-Dr. M.L.Tyler

Here is a GOITRE case, practically cured with one dos of DROSERA 200. I showed this patient,without a goitre some five months later, at one of the B.H.S. meetings.

Alice H., aged 31. Came to my out-patient clinic, February 5, 1920.

It was a case of GOITRE. Started four years ago. Was increasing in size.

Patient had been top University College Hospital, where she was down for operation,but she refused, and came on to us.

Goitre was hard. 4 1/2 in. across (as measured by pressing the sides in and taking a tape across, not round, the swelling).

Complained of indigestion. Menstrual period excessive loss.

Father has phthisis. Sister now in a sanatorium.

Dros.200, I dose.

Three weeks later, “goitre much smaller.

Another month (March 25)

“Still improving.

“Goitre only 2 1/4 in. across now.

“Digestion much better. Looks very well.” No medicine Another month.

Very little left of goitre.” No medicine.

Another month.

Practically nothing left. Very well; indigestion at times. Flushed face. No medicine.

Another month:

Hardly measurable. Showed her at British Homoeopathic Society Meeting without any goitre.” In October, for digestion, a second dose of Dros.200.

And again in January, 1921, she got a dose of Dros.200.


Minnie W., aged 44, single.

Sent to me by a homoeopathic doctor, who had been giving her for fourteen days Ferr.6. She had felt better for it.

It was a case of exophthalmic goitre, of rapid onset, and of five months duration.

Began with loss of sleep,great restlessness and dyspnoea and “People noticed her eyes.,” she said.

It was not a very severe case, the pulse was only 110, but there was marked exophthalmos, and the thyroid was enlarged.

Two of her sisters had died of phthisis, and one parent of cancer.

I first saw her in April, 192, and she got Dros.200, one dose.

A month later (May)-Much better.

June-Much better. But she was going away into the country, and my fussiness gave her a dose of Tub bov.30.

September-Writes:”Feeling and looking much better.” October-Again writes: “Better in every way. When I require more I will write again.” She never did, so I presume there was no more trouble.

All that was five years ago. I wrote lately to her then address to inquire further. She has that she has quite recovered from her throat trouble, and for three years has been out earning her living.

I am afraid the prescription here was based not on symptoms, but on family history.

But it might have been based in symptoms, for Drosera does produce the very symptoms she complained of,viz, RESTLESSNESS, sleeplessness, and dyspnoea. And Dros, is one of the remedies in the Repertory for protrusion of the eyes; while, as we know, in cats it has produced enormous swelling of glands.

Drosera, as Hahnemann says, needs re-proving. It will never repertory out on general symptoms. It is one of the drugs for which you have to go to the materia medica, to see that it fits. In many cases I am afraid I had no indications, save the general one, that a drug that is capable of breaking down resistance to tubercle SHOULD, according to the Law of Similars, be also capable of raising resistance to tubercle.


I have kept William D., aged 14, for a bonne bouche. But for the evidence of previous cases you might think I was romancing, for this is one of he most dramatic cases I have ever seen.

He first came to London Homoeopathic Hospital in November, 1918,sent on to me by Mr. Hey, from his surgical clinic, as inoperable.

He had marked exophthalmos, with a pulse of 150

He had chains of lymphadenomatous glands over,behind and in front of right sternomastoid, largest, size of a walnut. And a string of glands behind left sternomastoid, largest, size of a horse- bean.

He had bluish, indurated patches on both calves, studded with small ulcerations. Typical “Bazin.” His uncle had died of phthisis. He was a seven-months’ child and delicate.

Tub. bov., 30, one dose.

Six weeks later. Glands improving. Tub, bov, 30, one dose.

Another month (January, 1919)

Glands improving. Still a chain in right neck.

The sores on legs are all scabbed over; none open now. and legs much less blue.

Pulse 108. Eyes still prominent. Tub. bov.30, one dose.

He got Tub. bov., same potency, in February and March, when “very little to be seen on calves; glands improved.” April-“Neck better, legs nearly well right eye prominent.” Dros.200, one dose.

The effect was dramatic. A month later (May he had started work (engineering). I found glands well, sores well, exophthalmos gone, pulse 80. No medicine.

In June, for pulse 100, he got Dros.200., one dose; perhaps too soon? July-Left neck aching and a small gland was felt, under angle jaw. Pulse 106 . Temperature 99.2 degree F. Legs well, only a slight staining at one spot on each leg.

