Crying of infants:

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb

Infant crying

Crying accompanied by restlessness, indicates unpleasant sensations; crying with drawing up the legs to the abdomen, points to colic; crying with crowding the fingers into the mouth, indicates pain from teething; crying when coughing, denotes pain in the chest, etc.

Medicinal treatment:
If the child cries for no perceptible cause.
Dose. -Four drops to be mixed in half a small tumblerful of water and a teaspoonful given every hour or two.
If there is headache, earache, acidity, etc.
Dose. -As Belladonna.
Coffea crudaCoffea cruda
If there is great restlessness, sleeplessness, and feverish heat with crying.
Dose. -As Belladonna.
Rheum palmatum
If there is much acidity and sour-smelling stools. See under Acidity and Diarrhoea of Infants.
Dose. -As Belladonna.

Accessory treatment:
A warm bath should be given. See Colic of Infants.

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