– Pulford
Extremely sensitive, mentally and especially physically, especially to a draft of air, to least touch of hand or dressing, and to pain which becomes so intolerable at times as to cause fainting and which is throbbing but especially splinterlike.

Hepar sulphiris calcaneum.

Irritable and hard to get along with; breaks into violence, even to the point of not wishing to see one’s own family. Sad and depressed, especially evening. Hasty in actions, speech and drinking; words roll out in profusion. The secretions are profuse, and the excretions offensive and constant; the sweat easy, copious and sour, day and night, without amelioration. craves condiments and vinegar. All the inflamed parts are extremely sensitive. CHilly, needs much clothing when in open air if cold. Children smell sour and have a peculiar odor to stools and sweats. Aggravation dry winds; cold; least exposure, of a hand or foot; cold applications. Amelioration damp weather, reverse of Sil. COMMENT.

Irritable and hard to get along with; breaks into violence.

Delusion that the world is on fire; desire to set things on fire. Anger, could stab any one; disposed to contradict; weeps, during cough. Dissatisfied with oneself, could murder in cold blood, especially those who offend. Cries during cough; Arn., before and after; Bell., after Hasty speech and actions; Bell. hasty speech and drinking. Child outrageously cross. Angry, abusive and impulsive from every little thing that disturbs one; quarrelsome, nothing pleases, every one disturbs, oversensitive to person and places.

Desire to set things on fire

Itching eruption on Head morning; bursting pain in Head, nights, waking one; pressing pain in vertex, while walking. (L): Pain in dry cold weather; boring pain in forehead, above nose; as of a plug, peg or wedge in sides of Head.

Bursting pain in Head

Inflamed, amelioration warm covering; sore bruised tender pain, to head; swollen, nights; loss of vision, after sitting bent over. (L): Pimples on lids pain aggravation touch. The Eyes troubles requiring Hep. are of a sluggish type, anaemic, easy sweating, aggravation night and very sensitive to open air. Likes to have Eyes slightly covered, in Eyes affections. Pimples surround the affected Eyes.

Inflamed, amelioration warm covering

Stitching pain, from ear to ear. (L): Pain aggravation cold applications, amelioration heat and wrapping up.

Epistaxis, after chill; boring pain in root, morning; rawness, when blowing nose. (L): Pain, to eyes; sneezing, on moving head.

morning; rawness, when blowing nose.
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Characteristics Extremely sensitive and especially physically to a draught of air to least touch and to pain which becomes so intolerable at times as to cause fainting.

Great tendency to suppurations even slight injuries or scratches suppurate.

Mind;Irritable and difficult to get along with. anger. Child outrageously cross.

Throat: Choking worse cold air. Sensation of splinter or fishbone in throat.

Stomach: Longing for acid foods.

Middle layer of oester shell – source of HS.

Respiratory: Whistling breathing worse least cold air. Cough worse least cold air. Croup this remedy is very often needed after AConite but only if the child is sweaty and weak and worse least cold air. Croup with rather loose cough with wheezing and rattling. As if mucus would come up but it does not worse early morning.

Modalities: Worse 6-7 p.m. Sudden weakness daily. Worse cold air.

This patient often wears an overcoat in hot weather. Pain are throbbing and stabbing. Discharge from all parts of body smell like cold cheese or sour.

Note that the nose is stopped up every time the patient goes into the cold air.

Hepar Sulph. stands mid-way between Calc. Carb and Sulphur and the strongest characteristic is its hypersensitiveness to touch, pain and cold air. The patient can faint from pain even though it is slight. If there are inflammations, swelling or even skin eruptions the patient cannot bear to have them touched or even have cold air blow on them.

When pus is about to form, or has already formed, Hepar will hasten the discharge and help the healing.

Hepar Sulph. Helps in respiratory conditions where there is chronic catarrh and the nose gets stopped up each time the patient goes out into the cold air, and is better in warm room.

It is excellent for croup when symptoms are worse by least cold air. In chronic asthma Hepar is the remedy when worse dry cold air and better damp air. Nash says he knows of no other remedy that has amelioration so strongly in damp weather as Hepar.

Hepar helps chronic dyspepsia when there is a craving for acid things this is often accompanied by diarrhoea which is sour. The stool too is sour.

Compare Hepar with Silica as they have many symptoms in common. Dr. Farrington says: Hepar promotes and regulates suppuration in a remarkable manner (second only to Silica) but is generally required at an earlier stage than Silica’. Their mentalities, however, are as wide apart as poles. Dr. Tyler says: Silica, with its want of self confidence, its lack of grit’; its timidity; its suffering from anticipation as when having to appear in public Hepar sensitive beyond all bounds of reason; irritable, impetuous. Sensitive to draughts, to air, ulcers so sensitive that they cannot bear the slightest touch sensitive mentally, even to sudden murderous impulses.’

Allen says: The skin eruptions of Sulphur are dry, itching and not sensitive to touch; while in Hepar the skin is unhealthy, suppurating moist and intensely sensitive to touch.

Hepar is a great remedy for ears and threatening mastoid.

Kent says: Sweating all night without relief belongs to a great many complaints of Hepar. Inspiring cold air will increase the cough and putting the hand out of bed will increase the pain in the larynx or cough. Putting the hand or foot out of bed is a general aggravation of all the complaints of Hepar.

The mind takes part in this oversensitiveness, and manifests itself by a state of extreme irritability. Every little thing that disturbs the patient makes him intensely angry and abusive and impulsive. the impulse will overwhelm him and make him wish to kill his best friend in an instant. Impulses also that are without cause sometimes crop out of Hepar. Impulses to do violence… to turn… to destroy…’

There may be dreams of fire and the pains are worse at night.

There are often habitual bronchial catarrhs with loud rattling mucus.

There is sometimes hasty speech and hasty drinking.

The sweat is often cold, clammy and offensive.

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