KENT: “When sick in bed afflicted with a zymotic disease, with violent fever, or with fever after an accident or injury, he becomes greatly prostrated, stupid and unconscious. He can be aroused and will answer a question correctly, but goes back into a stupor, or he hesitates about a word and is unable to find correct words when trying to answer and goes back into the coma; when roused up, he looks at the doctor and says: “I do not want you; I did not send for you ; I am not sick; I don’t need a doctor. He says this even when he is seriously sick.”
 ”He wants to be left alone, does not want to be bothered, does not want to be talked to.”
 The Arnica patient is so sore that he can lie on one part only a little while and then he must get off that part or to the other side……He moves and thinks that now he will be comfortable, but he is comfortable only for a second. The soreness increases the longer he lies, and becomes so great that he is forced to move.
 A general feature also of the remedy is that the remedy is that the body is cold and the head hot; the whole body and the extremities are cold but the head feels not.”
 ”Children going into severe attacks of infantile fever may threaten convulsions, the head is hot and the body cold. Most physicians will think of Bell. , which has such cold extremities and such a hot head. Do not forget Arnica , especially in those children who seem to have an aversion to being touched, and screams out every time the mother takes hold of the arm or leg. Look into the history a little and you will see that this is a soreness, and if you strip the child you may observe dusky spots, which give an added indication of Arnica.”
 ALLEN:  “Sore, bruised feeling all through the body, as if beaten.”
 ”Dry general heat, with indifference, stupor and such weakness that when he attempts to sit up he faints (Acon.).”
 ”During heat, slightest lifting of bed-clothes, or even moving in bed, makes him chilly (Apis., Nux-v., Rhus.-t.).”
 ”Great internal heat, with coldness of hands and feet.”
 ”The heat becomes intolerable to him (Apis, Puls.), and he  tries to uncover himself, but upon uncovering he feels chilly.”
 The tongue is seldom clean.
 CLINICAL: Pleurisy or pneumonia (from sudden exposure to colds); meningitis (from injury); typhoid conditions; traumatic fevers; frequent violent attacks of chills in nephritis.
 POTENCY: 3,6, 30, 200 higher.
 RELATIONSHIP: Arn. Follows well after Acon., Ipec.
 Is followed well by Acon., Ars., Bry., Ipec., Rhus-tox.
 Compare: Sulphur (in traumatic pleurisy).
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[…] during the night. In addition, the bed feels too hard for arnica patient with joint pains. Arnica arthritis constitution has the sensation as if a hard body compressed the […]


