This seems to be one of the remedies which are used more often than indicated.
 KENT: “Bell. Is a remedy that takes hold of the system with great violence. It is especially suitable to plethoric, vigorous individuals and intellectual people.”
 ”The complaints of Bell. Come on suddenly, run a regular course and subside suddenly.
 ”It has inflammations of all the organs, especially the brain lungs and liver…..These inflammations are always attended by violent heat…..When you put your hand upon a Bell. Subject you will suddenly withdraw it, the heat is so intense.
 ”Bell has no continued of Bell. That runs through these inflammatory complaints and its fevers. The inflamed parts, and very commonly the skin, are very red, and as the inflammation advances, grow dusky; as the fever advances the face becomes mottled; but the first representation of Bell. Is very red, and the skin is shiny.”
 ”Whenever Bell. Brings out anything like a decided action, it has burning; intense burning.”
 ”When children are sick in bed with congestion of the brain they have an intensely hot head. If old enough to talk about it, they will say it burns. But then we notice the throbbing. The temporal arteries and the carotids pulsate, with great violence.”
 ”And remember, the pains come suddenly, they remain longer or shorter, and they go suddenly……Al of his pains are worse from motion, worse from light, worse from a jar, worse from cold. He wants to be wrapped up warmly, and is worse from any exposure or a draft.”
 ”Convulsions in infants”. They are violent and are usually associated with cerebral congestion.”
 ”In Bell., the infant also commonly remains in a profound stupor; the profound stupor that goes with congestion of the brain; pupils dilated; skin hot and dry; face red, throbbing carotids. Finally the child becomes pale as the stupor increases and the  neck is drawn back, because as it progresses the base of the brain and the spine become involved, and the muscles of the neck contract, drawing the head backwards, and he rolls the head; eyes staring, pupils dilated. This mental state is associated with scarlet fever and with cerebro-spinal meningitis.”
 ”A strange feature running through the Bell. Fevers of all sorts is an unconquerable craving for lemons and lemon-juice.”
 ”The disinclination and aversion to the slightest motion is common in Bell., and as strong in Bell. As in Bry.”
 ALLEN: “Rush of blood to head and face.”
 ”Violent delirium; disposition to bite, spit; strike and tear things; breaks into fits of laughter and gnashes the teeth; wants to bite and strike the attendants (Stram.); tries to escape (Hell., Hyos.).”
 ”Intense heat with great thirst and desire for cold water, yet everything he drinks feels as if too cold…..Averse to uncovering. Sensitive to light and noise….Face hot, with extremities cold; forehead hot; with cold head and cold cheeks (Rhus.-t).”
 The tongue is red and dry, with red edges and while coating in the middle, papillae bright and prominent, like scarlatina ( Acon., Ant.-t.)
 CLINICAL: Scarlet fever (rash of a uniform, smooth, shining scarlet redness); meningitis; cerebrospinal fever.
 POTENCY: All potencies from lowest to highest.
 Frequently useful after : Ars., Cham., Lach., Merc., Phos.
 Followed well by : Chin., Cham., Hyos., Lach., Rhus-t., Stram.
 Similar to : Acon., Ars., Bry., Cham., Coff., Gels., Hyos., Lach., Merc., Nux-v., Op., Puls., Rhus.-t., Stram.

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Range of Use. – Ailments caused by cold; rheumatic pains in the limbs; bilious derangement of the stomach, and severe pain in the head; inflammations of any of the internal organs, inviting the blood to any part; tendency to rush of blood to head; or quinsy, or epilepsy, or fits; excited senses; noises unbearable; lock-jaw; convulsions of children; spasms from teething; inflammation of the throat, and

