This is a very frequently indicated remedy, particularly in fevers of childhood.
 KENT:……all the symptoms seem to centre about the stomach; it does not matter what kind of complaints he suffers from, the stomach takes part in it.”
 ”Loathing of life’ You will find this especially in low, lingering, continued fever, such as typhoid. This remedy has all the prostration of typhoid, and it has the continued type of fever as well as the intermittent and remittent.”
 ”The whole tongue is covered with a milky white coating. This you will find in all diseases where the remedy is indicated.”
 Causation: “Fevers from swimming or getting wet (Rhus-t.).”
 ”The child is fretful, peevish, cannot bear to be touched or looked at; sulky, does not wish to speak; angry at every attention.”
 ”Heat is thickly coated; milky white is characteristic.”
 ”Predominance of gastric complaints.”
 ”Ant.-c. will often relieve, where puls. Or Ip. Seem indicated and fail. Gastric complaints usually presents; acts promptly and cures completely.”
 Frequent relapse from gastric derangement, in all types of fever, especially from over eating during typhoid convalescence.”
 CLINICAL: Typhoid; lingering fevers; remittent or intermittent fevers; high fever with fluctuating temperature.
 POTENCY: 6, 30 and 200 are generally used.
 RELATIONSHIP: Compare: Bry., Champ., Ipec., Puls.,
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[…] granules, as needed : every 2 hours: ALOE 4C every 6 hours: ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 4C •one does : in case of alcohol excesses: NUX VOMICA 7C in case of fruit excesses: ARSENICUM […]

10 years ago

Thank for this nice article. In line number 13 Heat is coated to be as Tongue is coated…

 – Crude antimony, protosulphuret of antimony.
 – This mineral exists in great abundance in nature; it is the principal constituent of the gangue from which the metallic antimony is extracted.
 – It is of a dark blueish-gray color, crystallises in long needles that are united in compact masses, and is less shining, lighter and weaker than antimony.
 – Fire decomposes it by disengaging from it sulphurous vapors, and reducing it to the condition of oxyde.
 – With water, it forms a fire-colored hydrate.
 – It is this native sulphuret that was formerly employed in medicine under the name of antimony.
 – But, inasmuch as it is only imperfectly purified by melting, (for after melting it twice, traces of arsenic are still found in it,) it is best to use for medicinal purposes, the artificial protosulphuret of antimony, which is obtained directly, by melting together two parts and a-half of antimony, and one of sulphur.
 – Empirical applications.
 – Few drugs have made as much noise in the medical world as antimony.
 – It was known in the remotest antiquity.
 – Hippocrates, Galenus, Plinius and Dioscorides mention it;* Basile-Valentin, ranks it among the heroic drugs* in the fifteenth century.
 – From the arcana of Paracelsus, it was afterwards transferred into common use as an almost universal panacea, and, during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, became the object of such violent disputes among doctors, that parliament was obliged to interfere, and to interdict the use of this drug.
 – This interdiction remained in force from the year 1566, until the 16th of April, 166, when it was revoked at the instance of the Medical Faculty of Paris, one hundred and two members of which, at last united to give their assent to the use of antimonial preparations.*
 – It is to be remarked, that the idle and noisy discussions which were carried on at this period on the subject of antimony, did not throw any light on the therapeutic properties of this drug.
 – The only result was, that it was registered as a purgative in the Codex of 1677.
 – At a later period, it was transformed into a stomach-strengthening drug, a sudorific, a cleansing medicine, a dissolvent, and lastly, an emetic, although the chemical physiologists of our time, only account for the power which this sulphuret possesses, of exciting vomiting, upon the ground that the crude antimony is decomposed by the gastric fluids.
 – Crude antimony has been lauded in scrofula and glandular obstructions, intermittent fevers, convulsions, certain chronic affections of the skin, such as favus, lichen, scald-head, ulcers in the face, metastatic ophthalmia, bronchial catarrh, gastric derangement, colic, dropsy, worm-affections, dysentery, gonorrhoea, etc. *
 – A number of authors, among whom I may mention Knuckle, Hermann and Fr. Hoffmann, * consider crude antimony an heroic remedy for rheumatic pains and gout.
 – According to Merat and Delens, crude antimony is endowed with a faculty of making people fat; this, at least, is the effect which they say it produces in animals, especially swine, which it cures of the measles.
 – The same authors relate, without guaranteeing the correctness of their statement, that Kunckel cured himself of marasmus which had reached the highest point of development, by means of the tablets that bear his name, and of which the sulphuret of antimony constitutes the principal ingredient. *
 – Modern alloeopaths have abandoned the use of crude antimony almost completely.*
 – Homoeopathic applications.
 – Antimony is particularly indicated by the following symptoms.
 – Loathing of life; sadness, with weeping and impressibility; rush of blood to the head; gnawing pain on the top of the head, apparently in the periosteum; fatiguing itching of the head, with falling off of the hair; redness and inflammation of the eyelids; chronic blepharophthalmia, (of children;) crusts and cracks of the nostrils; suppurating and longlasting eruption on the cheeks; cracks at the corners of the mouth; gnawing pain in the carious teeth; after every meal; loss of appetite, for a long time; habitual sensation in the stomach, as if over-loaded; eructations, tasting of the ingesta; loathing, nausea and desire to vomit; cutting colic, with loss of appetite; bread and pastry particularly occasion nausea and cutting colic; aggravation of gastric symptoms by wine, even when diluted with water; constant discharge of flatulence by the mouth and rectum, which is reproduced as soon as discharged, for years; alternate diarrhoea and constipation; hard, difficult stool; constant secretion of a yellowish-white mucus at the anus; frequent and profuse emission of urine; chronic catarrh of the bladder.
 – Stuffing of the nose; chronic angina, with sensation as if a foreign body had lodged in the throat, which gives rise to a constant desire of wallowing empty; cough and oppression on the chest; rheumatic pains at the nape of the neck and loins; painful inflammation of the tendons, elbow, with intense redness, and contraction fo the arm; arthritic pains in the fingers; numbness of the legs during rest and while sitting; pulling pains in the lower limbs; callosities at the soles of the feet; sensitiveness to cold; quotidian or tertian intermittent fever, with loathing, nausea, vomiting, cutting in the bowels and diarrhoea; obesity; emaciation.
 – Hep. sulph. Calc. and Merc. sol. are said to antidote Antim. crud.
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Antimony is a metal which lies in the periodic table, between Arsenic and Bismuth. The remedies of the group Phosphorus, Arsenicum, Antimonium and Bismuthum shut out or exclude others and isolate themselves.
Phosphorus feels that he is not getting enough attention and feels secure only when amongst a lot of friends, receiving a lot of attention and love. Arsenicum views the world as threatening and feels isolated and insecure; he feels secure in the company of only a few. Antimonium feels that he has been disappointed and needs to isolate himself; he feels secure in the company of still fewer people. Bismuth feels very alone and will be secure in the company of only one person, i.e. the mother.