Arnica montana

Work is the greatest thing in the world,
so we should always save some of it for tomorrow.
[Don Herold]
Arnica montana. Mountain Tobacco. Leopard’s Bane. Wolf’s Bane. Fallherb.
N.O. Compositae.
CLASSIFICATION Belonging to the Compositae, or Daisy family, the genus Arnica comprises approximately 50 species of perennial rhizomatous herbs with simple leaves and daisy-like heads of flowers that bear distinct rays. The genus occurs in north temperate regions and the Arctic.
HABITAT Arnica is very much an alpine plant. It prefers open landscapes and a massive flow of incoming sunlight at high altitudes; the higher it grows the more aromatic it becomes. Growing naturally on places where climbing accidents and falls can occur, Arnica has proved effective for circulatory problems and exhaustion from mountaineering, especially in extreme altitudes. Arnica grows best in moist, peaty, siliceous soils. Chalk is its enemy, and harmful to it even in small quantities; artificial fertilizers will kill it.
CONSTITUENTS Volatile oil [0,5-1%]; arnicin; arnisterol [arnidiol]; anthoxanthine; tannin; resin; inulin; manganese [in ashes].
PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION “Arnica is irritant, stimulant, depressant, antipyretic, diuretic, and a vulnerary. It irritates the gastrointestinal tract, and in alcoholic solution excites erysipelatous inflammation of the skin in some persons. In small doses it increases the action of the heart, raises the arterial tension, and stimulates the action of the skin and kidneys. Large doses produce a transient excitement, followed by depressed circulation, respiration and temperature; violent headache, dilated pupils, and muscular paresis. A toxic dose paralyzes the nervous system of animal and organic life, causing collapse and death.”1
NAME The name is derived from the Greek anakis, lambskin, in allusion to the texture of the leaves; the specific name montana refers to its natural habitat in Central Europe, being relatively high mountain meadows around the 1,000 metre mark.
WOLF “Arnica carries the wild nature of the wolf after whom she is named. Her flowers are like yellow wolf’s eyes in which the captured mountain sun glistens. ‘Wolf’s Eye’, ‘Wolf’s Yellow’, Wolfesgelega – these old German names tell us about the wild, self-willed, even dangerous power of Arnica. … And in the leopard names that she attracts in the English-speaking world lie her elegance and wild beauty. … A plant with such strong radiance has always attracted people and inspired different names. Most of them refer to Arnica’s healing properties: Fallherb in English and, in German, ‘Wellbestow’, ‘Prickherb’, ‘Woundherb’, ‘Snuffplant’, the latter addressing the sneeze-provoking effect of the pulverized dried flowers. Used as a tobacco substitute, Arnica has been called Mountain Tobacco, ‘Smokeherb’ in German, and tabaco de montana.”2
TORN “On mountain slopes, at an altitude of about 3000 feet grows Arnica montana. Where trees have been felled, in clearings of the woods, the plant thrives on a specific soil: It seeks an environment of peat-moors where the debris of plants and soil meet to form a layer of decay. There the plant sends its root deep down until it reaches a humus layer below. From this zone of debris, where ‘torn’ parts of earth and plant life mix, it raises its beautiful orange coloured head on a hairy stem of a length of eight to twenty inches. The petals, always very regularly arranged in the relatives of the family of composites, show with Arnica a strange unique irregularity, which gives the appearance as if the leaves of the crown were torn apart. Also in a rather unique way the crown attracts many insects which not only live in it, but also of the plant. One of them a fly, Tripeta arnicivora and its larvae, like larvae of another fly, Tetritis arnicae, live and find their nourishment in the bottom of the crown. In addition, a number of fungi grow as parasites on the surface of the plant. In an environment of the remainders of cut-down trees, with its root anchored in a zone of decay, Arnica montana seems to thrive on debris. Where the soil is ‘torn apart’, where insect life tears and wears the life substance, Arnica apparently develops substances through which it withstands the dangers of injury from below and above.”3
GOETHE The German poet Goethe used Arnica to strengthen his heart. From his deathbed, he wrote: “When life and death began their struggle within me, I sensed how the hosts of life, this flower on their standard, forced the issue, and the stagnating forces of the enemy, the deathly oppressive powers, meet their Austerlitz. Rejuvenated in my recovery I praise this herb most highly, yet in truth it is nature who praises herself, she who is truly inexhaustible, who creates this flower with its healing powers, and in doing so once more proclaims herself to be eternally procreative.”4
