Gonorrhoea – Hahnemann’s remedies for Gonorrhoea are thuja and nitric acid.

 Hahnemann’s remedies for Gonorrhoea are thuja and nitric acid. In these days we have also medorrhinum, a very powerful drug-a preparation of Gonorrhoea.
 He gives Thuja internally, in the 30th or 60th potency : and when its action has been exhausted after 15 to 40 days, he gives a dose of Nitric acid, in the 30th potency, which must be allowed to act for as long a time, “in order to remove the whole Sycosis”.
 In regard to Thuja he tells us that” the artificial Thuja disease-a pure effect of this uncommonly powerful medicinal substance, will prove a great addition to the doctor’s medicinal treasures, being curative of some of the most serious diseases of mankind, for which hitherto there has been no remedy.
 “In especial as curing that bad kind of gonorrhoea (one of the few permanent miasmatic diseases), and that in the 30th and 60th potencies;-where the remedy had not sunk to complete powerlessness, but on the contrary has become more intensely charge with the medicinal virtue of Thuja.”
 That thuja can produce what, inter alia, it can cure, i.e. , typical cauliflower excrescences, we had curious evidence many years ago.
 Our early life at home was largely associated with horses. One of these, “Galleo,” had some warts about chest and shoulders, besides scars where evidently they had been excised or cauterised. So the coachman was given a bottle of Thuja f, with instructions to put so many drops in water, to bathe the warts. Instead of which he gave the whole lot to the poor beast, as a draught.
 The result was a terrible outburst of warty excrescences, sprouting especially about anus and genitalia.

 One hoped to see the whole condition clear off; but, alas! we were moving house, and had only room in future for four horses, and poor “Galleo” was not, under the circumstances, one to keep. He was sold.
 During the War we had cases of severe gonorrhoeal rheumatism among the sailors, which responded excellently to Medorrhinum.
 In one case, the disease having been contracted nine years previously, there was high temperature, profuse sweating, several joints affected-swollen-very painful-and full of fluid : besides which there was grave iritis and conjunctivitis. The patient was a disgusting spectacle. He was unable to sleep, for pain and jerking of limbs, and could not see, even to fed himself.
 After a few doses of Medorrhinum 30,; he rapidly improved. Joints much less swollen : sleeping, without the jerks and starts. On occasion, the medicine had to be repeated :-30-200-1m at longish intervals. He was soon able to read large print-then small. A corneal ulcer appeared, and rapidly disappeared. And he went out practically well, and able to read ordinary print.
 Hahnemann says that the cure by Homoeopathy of these venereal diseases is only difficult and tedious when they are complicated with psora.
 With his remedies, and administered in infrequent doses, they do not seem to have presented any great difficulty for him.
 One of the employees at a certain “Stores” was sent to my out-patient clinic for treatment by a lady who has a breezy way of dealing with suffering people, “because his hand had been long in a splint, and he said that it was not getting better.”
 The hand was found to be small with disuse, drooping and stiff and painful, and not appreciating any attempt to move it. The splint had been shaped to drop also, in order to accommodate and support it. X-ray showed all the joints of writs equally indefinite and dense. It was not like a T.B.  wrist, and not like a rheumatoid condition. Mr. Ellwood suggested gonorrhoea, and the man got Medorrhinum, repeated a month later.
 On his second visit, it was already much better. I think he was seen a third time, when he was told to come again, without fail, for a fresh radiograph, for purposes of comparison. He never came, but the report of the lady who had sent him was, “Oh, he’s all right! I saw him a few days ago. He had no splint, and he was writing with that hand.” He was not one of those who return to give thanks!

 A little delicate imp of a girl-o years old. Came in April, 1932, for soreness and discharge, vulva. Swab showed gonococci. Medorrh. 10m 1 dose.
 In a month, less discharge. No redness outside now, but still redness inside. Swab gave ” a few gonococci. Less pus.” Medorrh. 10m 1 dose.
 Next month. Better herself. Better colour. “Some days hardly any discharge, which is now watery. No irritation now : not sore.” Med. c.m.  1 dose.
 Another 2 months. “Discharge was gone, now slightly again.” Child has grown. Swab-“no gonococci.