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inflammation of the brain; scarlet red eruptions upon the skin, with dryness, heat, burning, bloated appearance of the surface; smooth genuine scarlet fever, and erysipelas of the skin; scarlet rash over the whole body, and hot swellings, boils, and highly inflamed pocks; restless at night; ineffectual effort to sleep; starting as if from fright; disturbed by anxious dreams; alternate chilliness and heat; chilliness that runs down the back; rush of blood to the head, and pressure in the forehead; continuous burning heat and restlessness; throbbing of the blood-vessels; inflammatory fevers affecting the nose, lungs and head, with violent delirium; typhoid fever; melancholy and lowness of spirits, crying as if from rage, anguish and restlessness; trembling, diffidence and despondency; mania; headstrong; loss of consciousness and stupid; mania, and ludicrous gesticulations; illusions of fancy; feeling about the head as if intoxicated, and reeling; vertigo, with anguish and falling; headache after dinner, and after taking cold in the head; stupefying headache, with loss of consciousness; periodical nervous headache, and pressure from within; outward rush of blood to the head; inflammation of the brain; dropsy of the brain; disposition and effort to bury the head in the pillow; pains in the eyes and in the balls, violent aching through the eyes; inflammation of the eyes; dilated pupils; strabismus or cross-eyed; dread of light; swelling of the parotid glands; hardness of hearing resulting from a cold in the head; inflammatory swelling of the nose, internally and externally; dry nose, one nostril stopped up; bleeding from the nose and mouth; redness of the face, somewhat bluish and bloated; distorted features, expressive of anguish; violent cutting aching of the face; swelling of the face from erysipelas; dark red lips; eruptions at the corners of the mouth; swelling of the glands of the under-jaw; pain in the teeth from cold; neuralgia of the teeth; mouth dry, without thirst; considerable quantity of tough mucus in the mouth; swelling and redness of the tongue and palate; sore-throat and spasms of the fauces or back portion of the mouth, preventing the act of swallowing; swelling of the uvula and tonsils; absence of taste; slimy, insipid taste; thirst, but unable to drink; aversion to food; nausea and loathing of food; empty gagging; vomiting of mucus; pressure at the pit of the stomach, and bleeding after eating; painful distension of the abdomen, and painful as if raw and sore; flatulent colic; constipation; mucus stools; involuntary stools; stoppage of the urine, but constant sensation as if urged to urinate; urine dark, torbid or flaming red; urging to urinate in the afternoon, with pale yellow urine; involuntary emission of urine; nocturnal emissions and weakness of the male genital organs; bearing down pains; falling of the womb; flow of blood from the womb; hemorrhage of bright red blood from the womb; short, hurried and anxious respiration; danger of suffocation when swallowing; the throat excessively painful, as if filling up; rough, hoarse voice; short cough and night cough; hooping-cough, and cough after midnight; oppression of the chest and short breath; stitches thought the chest; uneasiness and beating in the chest; rush of blood to the chest; inflammation of the lungs; milk fever, or copious discharges of milk from the breasts; stiffness of the neck; painful swelling of the neck and nape of the neck; painful swelling of the glands of the neck and those under the arms; paralysis of the arms; scarlet redness of the arms and hands; violent pain, with pressure in the shoulder; pain in the hip-joint, worse at night; violent pains in the knees; heaviness and lameness of the legs and feet.

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Belladonna is a plant remedy of the acute miasm. The main feeling of a Belladonna person is of a sudden threat from outside from which he has to escape in order to survive.
The suddenness is one of the main characteristics of Belladonna. Everything comes in paroxysms with suddenness, and goes with equal suddenness. But while it lasts, there seems to be a very intense and life threatening situation; the person is beside himself and wants to escape. Also, there is a certain degree of violence in his sensations and actions.
Belladonna can be quite cheerful. In fact, he can be dancing, laughing, singing and can have a generally light-hearted feeling and exuberance. But when the attack comes, he becomes crazy with fear and anxiety, with excitement, with throbbing of the carotids, palpitation of the heart and a feeling of imminent threat or danger.
One of the Belladonna patients that I had disappeared from treatment suddenly and after months suddenly called me up from some part of the world and then disappeared for months again. For Belladonna Dr. M.L. Sehgal points to the rubric: “Unconsciousness interrupted by screaming”. His interpretation is that the Belladonna patient remains unconscious of his problems and they come up suddenly to his consciousness and make him very excited.
The delusions, dreams and fears of Belladonna have to do with sudden threat, for example:
– Delusion, bulls, of.
– Fear, imaginary things, of.
– Fear, animals, of.
– Fear, impending death, of.
– Delusion, gallows with fear of, vision of.
And he reacts with violence, impulse to set things on fire, attempts to escape and run away.
There is a need to escape, to run away. There is a feeling that he will be pursued, killed. Therefore he runs, escapes, rages.
The difference between Belladonna and Stramonium is that in Belladonna, the specific situation is like that of one who is about to be taken to the gallows, while in Stramonium it is like that of a person lost in a jungle. Stramonium looks for somebody to cling on to, seeking light and company, whereas the main action in Belladonna is reacting violently to save himself, e.g. desire to escape; rage.
Physical symptoms
Among the main physical symptoms of Belladonna are:
– Sudden paroxysmal pains that come suddenly and go suddenly.
– Extremely sensitive to light, noise and jarring.
– Desire for lemonade, lemon juice.
– Pains are throbbing.
– Ailments from fright.
– Beside oneself, being.
– Delusion, animals of, frightful.
– Delusion, bulls, of.
– Delusion, dogs sees.
– Delusion, murdered, he will be.
– Delusion, pursued by enemies.
– Escape, attempts to.
– Exuberance.
– Fear, gallows, of the.
– Fire, wants to set things on.
– Unconsciousness interrupted by shrieking.
– Deeds of violence, rage leading to.
– Fear alternating with rage.
– Involuntary urination during sleep; difficult to awaken from.
– Admonition aggravates.
– Direction of symptoms: increase and decrease suddenly.