COMPOSITAE Structurally, the family of the Compositae is considered the crown of the vegetable kingdom, as it has attained its maximum degree of specialization in its rayed and tubular florets. “Compositae in which the basic theme of the family has been fully developed, have tubular disk-florets surrounded by a circlet of ligulate ray-florets. These look like petals because the corolla tube is slit open and spreads out horizontally, like a tongue or strap. The disk-florets [tubular] tend to be hermaphrodite and have stamens and pistils, whilst the ray-florets are female, with pistils only. If the whole capitulum consists of ligulate florets, these are hermaphrodite. In some species, all the florets are tubular. Thus the thistles produce only tubular florets, chicory and dandelion only ligulate florets. The sunflower, ox-eye daisy, garden marigold and arnica appear to have achieved perfection in this respect, for they produce a distinct periphery and centre, outer circlet and disc, and the whole is in equilibrium. … In all, the Compositae type may be said to be very plastic and variable, with little tendency to harden. It is intimately bound up with the cosmic spheres, the world of light, and shuns darkness and proliferative moisture.”5
CONSTITUENTS COMPOSITAE Compositae do not accumulate aluminium, but many do accumulate selenium. Arnica contains sesquiterpene lactones [helenaline], flavonoids, volatile oil [thymol], polysaccharides [inulin] and mucilage. Inulin occurs in many plants of the family Compositae. Stored in their underground organs in autumn and winter, it partially or completely replaces starch as a reserve food. It is a “strange compound somewhere between the sugar and the starch processes which reminds somehow of ‘liver starch’ [glycogen].”6 Inulin passes unabsorbed through the digestive system, remaining neutral to cellular activity, and thus is used to sweeten foods consumed by diabetic patients. Plant species with the highest amounts in inulin are, in order of importance: Chicory [Cichorium], Burdock [Arctium lappa], Elecampane [Inula], Dandelion [Taraxacum], Coneflower [Echinacea], Costus [Saussurea], and Arnica. These are all composites. Inulin has antidiabetic, gastrostimulant, hypoglycaemic, immunostimulant, lipolytic, and probiotic actions. The ash of Arnica montana contains manganese.
PROVING •• [1] Hahnemann – 10 provers; method: unknown.
•• [2] Jörg – 11 provers [10 males, 1 female], 1823; method: repeated doses of 1/2 to 8 ounces of infusion of flowers, or of 6 to 65 drops of tincture, for periods ranging from 2 to 16 days.
•• [3] Von Szontagh – self-experimentation; daily doses of 3 drops of 3x for 5 days; daily doses of mother tincture in amounts increasing from 1 drop on first day to 100 drops on 18th day.
[1] Potter, A Compend of Materia Medica. [2] Fischer-Rizzi, Medicine of the Earth. [3] Gutman, Homoeopathy. [4-6] Pelikan, Healing Plants.
BLOOD. BLOOD VESSELS. Nerves. Muscles. Digestive organs.
Worse: INJURIES [BRUISES; shock; jarring; labour; over-exertion; sprains]. TOUCH. After sleep. Motion. Old age. Alcohol. Rest, lying long on one side. Damp, cold. Blowing nose. Sugar.
Better: Lying [with head low; outstretched]. Open air, cold bathing. Uncovering. Changing position. Sitting erect. Wind in face.
Main symptoms
M Obstinate and headstrong resistance to other people’s opinions.
Would like to quarrel with everybody. Up against the whole world.
Wants to know better than everybody; no one can take him up.
Disdainful and imperious. Opinionated.
Thinks he has an important task to perform.
• “Inclination to perform greater literary work than can be accomplished without injury to health.”
• “Uneasiness of body and mind, feeling as if prevented from doing something necessary.” [Allen]
• “The need to be able to face an ordeal with the fear of failure behind it. In order to overcome the obstacles placed before them they must be strong and not lose control, acting as if they know better than the other person does. They will even push themselves way past what would be normally required of them. Even when they are unwell they will keep on pushing themselves to finish the task at hand because of this fear of failing. … Consider the situation in which the plant is found, on the mountain side, a place common for trauma and away from any further assistance, the injured would need to be able to rally themselves in those instances to push on for more assistance. Here it would draw on one’s reserves to keep going, even when more than likely you felt it would be best to stop. To stop would be perilous as your survival depends on getting to your destiny and you would have to put on a ‘brave face’ in front of others to show that you are capable. This would also be seen in situations of battle where trauma and injury were common place and again it was important to keep going and be strong.”1
• “Whatever the injury an ‘It won’t really hurt me’ attitude. A reaction of the ‘hero.’ If there is lung cancer, still continuing to smoke, getting on with their normal life. It is a demonstration that they can overcome everything. No surrender. Dictatorial behaviour, with the same weakness of all dictatorial people. Black and white thinking, very rigid. You don’t find them so much in a place of power, it is more apparent in the way they behave and think. This is the way things are and that’s it! They can not deviate from their own way of thinking. The thought that another person might enter this tower, feels like an injury. In our culture we occasionally find this kind of very superficial attitude, for example in single-minded sportsmen. … The main idea is to be conservative and to retain one’s structure. They need to be conservative in order to do so.”2
