-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb

Deafness cold from

Medicinal treatment:
Mercurius solubilis:
Will generally be sufficient.
Dose. -Two grains in a dessertspoonful of water three times a day – a teaspoonful for a child.
Pulsatilla pratensis:
May be tried after Mercurius Sol., especially if there is a sensation as of the ears being stopped, with roaring and humming.
Dose. -Two drops repeated as Mercurius Sol.
Hydrastis canadensis:
In throat deafness, with noises in the ears.
Dose. -Two drops repeated as Mercurius Sol.

Accessory treatment:
See under Catarrhal Fever. Keep the part warm by means of flannel. The ear may be gently syringed with warm soap)suds, and a little cotton-wool moistened with olive-oil or glycerine inserted.

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