-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb
The homoeopathic therapeutics of diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, cholera morbus, cholera infantum, and all other loose evacuations of the bowels


Description of disease:
A disease of the larger bowels, in which the stools are frequent and often bloody, attended with griping and straining, and in the acute form of the disease, with fever. There exists frequent and urgent desire to evacuate the bowels, which are confined, accompanied with violent straining; and the stools contain little or no ordinary matter, but consist principally of pure mucus, mucus mixed with blood, pure blood, or greenish, bilious, brownish, or blackish putrid matters.
Dysentery generally arises from sudden exposure to cold, indigestible food, unripe fruit, or occurs in autumn weather, in damp, unwholesome localities.

Medicinal treatment:
Aconitum napellus
Is a most important remedy at the commencement of the attack or during the feverish stage, and often arrests the progress of the disease.
Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every hour or two for several doses.
Is second only to Mercurius in most forms of dysentery, and is especially required in severe griping colic, and distension of the abdomen.
Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every two or three hours, or alternated at the same length of time with Mercurius.
Mercurius corrosivus
Is generally considered the most important form of Mercury in dysentery, and the best remedy in the disease.
Dose. -Two grains repeated as Colocynthis.
Mercurius solubilis
Is almost of equal value with Mercurius Cor. and is especially required for the violent straining after stool.
Dose. -Two grains repeated as Colocynthis.
Nux vomica
If there are frequent small stools, and a discharge of bloody mucus.
Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every two or three hours.
Often in the most desperate cases, or when other remedies have failed.
Dose. -Two grains every three hours, or taken alternately with Mercurius every three hours.

Accessory treatment
The patient must be kept in a horizontal position in bed, and at perfect rest – well covered, but not heated. If there is much pain, warm flannels should be applied to the stomach. The diet must consist of rice, sago, arrowroot, barley, baked flour, toast-water, etc.; and if there is much weakness and prostration, beef-tea, broths, and meat jellies. Should there be no tendency to acute inflammation, while the debility is great, a little wine and water may be advisable. During convalescence, care must be taken not to eat anything difficult of digestion. Flannel should be worn next to the skin, and care taken not to get damp or catch cold.

It is also very important that the stools should be immediately disinfected and removed.

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