A lorry driver of 29 male suffering from bronchial asthma used allopathic medicines for many years with partial relief. Symptoms are red eyes, thirst for water frequent. Very high levels of Absolute Eosinophilic count and elevated White blood cell count. He was treated with a dose of ARSENICUM ALBUM 200c. This case responded well to Arsenicum but after repetition of symptoms a dose of Phosphorus cured his symptoms almost. After 2 years symptoms repeated again. Arsenicum in 50 millesimal potency is repeated.
This is how Homeopathy arrests the disease for years together with single dose. How advantageous the Homeopathic treatment. But this is impossible in Allopathic method. We have to use huge antibiotics and antihistamines to treat this case. More over disease will be suppressed with allopathic medicines. Discharges, the end products of disease will move in some other direction and disturb the function of deep seated vital organs. Because of modern life habits people using more detergents and applying chemical creams on skin. So it lead into suppression of sweat. This in turn is the obstacle for outlet of end products of disease. Because of these suppression now a days Homeopathic cure is delaying.
Work Sheet:
21st sep 2011
cough, cold asthmatic,
eyes redness, thirst more
esr 22mm, tb iGg neg, aec 875, wbc
14,000 |
4th oct
2011 |
relieved slight
3rd jan
2011 |
started again
20th jan
2012 |
started again
1st feb
2012 |
dysponea, app nt, stool nr
8th march
2012 |
relieved slight
2nd april
2012 |
expecto, app,
14th may
2012 |
cough expecto, cold
aa 0/1
10 January
2014 |
stated again,
ars 1m
[…] A lorry driver of 29 male suffering from bronchial asthma Arsenicum Album […]