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Syn.-Atropa belladonna; deadly nightshade.
P. E.-Roots and leaves.
N. O.-Solanaceæ.
N. H.-Europe.
Properties: Anodyne, antispasmodic, suppresses secretion.
Physiological action: In full physiological doses it is a cerebral excitant, producing active hyperæmia, and a full but active cerebral capillary circulation which manifests itself first by dry throat followed by excitement, exhilaration, dilated pupils, burning of throat, face flushed, intolerance of light, impairment of vision, nausea and insomnia. In large toxic doses above symptoms are aggravated, followed by inco-ordination of muscles, motor-paralysis, difficult, deglutition, wild and furious delirium, muscular twitching, a scarlet rash appears on the body, pulse becomes feeble, general prostration, deep coma, convulsions and death from paralysis of the inhibitory nerves of the heart, and later the heart muscles. At first contracts the blood vessels in the cord, increasing arterial tension, then, as its paralyzing effect is manifested, it dilates the blood vessels and reduces pressure. On account of overstimulation of the capillaries exudation takes place, resulting in the characteristic scarlet rash. The powerful determination of blood to the face and head causes flushed face. Dilitation of the pupil causes the intolerance of light as well as impairment of vision. Belladonna is a powerful vaso-motor stimulant, paralysis from overstimulation results when given in large doses.

Indication: Dullness, drowsiness, eyes dull, dilated pupils, dullness of mind and tendency to sleep, impaired capillary circulation of skin. Blueness of face and extremities, coldness of hands and feet, cerebral congestion. Pain in head, heavy, tense and sleepy, showing that it is the remedy in passive congestion, especially of the cerebro-spinal centers.
Use: It is a direct sedative in fevers, but combats fever processes. Induces powerful capillary circulation. The influence is extended from the nerve center to the periphery, and, if given in overdoses, stimulates the capillaries so abnormally as to produce a red rash. It antagonizes congestion. Its influence in restraining secretion does not prevent its use in capillary stasis. If used in small doses its influence on the circulation precedes that of secretion, as its first influence is on circulation, then on secretion. Combined with aconite the action of restraining secretion is not nearly so marked in inflammatory conditions. If given early with aconite when there is fever only the hyperæmia and consequent inflammation is abated. It is our most important remedy in equalizing the circulation and preventing local hyperæmia, which is essential to all local inflammatory action. It is a powerful vaso-motor stimulant; stimulating capillary circulation. It has a direct action on the heart, increasing its action, slowing and strengthening the pulse. In urinary affections the result of capillary congestion, with perhaps throbbing pain in the back in the region of the kidneys, it is a good remedy. In sore throat, where the mucous membrane is dry and swollen we think of belladonna. Spasms of the orifices of the body of a passive nature are relieved by it. In incontinence of urine, especially in children, it is an effective remedy if indicated, but we generally succeed in overcoming this condition with other less powerful remedies.

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3 to 12d -PETERSEN F. J.,

One of the delirium and head remedies. Head hot, extremities cold, face red and often purple, throbbing carotids, eyes bloodshot, wild delirium, showing engorgement of the brain. Delirium, fears imaginary things, and is violent and hard to control. Upper lip may be swollen. Localized inflammation or boils in first stage, coming on suddenly, painful, throbbing and of deep red color. Inflammation and fever coming on suddenly without warning. Pain appears suddenly and disappears suddenly. Headache worse on stooping down or lying down, relieved by bending head back. Burning dryness of throat, constant desire to swallow to relieve the dry sensation. Marked tenderness in abdomen which is aggravated by least jar or motion. When head is uncovered or not bundled up in cold weather, will easily take cold. Patient takes cold easily from hair cutting. Shining, smooth, uniform, red surface, so hot as to cause a burning sensation to hand. Convulsions with belladonna symptoms. In females, pressing downwards as if vulva would come out; aggravated in morning. Pain in back as if it would break.

