Homeopathic Medicine for Calcium
deficiency Symptoms Given by Jan Scholten
Of the Calcarea group Calcarea carbonicum and Calcarea Phosphoricum are
especially well known remedies for Calcium in Homeopathic Medicine. Of these
two, only Calcarea carbonicum has a clear central delusion, i.e.
the delusion that others will notice his confusion. This leads us to the
first central theme of the Calcarea’s, namely the sensitivity to what others
will think or say about them. This sensitivity is not quite as obvious in
Homeopathic Medicine Calcium Phosphoricum, but this will become clear later. In
Calcarea Sulph this sensitivity is obviously present in the desire to be
What others will say about him The Homeopathic Medicine Calcarea’s are
continually worrying about what others will think about them. In Homeopathic
Medicine Calcarea carbonicum this is typically expressed in
the symptom ‘delusion that others will see her confusion’. And yet they
are not so incapable as they feel or appear. We see the same thing in the shy
Calc children: what will all those grown ups think of me?
In Calcarea Sulphuricum this is expressed in a great need to be appreciated.
Hence the symptom ‘lamenting because she is not appreciated’ (Kent, 1983 b,
page 61). They are constantly looking for appreciation, and Calcarea
Sulphuricum children can, for instance, be asking their mother all day ‘do you
think I am nice’, or ‘do you think I am pretty?’. It is typical that they are
asking ‘do you think I am nice‘, instead of saying ‘am I nice’.
Calcium in Homeopathic Medicine
Characteristic Symptoms:
Sensitive to criticism:
The fear that others will not think them good enough expresses itself in
a great sensitivity to criticism. This is what we can best recognise the
Calcarea’s by. We can ask about this specifically during a consultation. The
answer often proves to be a reliable source of information. By asking what sort
of criticism they are most sensitive to, we can differentiate between the
various Calcarea’s.
The original situation of the Calcarea’s could be that another person
has openly criticised them. They are especially sensitive to being criticised
in public. Something like that should be done in private, according to them.
Their great sensitivity to criticism is not always easily recognized. As adults
they are often very good at hiding this.
The central idea of Calcarea is thus the fear what others will think of
them. This is a theme of great insecurity. The Calcarea’s are very uncertain
about themselves. They constantly have to compare themselves with others. But
they might not do this openly, it can also be happening inside.
If you are constantly busy comparing yourself to others, you will
naturally get many fears. That is why Geukens (seminar 1988) says that Calcarea
for homeopathic remedy for for calcium deficiency is the most common remedy
for fears. The fear of being disapproved of leads to the fear to be abnormal,
or to have abnormal things. And so there is the fear of loss. Fear of disease,
poverty, the future, that something will go wrong, etc. And all this often
before anything is really happening: a strong anticipatory fear.
Protection and withdrawal:
The way the Calcarea’s protect themselves is by fending off. They
withdraw and build a protective layer around themselves, like an oyster who
surrounds his soft body with a hard, protective shell. They withdraw into their
shell. This method of protection has a passive character. They wait, rather
than act. That does not mean that they don’t work hard, but they are passive in
their soft spot. This tendency to hold on, to be passive, to become hard, can
be seen again in the local complaints.
General characteristics of Homeopathic
medicine for calcium deficiency:
Location: somewhat left sided; fat and weak.
Temperature: cold, (<) damp, (<) cold.
Perspiration: on back of the head and neck.
Time: (<) 3 pm.
Desires: sweet(2), eggs (2).
Menses: profuse. Myomas.
Sleep: on stomach.
Swollen glands, thyroid.
DD: the Baryta’s, Staph.

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