Various classifications have been made by different authors on the subject of constipation

Understanding Constipation: A Multi-Faceted Challenge Constipation is a common yet often misunderstood condition that affects individuals of all ages. According to various medical authors, the exploration of its complexities has…

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A financier of 42,male suffering from Deathly nausea,sick headache,severe thirst,vertigo indicated Tabaccum

Overcoming Persistent Nausea: A Financier's Journey with Homeopathy Introduction In the world of finance, where stress and pressure are part of daily life, maintaining good health is crucial. However, for…

Continue ReadingA financier of 42,male suffering from Deathly nausea,sick headache,severe thirst,vertigo indicated Tabaccum

A foundry worker of 50 male, having eruptions over extremities, eczematous in nature -Arsenicum Album

The Healing Power of Homeopathy: A Foundry Worker’s Journey to Recovery In the bustling world of foundry work, exposure to harsh chemicals and heavy metals is all too common. Such…

Continue ReadingA foundry worker of 50 male, having eruptions over extremities, eczematous in nature -Arsenicum Album