Dr.Bernard H, views on Chamomilla benefits for Constipation:
The following clinical fact we think contains in a characteristic manner the circumstances in which we would be apt to think of Chamomilla Homeopathic medicine in the treatment of the constipation of infants.
A study by Dr. Casal, of Menton on uses of Chamomilla for Constipation in infants:
An infant eight months old, a strong vigorous boy of wealthy parents, nourished by a healthy wet-nurse, has been constipated since birth. He goes to stool only every five to six days and sometimes-longer interval. The stools are yellow, large, formed, and without any pathological mark unless it is the size. In this case, injections have to be freely used to relieve constipation. When there is repletion of the rectum, there is a slight bloating of the abdomen with flatulency and some restlessness at night. However, this malaise disappears after an evacuation.
I sent four medicines, to be taken in order, beginning with a vial of Chamomilla 30c. This remedy seemed less indicated than the others (Nux vom., Lycopodium, Hydrastis). Nevertheless, thinking that there might be a latent cause, due to dentition, and that Chamomilla acts upon the ganglionic nervous system. Moreover, has among its symptoms, “Constipation as from inertia of the rectum, flatulent colic with bloated abdomen and collection of gas in the hypochondria”.
I ordered this remedy to be taken first, two globules in the evening, and two next mornings. On the same day towards evening, there was an enormous stool but not so thick. On the next day, a normal stool for an infant, that is to say very softly. Since then the stools occur daily and are natural. sometimes there are several stools a day.
In a letter from Dr. Casal upon this subject, he states that a midwife, who was a witness to this cure, often employs Chamomilla in the treatment of accidental constipation in infants. This medicine has never failed her.