-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb

What has been said (Sec. 19), of the kind of diet that should be pursued in the treatment of gonorrhoea, is equally applicable, and just as rigorously, to the treatment of gonorrhoea in the female. Taking this point for granted, we depend upon Cannabis as our chief remedy in the treatment of simple acute gonorrhoea; this remedy will effect a cure in most cases, in the space of two or three weeks, provided its use is persevered in and the patient abstains from all improper dietetic indulgences.
As regards female gleet, with or without non-syphilitic erosions, we have in Sepia a remedy whose curative virtues in this affection are unsurpassed, no matter whether the discharge is localized in the pudendum. the vagina, or the uterus. Mercurius, Nitric acidum and Thuja may likewise have good effect, even if there is no suspicion of chancre poisoning. In simple excoriations, however, Mercurius and Nitric acidum sometimes aggravate the disease instead of benefiting it, in which case we have to resort again to Sepia.

Treatment of Gonorrhoea in female

If such a gonorrhoea owes its origin to chancre-virus, the treatment of syphilis that will be indicated in the next chapter comes into play. In such cases, beside Mercurius, Nitri ac., and Thuja, we may have to use, and frequently do use with good effect, Lycopodium and Phosphoric acidum, likewise Zincum.
If, towards the end of a cure, the disease seems to remain stationary, as is frequently the case both with males as well as females, and the discharge seems to resist all further treatment without diminishing either in quantity or consistence, this want of success should not always be laid to the charge of the remedies used, but will have most frequently to be accounted for by the sexual or dietetic excesses committed by the patients who fancy themselves cured before a cure is really completed. In such cases all that the physician, who has it not in his power to lock his patients up, can do, is to try to influence them by the weight of argument; in spite of all he may say or do, he will never learn all the imprudences that they may commit behind his back. Be this as it may, it is indispensably necessary that the patient should be impressed with the importance of avoiding all dietetic irregularities until the cure is complete; lest he should be afflicted with remnants of his disease for months to come. From a single cup of coffee or from a single coit, I have seen the discharge return worse than ever, even after it was all but stopped.

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