M The School of Hard Knocks.
• “Arnica corresponds to people who ‘push themselves too hard’ and work themselves to death. They want to be indispensable, and throw themselves into great, heroic activity, where they are certain to receive the maximum number of blows, the greatest amount of distress. If the first marathoner had taken Arnica, perhaps he would not have died at the end of his run. Why did he want to run so fast without stopping? Why did he not pass the baton to another? Arnica must learn that no one is alone on this earth, that we must delegate to others, not sustain them by our effort alone.” [Grandgeorge]
• “This is what I often find in the case histories, a tendency to injure or hurt themselves – Arnica people place themselves in Arnica situations. … Important to Arnica is to be strong in all situations, even when ill. … Doing something wrong and being caught is something they want to avoid, hence they are critical of others doing something they wouldn’t do.”3
M Whole body OVERSENSITIVE; wants to be left alone; says there is nothing the matter with him, sends the doctor away.
Fear of TOUCH.
• “I have seen oversensitiveness of the body alternating with oversensitiveness of the disposition, and even occurring at the same time.” [Hahnemann]
M STARTING FROM SLEEP, caused by frightful dreams, after an accident or injury; awakes in terror; horror of instant death.
• “Patients who are fearful but fear remains at night after an accident [Fear persists day and night: Op.].” [Mathur]
Nightmares after an accident.
M Patients who worry and exaggerate trivial symptoms.
M Ailments from injuries, physical [esp. soft parts] or mental [trauma or grief; remorse; sudden financial loss; fright, anger].
Due to mental or physical SHOCK.
G Mental symptoms alternate with uterine symptoms. [Mathur]
G Bad effects of mechanical injury, even of remote origin.
G < NIGHT. G < Becoming heated; > cold bathing.
G SORE, BRUISED SENSATION all over body, or of affected part.
Sensation as if bed is too hard. Has to change position frequently.
Pain as if beaten.
G OFFENSIVE discharges.
[breath, taste, eructations, vomit, flatus, stool, sweat, smell of spoiled eggs]
• “Persons who remain long impressed by even slightest mechanical injuries.” [Mathur]
• “Prevents post-partum haemorrhage and puerperal complications if given just after delivery.” [Mathur]
G Left-sided paralysis.
And Full, strong pulse, sighing, muttering and stertorous breathing.
And Unconsciousness.
P Congestion to head, and heat; nose and body cold.
P Meningitis/epilepsy from traumatic injuries.
P Ménière’s disease.
And Vertigo [inclined to fall to the left], salivation, deafness, vomiting, coldness in occiput.
P Hoarseness or cough from overexertion of larynx [singers, clergymen, military men].
P Gout or rheumatism and great fear of being touched.
P Very painful acne and small boils.
[1] Avedissian, “I am o.k. , are you o. k?”, Arnica montana and its use in constitutional cases, HL 1/97. [2] Mangialavori, “Someone who doesn’t forget pains”, Arnica montana, HL 1/97 [3] Avedissian, ibid.
Anger alternating with lamenting [1/1], when obliged to answer [2]. Answers, stupor returns quickly after answering [2]. Delirium declares she is well [2]. Delusion is going to have a heart disease and die [1]. Dictatorial, talking with air of command [1]. Fear of others approaching him [3], lest he be touched [3/1], of death at night [2], of death when alone [2; Crot-c.*], of sudden death [2], of touch [2]. Obstinate, declares there is nothing the matter with him [3]. Desire to be useful [1; Aur.*; Cere-b.].
When reading too long [1; Arg-met.*].
Pain on being roused from sleep [2]; as from a nail during menses [1]; as if hair were pulled out of occiput [1].
Diplopia on looking downward [2].
Noises caused by rush of blood to head [1/1].
His own voice seems distant [1]. Impaired after concussion [3].
Heat in nose, cold to touch [1/1].
Putrid odour[breath] after anger [1/1]. Taste like rotten eggs [3].
Pain, > stooping [1/1].
Sensation of a ball rolling in stomach [1/1]. Feeling as if stomach were pressing against spine [1/1]. Vomiting from movements of foetus [1/1].
Constipation after injury [1/1]. Diarrhoea after injury [2/1].
Suppression of urine from concussion of spinal column [2], with perspiration [1].
Abnormal position of foetus, as if lying crosswise [2/1]. Menses copious from shocks [1], foamy [1].
Sensation of coldness in region of heart [1].
Pain on retaining urine [1].
Disturbed, from movement of foetus [1].
Being buried alive [2]. Dogs [2]; black dogs [2/1]. Graves [2]. Lightning [2], and thunderstorms [2]. Repeating [2].
Eruptions, small boils [3].
* Repertory additions.
Aversion: [2]: Food; meat; milk; smoking; soup. [1]: Brandy; cold drinks; tobacco.
Desire: [2]: Brandy; sour; whisky. [1]: Alcohol; beer; cold drinks; pickles; vinegar.
Worse: [2]: Wine. [1]: Coffee.
Better: [1]: Coffee.

