SYMPTOMS. – Heat and pain in the tongue, which rapidly swells, sometimes to an enormous size, so as to hang out of the mouth; profuse Salivation; the patient may even be unable to eat, swallow, or speak, and suffocation seems imminent.

CAUSES. – Infection by bacterial organisms when the body resistance is lowered by cold or weak health. Wounds of the tongue and even slight scratches, may given an opportunity for infection; or, more frequently, mercurial salivation.

TREATMENT. – Acon. and Merc. in alternation every hour, for on- mercurial Glossitis, till relief is obtained. If the disease be due to large doses of Mercury, Bell. should be alternated with Hep-S. Ac.-Nit. and Carbo V. are also useful. If there be much oedematous swelling, Apis should be selected.

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Aconite [Acon]
Phlegmonous glossitis, with high fever, hot and dry skin, headache, delirium, restlessness; piercing and tingling pains in tongue, with burning and swelling; salivation with stitches in tongue; face swollen red and hot, with quick pulse; choking, with inability to swallow; constipation; scanty, high-colored urine.
Apis-mell [Apis]
Sensation of rawness on tongue, it feels as if it had been scalded; rawness, burning and blisters along the edge of tongue; swelling of tongue, is scarcely able to talk; absence of thirst or great thirst, but can only drink a little at a time or inability to swallow; tongue red, swollen, even to suffocation.
Arnica [Arn]
Tongue coated and swollen; foetid, putrid smell from mouth; general sinking of vital power.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Glossitis, with constant thirst, drinking but a little at a time; gangrene of tongue, SPOTS ON TONGUE, BURNING LIKE FIRE; gangrene of tongue, SPOTS ON TONGUE, BURNING LIKE FIRE; gangrenous ulcers of mouth and fauces; malignant aphthae of children.
Belladonna [Bell]
Tongue hot and dry, with red edges; painful, especially to the touch; papillae of a deep-red color, inflamed and much swollen; feeling in tip of tongue as if vesicle were on it, with burning pain when touched; red inflammatory swelling of mouth and fauces; suppression of stool and urine.
Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac]
Soreness and inflammation of back part of tongue, felt most while swallowing; EXTENSIVE ULCERATIONS ON TONGUE, with deeply chapped or fungoid surfaces; ulcers on left side of mouth, behind left last molar (the constant irritation of a rough, broken tooth is a frequent cause of ulcerating glossitis.)
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Tongue sore on tip, sides and back, preventing eating; violent burning of tongue and mouth; little blisters on tongue, with burning pain and heat in mouth.
Cantharis [Canth]
Inflammation, swelling and suppuration of tongue; sore, burning and smarting vesicles in mouth; aversion to drink as it increases the pain; dryness of mouth, extending into posterior nares; FIERY RED TONGUE AND SUBLINGUAL GLANDS SWOLLEN AND RED; burning pains in mouth, throat and stomach; salivation.
Causticum [Caust]
Painful vesicles on tip of tongue; tongue white on sides, red in centre; pain and swelling at the root of tongue; salivation and flat taste in mouth.
Conium [Con]
Soreness of tongue, especially about the root; stiff, swollen painful tongue, with dryness of mouth and impeded deglutition; tongue and lips dry and sticky.
Lachesis [Lach]
CANCER OF TONGUE; blisters on inflamed tongue, which change into ulcers, threatening suffocation; gangrene of tongue, which change into ulcers, threatening suffocation; gangrene of tongue, on both edges; glossitis with titillation inducing cough; disposition to empty swallowing, (

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