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-Wilhelm Karo.

The drug for plethoric, lymphatic women ; they are jovial and

General Symptoms.
Congestion to the head, pupils dilated. Skin hot, reddened.

Special Symptoms.

Too early, too profuse menstruation, bright red blood, spasmodic contractions in the womb. Sharp stitches in the genital organs. Backache as if the back would break. Dysmenorrhoea of a neuralgic type with violent throbbing headache. Amenorrhoea in plethoric girls from fright. Metrorrhagia. Sudden flooding after childbirth. The blood is bright in colour, not clotted, sometimes dark, mixed with coagula and bad smelling. Leucorrhoea, most copious in the morning, bearing down pains relieved by standing upon her feet.

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– Pulford



Burning heat and redness, the heat so intense as to burn the examining fingers and leaves a burning sensation in them.


Pulse full and rapid

Head hot, hands and feet cold. Pupils fully dilated; eyes suffused and brilliant. Carotids throb violently. Face scarlet red and hot. Pains: and sweats come and go suddenly; they clutch and stab. Sleepy, but cannot sleep; starts up suddenly; muscles twitch and limbs jerk during sleep. Pulse full, rapid, hard and strong. Great thirst with desire for cold drinks and especially lemonade. Tongue and throat scarlet red, dry and hot, aggravation right side. Active, excited, restless, sensitive. Aversion to light. Chilly. Body scarlet red. Great dryness. Aggravation jar, especially of bed. Sudden onset, like Acon. 


Fear as he see’s black dogs.

Delusion: that one sees cucumbers on the bed,  or, black dogs, or, the gallows, and fears it, or, that one had stabbed a person in the street; fear: alternating with mania, or, of imaginary animals; hasty motions; rage: does not know one’s relatives, or, pulls hair of bystanders; sings and groans alternately; sits and breaks pins. (L): Delusion: of seeing dogs, or, of horrible visions; fear of imaginary things; desire to hide; kicks, in sleep; laughing: loud, or, sardonic; rage, increased strength; spits in people’s faces; tear things. An angel when well, but a devil when sick. The more active the delirium, the more we must think of Bell., it comes in especially about 3 evening, and lasts till midnight, is wild, strikes, bites and tears things.

As of sinking through, or with, the bed; on motion, or, moving the head.

Head :

Congested, red

Heat of head alternates with diarrhoea; pain 4 p.m. to 3 a.m.; violent pain, with red face, vomiting and diarrhoea; pain over eyes, compelling one to close eyes; lancinating pain, forehead to occiput; jerking of head, while ascending stairs or walking quickly. (L): Congestion to head, red face, rage; heat in head, limbs cold; inflamed brain; pain: 3 p.m., or, from cutting hair, descends, to forehead, amelioration leaning against something; pain in forehead, amelioration closing eyes, on stepping or walking in open air; pain in sides, aggravation sneezing, or, from temple to temple; boring pain in forehead, over eyes; bursting pain, in open air; cutting, darting, stabbing pain, in temple to temple; jerking pain, on ascending or walking; pressing pain, aggravation exertion, amelioration sitting or sitting up n bed, aggravation stepping or walking in open air, or, in forehead on ascending steps compels closing eyes, or, on motion or walking in open air and aggravation noise, or, in occiput on motion; shooting, pulsating pain, temple to temple; sore, bruised pain, aggravation jar; stitching pain in forehead; pulsating pain, on stooping; rising sense in head; head; shocks, blows, jerks, on walking rapidly. Head especially sensitive to cold, reverse of Glon. Effects from cutting the hair; one dose of the c.c before having hair cut, to prevent the inevitable cold.

Eyes :

Lines appear croocked.

 Objects and lines appear crooked, or revolve while reading. (L): Distorted; convulsive movements; photophobia, during chill; acute vision; vision of flames. In glaucoma, Bell. must be given only occasionally, and the use of atropin is strictly or bidden, as it brings on acute glaucoma, thought it will not cure the chronic disorder.

(L): Pain: with faceache; pain downward, to neck; tearing pain, downward

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