This seems to be one of the remedies which are used more often than indicated.
KENT: “Bell. Is a remedy that takes hold of the system with great violence. It is especially suitable to plethoric, vigorous individuals and intellectual people.”
”The complaints of Bell. Come on suddenly, run a regular course and subside suddenly.
”It has inflammations of all the organs, especially the brain lungs and liver…..These inflammations are always attended by violent heat…..When you put your hand upon a Bell. Subject you will suddenly withdraw it, the heat is so intense.
”Bell has no continued of Bell. That runs through these inflammatory complaints and its fevers. The inflamed parts, and very commonly the skin, are very red, and as the inflammation advances, grow dusky; as the fever advances the face becomes mottled; but the first representation of Bell. Is very red, and the skin is shiny.”
”Whenever Bell. Brings out anything like a decided action, it has burning; intense burning.”
”When children are sick in bed with congestion of the brain they have an intensely hot head. If old enough to talk about it, they will say it burns. But then we notice the throbbing. The temporal arteries and the carotids pulsate, with great violence.”
”And remember, the pains come suddenly, they remain longer or shorter, and they go suddenly……Al of his pains are worse from motion, worse from light, worse from a jar, worse from cold. He wants to be wrapped up warmly, and is worse from any exposure or a draft.”
”Convulsions in infants”. They are violent and are usually associated with cerebral congestion.”
”In Bell., the infant also commonly remains in a profound stupor; the profound stupor that goes with congestion of the brain; pupils dilated; skin hot and dry; face red, throbbing carotids. Finally the child becomes pale as the stupor increases and the neck is drawn back, because as it progresses the base of the brain and the spine become involved, and the muscles of the neck contract, drawing the head backwards, and he rolls the head; eyes staring, pupils dilated. This mental state is associated with scarlet fever and with cerebro-spinal meningitis.”
”A strange feature running through the Bell. Fevers of all sorts is an unconquerable craving for lemons and lemon-juice.”
”The disinclination and aversion to the slightest motion is common in Bell., and as strong in Bell. As in Bry.”
ALLEN: “Rush of blood to head and face.”
”Violent delirium; disposition to bite, spit; strike and tear things; breaks into fits of laughter and gnashes the teeth; wants to bite and strike the attendants (Stram.); tries to escape (Hell., Hyos.).”
”Intense heat with great thirst and desire for cold water, yet everything he drinks feels as if too cold…..Averse to uncovering. Sensitive to light and noise….Face hot, with extremities cold; forehead hot; with cold head and cold cheeks (Rhus.-t).”
The tongue is red and dry, with red edges and while coating in the middle, papillae bright and prominent, like scarlatina ( Acon., Ant.-t.)
CLINICAL: Scarlet fever (rash of a uniform, smooth, shining scarlet redness); meningitis; cerebrospinal fever.
POTENCY: All potencies from lowest to highest.
Frequently useful after : Ars., Cham., Lach., Merc., Phos.
Followed well by : Chin., Cham., Hyos., Lach., Rhus-t., Stram.
Similar to : Acon., Ars., Bry., Cham., Coff., Gels., Hyos., Lach., Merc., Nux-v., Op., Puls., Rhus.-t., Stram.