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Antimonium crudum is the sulphide of antimony. In it, we see the Antimonium feeling of being let down and disappointed by others, and therefore the need to narrow one’s circle, to isolate oneself. Also present are the Sulphur symptoms of theorizing and fantasizing. These combine to make Antimonium crudum a person who has narrowed himself down, and who starts fantasizing.
The patient finds the world around him so disappointing that he simply shuts it out, and conjures up an illusionary, ideal world that he starts living in. He longs for that which he misses or has been disappointed by: he becomes nostalgic and longs for the past, for his native land, for the ideal woman – the woman of his dreams. He becomes poetic and sentimental. Poetry often expresses his inner wishes. He is lost in this idealization. It differs from Cannabis indica or other drug remedies, because he does not create a fantasy, but only longs for and creates his ideal and becomes very sentimental. Whereas Cannabis indica fantasizes, Antimonium crudum idealizes. Antimonium crudum’s idea is a perfection of the real, perhaps practically impossible, but fundamentally reality based. The fantasies of the “drug group” of remedies, on the other hand, are fundamentally not of this world to begin with. For example he may be disappointed in love and then projects all his idealizations onto another woman, she becomes his dream girl. He does not want to face the reality of things because reality is so disappointing that he could become suicidal. He becomes dull, does not want to be touched or approached, does not want to be looked at or spoken to, does not like any attention. He is fond of solitude, and especially likes to be by himself in the moonlight.
The physical symptoms are the desire to overeat, and the aggravation from the same. It also has ailments from vaccination.
– Ailments from love, disappointed.
– Sentimental in the moonlight.
– Verses makes.
– Fancies, exaltation, of.
– Looked at, cannot bear to be.
– Anger when touched.
– Suicidal disposition.
– Dreams, native country.
– Dreams, seeing again an old schoolmate.
– Desires, woman, ideal.
Phatak’s materia medica
So busy with oneself, one forgets to urinate or defecate, eats only when asked… Nervous, hysterical women and girls who are overcome by mellow light from stained glass windows.

