abdomen with flatulence on the other hand needs Phosphorus for Homeopathic treatment. This Homeopathic remedy cures the flatulence in those who feel the emptiness in the abdomen with sharp cutting pains.
In fact, Arum Metallicum is the Homeopathic Medicine for hot and painful right hypochondrium. Flatulence in this case is with hot eructations. Nux Moscata is the Homeopathic medicine for flatulence in young people. On the contrary, old people often need Abies Canadensis for Homeopathic treatment of flatulence.
- Buko Levy .M, Homeopathic drainage repertory.
- Flatulence: Causes, remedies, and complications