
Aconite [Acon]
Burning in urethra when urinating, dysuria, tenderness at the neck of bladder; micturition painful, difficult, drop by drop,. In the beginning, which we seldom see, Acon., or Gels according to the individuality of the patient.
Agaricus-musc [Agar]
DIFFICULT EMISSION OF URINE IN ELDERLY PERSONS, stream slow, feeble, intermitting, or only in drops; discharge viscid, tenacious; frequent urging to urinate and frequent erections; burning itching of skin; cramplike drawing in groin during micturition.
Agave-americ [Agav-a]
EXCRUCIATING, PAINFUL ERECTIONS; chordee, strangury, drawing in the spermatic cords and testicles, extending to the thighs, so violent that he wishes to die.
Agnus-castus [Agn]
Yellow and purulent discharge after inflammation has subsided; excoriations about genitals; indurations of testicles. Helps the gleet of OLD SINNER who get up a decent erection and whose sexual desire is below par.
Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]
Burning when urinating, the urine being mixed with blood; urethra feels sore to touch,, knotty; chronic catarrh of bladder; retention of urine.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
Follows Cann., when the discharge becomes purulent and the urethra feels sore and swollen, the lasts drops of urine seem to be retained within the urethra, causing a sensation of internal sore swelling; excessive burning when urinating, with cutting pains extending to the anus and a discharge of excoriating pus, ENLARGEMENT AND INDURATION OF TESTICLES FROM SUPPRESSED GONORRHOEA.
Arsenicum [Ars]
GONORRHOEA OF FEMALES; smarting, gnawing discharge, causing soreness of the parts with which it comes in contact; when standing the discharge drops down, with emission of flatulence. In males tearing deep in urethra.
Aurum-mur [Aur-m]
Chancre in urethra (?) inability to retain the urine; stricture of urethra, with continual urging to urinate to retain the urine; stricture of urethra, with continual urging to urinate; or in females profuse discharge, excoriating perineum and inner part of thigh with vesicular eruptions in these parts and labor like pains.
Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]
Chronic gonorrhoea in anaemic persons.
Camphora [Camph]
Chordee; STRANGURY FROM STRICTURE following gonorrhoea, urine passing guttatim or in a thin stream, and is very acrid.
Cannabis-ind [Cann-i]
Chordee well marked; burning, scalding or stinging pains before, during and after urination; urging to urinate. with much straining, but cannot pass a drop, or has to wait some time before urine flows; PRIAPISM; NYMPHOMANIA.
Cannabis-sat [Cann-s]
PREMONITORY STAGE, when the discharge is yet thin and watery of disagreeable odor,urine mixed with flatulence of blood, or afterwards when urethra feels as if drawn up into knots; prepuce greatly swollen and sensitive to touch; ulcerative soreness on touching it; SMARTING AND BURNING DURING AND AFTER MICTURITION; constant urging with difficult micturition; dark redness of glans and prepuce; chordee and priapism, with free mucoid discharge; PATIENT WALKS VERY SLOWLY WITH LEGS STRETCHED APART, and (

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