A lorry driver of 29 male suffering from bronchial asthma Arsenicum Album

The Power of Homeopathy: A Case Study on Bronchial Asthma Treatment

By Dr. Devendra Kumar Munta, MD (Homeo)

Asthma homeopathy

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that has been curing chronic and acute ailments for centuries. Unlike conventional medicine, which often focuses on suppressing symptoms, homeopathy aims to treat the root cause of the disease, offering long-lasting relief. Today, I want to share a fascinating case of a 29-year-old male lorry driver suffering from bronchial asthma, which highlights the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment in managing chronic conditions.

The Patient’s Journey

The patient, a 29-year-old male, had been suffering from bronchial asthma for many years. He had been relying on allopathic medicines, which provided only partial relief. His symptoms included frequent coughing, cold, asthmatic breathing, red eyes, and excessive thirst. Laboratory tests revealed alarming findings: a high Absolute Eosinophilic Count (AEC) of 875 and an elevated White Blood Cell Count (WBC) of 14,000. These indicators pointed to a chronic inflammatory condition that needed a deeper, more holistic approach.

Homeopathic Intervention

On 21st September 2011, the patient was prescribed Arsenicum Album 200c, a well-known homeopathic remedy for asthma and respiratory issues. Arsenicum Album is particularly effective for patients with anxiety, restlessness, and burning sensations, which often accompany asthma. The patient responded well to the remedy, experiencing significant relief.

However, as is common in chronic cases, the symptoms reappeared after some time. On 20th January 2012, the patient was given Phosphorus 200c, another remedy known for its efficacy in treating respiratory disorders. Phosphorus worked wonders, almost completely resolving the symptoms.

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But the journey didn’t end there. Two years later, in January 2014, the symptoms resurfaced. This time, the patient was prescribed Arsenicum Album in the 50 millesimal potency, which once again brought relief.

Why Homeopathy Stands Out

This case is a testament to the power of homeopathy in managing chronic conditions like bronchial asthma. Here’s why homeopathy stands out:

  1. Single Dose, Long-Lasting Relief: Homeopathic remedies, when chosen correctly, can provide relief for years with just a single dose. In this case, Arsenicum Album and Phosphorus not only alleviated the symptoms but also prevented their recurrence for extended periods.
  2. No Suppression, Only Cure: Unlike allopathic treatments, which often suppress symptoms, homeopathy addresses the root cause of the disease. Suppression can lead to the displacement of the disease to deeper, more vital organs, causing further complications. Homeopathy ensures that the body’s natural healing mechanisms are activated, allowing for a true cure.
  3. Minimal Side Effects: Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted and non-toxic, making them safe for long-term use. In contrast, allopathic treatments for asthma often involve heavy doses of antibiotics and antihistamines, which can have adverse effects on the body.

The Challenge of Modern Life

In today’s world, modern lifestyle habits are creating obstacles to natural healing. The excessive use of chemical-based detergents, creams, and cosmetics suppresses the skin’s natural functions, including sweating. Sweat is a vital outlet for the elimination of toxins and end products of disease. When this natural process is hindered, it delays the body’s ability to heal, making homeopathic treatment more challenging.


The case of this lorry driver is a shining example of how homeopathy can effectively manage chronic conditions like bronchial asthma. With the right remedy and potency, homeopathy not only provides relief but also ensures that the disease is arrested for years together. This is something that is nearly impossible to achieve with allopathic methods, which often rely on repeated doses of medications that merely suppress symptoms.

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As a homeopathic practitioner, I urge everyone to consider homeopathy as a viable and effective alternative for chronic ailments. It is a gentle, holistic, and sustainable approach to healing that respects the body’s natural processes.

Disclaimer: This case study is for educational purposes only. Always consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner for personalized treatment.

Dr. Devendra Kumar Munta, MD (Homeo)
Specializing in Chronic and Acute Ailments

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