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Range of Use. – Affections arising from mechanical injuries; bruises, sprains and wounds, principally inflicted by blunt instruments, bites, dislocations, sprains and fractures; stings of insects; corns, by an external use, when sensitive and painful; rheumatism, with tearing pains; tingling, burning pains, as if bruised; affections arising from a shock or fall, or bruise, or

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from lifting; rushes of blood to the head; heat in the head, and cold feet; pains aggravated by talking or gentle exercise, and apoplexy; wounds caused by bruises, bites or boils; hot, hard, shining swellings; drowsiness in daytime, and in the evening at an early hour; anxious and frightful dreams; chilliness in the evening, and fever; intermittent fevers, with a good deal of thirst, the fever preceded by pains in the limbs and bones as if bruised; puerperal fever; anxious and sad, hypochondriacal and inconsolable; vertigo when walking; pressing headache, especially in the forehead; jerking, tearing and stitching in the head; rush of blood to the head, with burning heat in the head, the body being cool or naturally warm; headache caused by a fall; external tingling of the scalp upon the top of the head; tingling around the eyes · inflammation of the eyes from injury; swollen lids; eyes without lustre, and profuse discharge of burning tears; pain in the ears as if bruised; long stitches in and behind the ears; roaring in the ears, and deafness after injuries; sensation as if the nose were bruised; swelling and bleeding of the nose; countenance pale and sunken; redness of one cheek only; beating or tingling of the cheeks; swelling of the cheeks; cracked borders of the lips; pain in teeth, with swelling of the cheeks; disagreeable tingling of the gums; spitting of blood; dry or white coated tongue; burning in the throat; putrid taste in the mouth; bitter taste in the morning; aversion to meat; bitter or putrid risings, or empty risings from the stomach; gulping up of bitter mucus; inclination to vomit early in the morning; empty retching and inclination to vomit; vomiting of coagulated food; and vomiting of milk and blood after drinking; fulness in the stomach; stitches in the pit of the stomach, with pressure, extending to the back, and tightness of the chest; stitches in the left side when walking, arresting the breath and painful; colic after lifting; pain in the sides of the abdomen as if bruised; watery diarrhoea, and involuntary at night; thin stools after several ineffectual attempts; unable to urinate, with pressure in the bladder; brown urine, with brick-dust sediment; blood mixed with the urine; blue red swelling of the penis and scrotum; swelling of the testicles, and dropsy of the testicles; and in females, premature courses, and after-pains in women who have been confined, very severe and of long duration; dry cough, after crying of children; hooping-cough; expectoration of blood, with oppressed breathing; shooting stitches and pains in the head when coughing; oppressed breathing; anxious panting or short breathing; fetid breath; stitches in the chest that interrupts the breath; rheumatic pains in the side as if sore and bruised; soreness of the nipples; pain as if beaten in the small of the back; tingling along the spine; pain in the arm as if bruised, with tingling in the arm and sprains of the wrist; bruised, painful feeling in the hands; bruised feeling in the legs and feet; drawing and weariness in the thighs; tearing pains in the knee, and a feeling as if the tendons were too short, aggravated when walking; tingling in the feet; swelling and erysipelas of the feet; toes hot, red and swollen,

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-Wilhelm Karo.

The drug for nervous, plethoric, sanguine women, who cannot

General Symptoms.
Serious pain in the whole body. Face hot, reddened, general lassitude. Throbbing burning, stitching pains.

Special Symptoms.
Menstruation profuse, especially after a concussion as form a blow or fall, or a shock to the system. Menstrual flow bright red colour, mixed with coagula. Metrorrhagia after difficult labour, attended with nausea in the pit of the stomach. Sore, bruised feeling throughout the body. Cold extremities.

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-G. H. Clarke

Soreness allover body.
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asthenic continued fevers with rapid pulse, dry skin, flushed face, foul mucous coating on the tongue and bloated bowels. feeling of soreness throughout the body, everything on which the patient lies seems too hard. Myalgia or pleurodynia from over-exertion. Chronic muscular stiffness of laborers. Heart affections consequent upon over exertion.
Frequent and weak, or slow weak pulse. great muscular weakness, debility. collapse. Cold extremities, dilated pupils. violent piercing pains in the forehead and occiput, or dull pressing headache.1 Nausea, vomiting, giddiness, oppression. Distension of the abdomen with sensation of pressure and soreness. Bloated, sensitive abdomen, with watery or slimy discharges from the bowels having a foetid smell, and accompanied with much flatulence.2.
Extractum arnicae radicis fluidum, 5-10 m. Tinctura arnicae radicis, 10-30 m. Tinctura arnicae florum, 10-30 m. Use one drop of the tincture or of the first or second decimal dilution every half hour or hour.

sore an lamness back.

Should be used where the typhoid state is present in continued fevers, and for the various complicating inflammatory conditions.1-2. Pulse accelerated, skin dry and rather cool, face flushed and burning, tongue coated with foul mucus, bowls bloated. fecal matter hard, or discharge of foul smelling mucus with much rumbling. Urine saturated and of bad odor. cerebral symptoms suggest presence of fluid in the ventricles.1-2. General malaise, feeling of soreness throughout the whole body, almost constant nausea, pain in the stomach, vomiting of food mingled with blood. 1-2. Febrile diseases and inflammations where the conditions are asthenic.1. Dysentery where the typhoid and inflammatory state is present.1-2. chronic muscular stiffness of laborers. Heart affections consequent upon over-exertion. Cardiac hypertrophy of boating men. Myalgia from over-exertion of healthy muscles or normal use of weak ones. (See Rhus tox). Pleurodynia from over-exertion. chronic tenesmus produced by long retention of urine. Chronic condition of shock resulting from railway injury. To be given after child-birth. (Internally and in hot moist compresses upon vulva). sensitiveness of the body to pressure, everything on which the patient lies seems too hard. Mania and melancholia in conditions o asthenia. Boils. (Locally and internally).

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