ELAPS CORALLINUS Homeopathic Remedy Bleeding Disorders

Elaps Corallinus: The Homeopathic Remedy for Bleeding Disorders and More

Introduction to Elaps Corallinus

Elaps Corallinus, derived from the venom of the Brazilian Coral Snake, is a powerful homeopathic remedy. Introduced into homeopathy by Mure, this remedy is prepared by pressing the venom sac of the living snake and triturating it with sugar of milk. Later, Higgins modified the preparation by using gall (Fel Elapidis Corallinis).

With its distinctive vermilion red color, red rings, and alternating black bands, the Brazilian Coral Snake produces a venom that causes pain, swelling, discoloration, and severe bleeding from multiple orifices. The discharges are notably dark, reflecting the deep action of this remedy on the blood.

Key Characteristics of Elaps Corallinus

Elaps belongs to the Ophidia family and shares common snake remedy traits such as loquacity, jealousy, egotism, and a venomous disposition. However, unlike Lachesis, which primarily acts on the left side, Elaps chiefly affects the right side of the body. A unique feature of this remedy is the intense internal coldness experienced by the patient.

Clinical Applications of Elaps Corallinus

Elaps is particularly effective for conditions related to bleeding disorders, respiratory illnesses, and nervous system disturbances. It is commonly used for:

  • Hemorrhages – Dark, inky-black bleeding from the nose, lungs, uterus, or other mucous membranes.
  • Respiratory disorders – Pulmonary infarction, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and oppression in the chest.
  • Ear and nasal complaints – Black earwax, chronic nasal catarrh with offensive greenish crusts, and ozaena.
  • Neurological symptoms – Hemiplegia, oscillatory movements, and violent headaches.
  • Skin conditions – Peeling of the skin from palms and fingertips, vesicular eruptions on the feet.
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Modalities of Elaps Corallinus

  • Worse from: Cold drinks and food, damp weather, night, and storms.
  • Better from: Rest and walking (which relieves nosebleeds and abdominal pain).

Unique Symptoms of Elaps Corallinus

  • Black, inky hemorrhages from different body parts.
  • Internal coldness throughout the body.
  • Strong cravings for sweetened buttermilk, milk, ice, sour and sweet fruits like bananas and oranges.
  • Twisting sensation in the stomach and esophagus as if food is turning like a corkscrew.
  • Fear of rain, dread of being alone, and hearing imaginary voices.
  • Nosebleeds after a blow, with black-colored blood.

Mental and Emotional Symptoms

  • Depression and fear – Fear of stroke, fear of rain, and hearing imaginary voices.
  • Irritability – Anger at oneself, refusal to be spoken to, and trembling from even slight contradiction.
  • Cognitive issues – Can speak but has difficulty understanding speech.
  • Disturbed sleep – Dreams of dead people, biting hands during sleep, and sleeplessness from sharp headaches.

Physical Symptoms and Sensations

  • Head: Rush of blood to the head, vertigo with a tendency to fall forward, and fullness in the forehead.
  • Face: Red spots, bloated appearance, and yellowish skin discoloration.
  • Eyes: Aversion to light, large fiery red spots before the eyes, and black rings (especially in the left eye).
  • Ears: Buzzing, cracking noises, sudden night deafness, and black wax with difficulty hearing.
  • Throat: Thick offensive greenish-yellow crusts in the pharynx, spasmodic contractions of the esophagus, and painful swallowing.
  • Lungs: Cough with black expectoration, severe pain through the lungs, and an oppressive feeling while climbing stairs.
  • Neck and Spine: Stiffness and pain in the right side of the neck, coldness in the back, and pressure between the shoulders.
  • Limbs: Weakness, bluish discoloration of hands, knee joint pain, pricking under nails, and peeling of fingertips.
  • Menstrual Symptoms: Dysmenorrhea with black blood, sensation of something bursting in the uterus, and continuous dark-colored bleeding that improves with urination.
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Skin and General Symptoms

  • Skin: Cold perspiration, peeling of the fingertips, itching eruptions in the axilla.
  • Fever: Hot and dry skin, typhoid symptoms with deep ulcerations and black discharges.

Complementary and Antidotal Remedies

  • Antidotes: Radiated heat, alcohol, Arsenicum Album.
  • Similar remedies: Arsenicum Album, Carbo Vegetabilis, Crotalus, Lachesis, Muriatic Acid, Nitric Acid, Rhus Toxicodendron.
  • Red spots before sight: Compare with Duboisia.
  • Effects of cold and wet weather: Compare with Dulcamara.


Elaps Corallinus is a deep-acting homeopathic remedy, especially useful in bleeding disorders, respiratory conditions, and nervous system affections. It is characterized by black hemorrhages, strong cravings for specific foods, intense coldness, and mental disturbances like fear and loquacity. If prescribed correctly, this remedy can bring relief to many chronic and acute conditions. However, it is always best to consult a professional homeopath for a tailored prescription.

Note: This blog is for informational purposes only and should not replace medical advice from a qualified homeopath.

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