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– Wilhelm Karo.

Is the drug of old women, troubled with gastric, intestinal and

General Indications.
Metabolic disorders, nausea, indigestion, tongue with thick white coat, eructations, burning spasmodic pain in the pit of the stomach after eating. Craving for coffee and pickles. Aversion to solid food and milk. Skin diseases, especially corns and callosities on the soles of the feet. Aggravation by wet cold, cold bath, by sun or fire heat. Better by rest and in the open air.

Special Symptoms.
Menstruation premature and profuse and of too short duration, menstrual flow pale or watery, accompanied with painful urging to urinate. Viscid, white, mucous leucorrhoea, worse when sitting.

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– Gladstone Clarke.


Woman in sentimental
mood in Moon light.

 1. Adapted to the extremes of life: esp. to young people inclined to grow fat. 2. Mentals. Great sadness with weeping, esp. in intermittents. Sulkiness, no wish to speak to people. In women, sentimental mood even ecstatic love, in the moonlight. 3. In children, fretful, peevish disposition; temper at every little attention; cannot bear to be touched. 4. Gastric disorders esp. from overeating; thick, milky-white coated tongue; loathing of food, nausea and tendency to vomit; desire for acids which (<). 5. Crusts and cracks about the nostrils and labial commissures. 6. Corns and callosities esp. on the soles of the feet-very tender when walking; deformed nails. 7. Alternation of constipation and watery diarrhoea esp. in old people. 8. Torpid state of the mucous membranes with excessive secretion; esp. mucous piles. continual oozing discharge staining yellow. 9. Reappearing symptoms change locality. 10. Modalities; (<) extreme of cold and heat; from taking cold esp. cold bathing; sun heat and radiated heat though many symptoms are ((>)) by heat.

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– Pulford
Sulky, sad, irritable, fretful, entire tongue covered with a milky white coating as if painted or whitewashed.


Aversion and aggravation
to cold water bathing.

Loathes: life, no desire to live, food; cold water, cannot bear it either internally or externally, has an aversion to cold water bathing, child cries on attempting it. Child cannot bear to be touched or looked at, goes into a temper from least attention. Stomach: takes part in all complaints calling for Ant-c., all the symptoms center around it, the complaints all manifested through it; feels overloaded all the time, retches, gags; desires and longs for acids and pickles; thirstless; cannot drink sour wine; eructations taste of ingesta; nausea. Membranes throw out a milky white deposit or exudate, like Kali-m., especially noticeable on tongue. Aggravation : night; wet. COMMENT.
Mind :
Sentimental in moonlight, in twilight, during diarrhoea and before menses; thoughts of suicide drive one out of bed; sad before chill. (L): Sulky. Extreme irritability and fretfulness are the key – notes. Both Cham. and Ant-c. are irritable, but Cham. desires to be carried. Loathes life, especially during lingering fever, contemplates death especially by shooting. Desponds, sad, weeps. Irresistible desire to talk in rhymes or to repeat verses. Startles at least noise, like Bor. So busy with oneself that one does not attend to either stool or urine, wants nothing. Eats only when asked.

Head :

Pain in temples
before menses

Boring pain in temples before menses. (L): Pain from cold bath. Aggravation: cold bath, especially in a river, takes cold from getting wet. Ache: from disordered stomach, especially from candy; from sour wine; amelioration only from prolonged vomiting. Hydrocephalus from suppressed eruption on head, especially with the gastric symptoms.

Humid spots in outer canthi, touch of sweat pains. (L): Burning pain, sore bruised pain and red, all of outer canthi. Red wart on lid. Chronic: sore eyes of child; valuable in blepharitis, pressure in eyes, red, agglutinate at night.

Nostrils crack. Corners of mouth and nose, sore, crack, crust. Every inhalation painful. Stuffs when heated in warm room, coryza tends to become chronic when it is aggravation at night, headache which in turn is aggravated when discharge slacks up. Dry, inhaled air burns like fire.

Face :

Aggravation from
Heat of stove.

Acne aggravation near fire; eczema aggravation heat of stove. Red from heat of fire; boil in corner of mouth; suppurating eruption. Eruption: suppurating, long lasting, on cheek; pimples; yellow crusts, pain; honey – colored sores on chin, pain on touch. Hot, red.

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