Right neck normal. Tub, 1m, one dose.

Two months later-Pulse 108. Glands gone. Legs well.

Slight prominence right eye still. Dros 200, one dose.

December-Thirteen moths after treatment commenced, he was going to live in Vienna. No glands. Feeling very well lately, but as there was still prominence of right eye and pulse was higher (128) he got another dose of Dros.200.

And three months late they wrote asking for another dose.

Not heard of since.

In this curiously complicated case,with symptoms of Hodgkin’s disease, Bazin’s disease and ?Graves; disease. the effect of Tub. Bov. was excellent but the effect of the first dose of Drosera amazing. :Glands well., Legs well, Exophthalmos gone. Pulse 80,” and the boy, within the month, had already started to earn his livelihood.

In all he got five doses Tub.,bov.30, and four doses of Dros. 200., with a dose of Tub bov. 1m interposed between the second and third doses of Drosera.

Tub. and Drosera have seemed to, perhaps, help one another? But this insertion of doses of tuberculinum, when there was evidently no call for them, the patient being in a state of healthful reaction, is, I now think, a folly of mine. One has a kind suspicion that tuberculinum acts on a different plane,and may not at all interfere? I have always thought so in regard to tuberculinum and silica, which seem to re-inforce one another.

You will have observed the long interval often between the doses of Drosera in the best of these cases-often months. In my experience the nosodes are not long acting. I have thought that their reactions are apt to run out in a month. I wonder what others have noticed in this regard? But, whatever the drug, the rule, of course, is-while the patient is reacting-let him! Do not interfere.

Luckily for my audience to-night I have lost many of the good Drosera cases I had been hoarding for such a paper. They have been bound up into books , and the old folder numbers by which I had record them are now useless to identify them,. where the patient’s name had not also been noted. Hence, I have been going through dozens of books to try to find some of the lost cases. In doing so I have made a curious discovery-it many be coincidence-and it may not hold the flattering meaning that appeals to me ! But,over and over again I find, after months of steady treatment with other remedies and with varying periods of amelioration and relapse a dose of Drosera as been given, and the patient has never returned; 1 Since writing above, several of these cases have turned up-three in one week-after intervals of from many months to even six and a half years, of good health. or has only returned after months, extraordinarily better. It is amazing the number of cases that, after a dose of Drosera, have come back no more! And here one remembers Hahnemann’s washer woman suffering for weeks from rheumatism. One of his disciples, who saw Hahnemann prescribe for her a dose of bryonia, was anxious to know its effect, since she came no more. she lived some miles sway. “Go and ask her, ” said Hahnemann. The man went. Whereupon the woman at her washtub flared out at him “What can the doctor be thinking about? All these weeks I have lost my work, and now that I am well does he expect me to leave it, and to go all that way to tell him that I am well?” And one remembers how many weary hours patients have often to wait with us before they can be seen.

And now a last word.

Please do not imagine that I think, or that I want to suggest, that Drosera will cure all cases of SINUS, GLAND, or BONE disease, of tuberculous nature, or in persons of tubercular family history. It will not. I have found that. But it will revolutionize quite a number of such cases; and where it acts,as I said, it acts with extra ordinary rapidity, and the change in appearance,in general health, and in spirits of the patient is remarkable.

Again, please do not think that I imagine that we have got to the end of the possibilities of Drosera in the cases I have detailed to-night.

For instance, all Curie’s cats had diarrhoea,and the second cat was found to have hypertrophy of Peyer’s patches. what about a difficult enteric, with a T.B. history? Drosera has an ancient reputation for asthma, and here again the provings are suggestive. One should certainly think of drops. for asthma with T.B. history.

Remember also the effect of Drosera on the spleen.

In both dissected cats the pleura were especially attacked by tubercle.

And I suggest that we should bear in mind, in regard to Drosera, its ,mental; symptoms, especially in cases of paranoia. I have one such case in my mind, a very bad paranoia. I have one such cases in my mind, a very bad case. Once she cleared up completely under Lachesis, which failed when she relapsed. More than once she has become normal under Platina. I must look her up, and (certainly if she has a T.B. history) she is likely to get DROSERA.

In conclusion, I want to thank Dr. Borland for insisting on this paper, which has made me realize how little I knew, and know, about “the greatest medicinal herb of our zone”.

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