-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb
Hyland’s ArnicAid, 50 tablets (Pack of 4)


Medical Treatment:
Arnica montana
Is the must valuable remedy, and should be frequently applied to the injured part by means of a linen rag dipped in a lotion composed of one teaspoonful of tincture of Arnica, mixed with four tablespoonfuls of water. if the skin is broken, the lotion must be prepared with double the quantity of water. The part should be kept at rest and the lotion applied as long as pain and swelling last. The discoloration arising from a blow may be, in most cases, prevented by the early use of Arnica.

Description of ailment:
Inflammation and enlargement on the joint of the great or little toe.

Medicinal treatment
Silicea terra
Is an efficacious remedy.
Dose. -Two grains dry on the tongue, once a day for a week, then wait three days and repeat.

Accessory treatment
The application of Arnica or Rhus lotions (one teaspoonful of the tincture to four or live tablespoonfuls of water) by means of a linen bandage over the part, especially if there is much inflammation and pain. All pressure must be avoided. An Arnica bunion plaster may be applied to the enlargement.
In some cases it may be necessary to paint the bunion with tincture of Veratrum Viride or Iodine.

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