If the experiences of a great clinician like Dr. Cooper are anything to go by, this remedy promises to be extremely useful in the ubiquitous influenza.
 ”Dull frontal headache as if an india-rubber band was stretched tightly over forehead, from temple to temple.”
 ”Dull, heavy pain through temples, with tight band across forehead, and tightness in nose between eyes.”
 ”Intensely bad smell from mouth.”
 ”Profound prostration, physical exhaustion, surface pale; bathed in cold sweat; collapse.”
 ”Putrid discharges from mouth, throat, nostrils, ears, rectum and vagina.”
 ALLEN: “Constipation with horribly offensive breath. (Op., Psor.)”
 ”All fevers tend to collapse or malignancy,”
 ”High fever and frequent recurring chills alternating. Skin , hot, dry, with intense restlessness.”
 The tongue is coated white; red papillae here and there (Ant-t., Bell.); dark brown; thick yellow-white fur down centre; dry, shiny, glassy (Pyr.).
 ”The fever is high at onset, temp. High; pulse rapid, feeble; the attack sudden, rapidly prostrating and tends to malignancy. Fevers with splenic hypertrophy.”
 BOGER: Painless, languid and prostrate.
 Foulness. Malignancy. Sepsis. Low fever. Sopor.
 CLINICAL: Influenza; malignant scarlatina; puerperal fever.
 POTENCY: The 3x potency is a specific for the attack of influenza, and the 30th for the resulting debility (Cooper).
 Incompatible: Lach.
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Is a useful antiseptic, antagonizes fermentation, putrifaction, micro-organisms; coagulates albumen. As we have, however, more powerful antiseptics that are less harmful to the tissues and less toxic in their effects the writer has little use for it. A general description of it, however, is in place. Applied locally it causes irritation and burning, followed by an anæsthetic effect. If applied longer it may cause sloughing, and, on account of its coagulating and constringent effects on tissues and the capillaries, gangrene may result. It often is absorbed when applied locally and thus systemic poisoning may result. If taken internally it causes burning, nausea, vomiting, scanty and smoky-colored urine, contracted pupils, cold skin, pallor, collapse and paralysis of respiration which results in death. If carbolic acid has been swallowed we can see the effects in white appearance of skin or the mucous membrane with which it has come in contact. Often we find that carbolic acid will not dissolve well in water, and especially in very cold water. If dissolved in glycerine first it will mix well with water. Say drachm 1 of carbolic acid to drachm 1 of glycerine is a good proportion; if then mixed with water it will readily dissolve.
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Phenol. c6H5OH.
1. Pains are terrible, come suddenly, last a short time and disappear suddenly. (Bell., Ign., Kali b., Phyt., Mag. p.).
2. Putrid discharges from mouth, nose, throat, nostrils, rectum and vagina. (Anthr., Ars., Bapt., Psor., Pyro.).
3. Foetor oris accompanies most of the complaints especially constipation. (Op., Psor.).
4. Profound prostration, collapse, surface pale and bathed in cold sweat (Camph., Carb. veg.).
5. Dull, heavy, frontal headache as if a rubber band is stretched lightly over the forehead (Gels., Plat.)., worse from mental exertion and better from smoking (Amm. c., Aran., Calc. p., Naja) or strong tea (Glon.).
6. Physical exertion brings abscess in some part, but generally in rt. ear.
7. Burns tend to ulcerate with ichorous discharge; lacerated wounds with blunt instruments with much sloughing of soft parts.
8. Vomiting : drunkards, in pregnancy, sea-sickness, cancer, of dark, olive-green fluid (Pyr.).
9. Dysentery with much tenesmus and scrapings of intestine; diarrhoea; stool, thin involuntary, black, putrid.
10. Leucorrhoea : acrid, copious, foetid, green.
11. Modalities : Worse : while walking, mental exertion.
better : Smoking, from strong tea, rubbing.

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-Wilhelm Karo.

General Symptoms.
Great physical exhaustion, profound prostration. Disinclination to work or study. Feeling as of a band around the forehead.

Special Symptoms.
Delayed and profuse menstruation, the menstrual flow very dark, irregular menstruation. Greenish, acrid leucorrhoea, due to inflammation of the womb. Fetid, acrid lochia.

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